Indian Tacos


Oh so good!

Before I moved to this small town I never heard of Indian tacos. I have never tasted Indian tacos. I am talking about American Indian tacos.

A couple of years ago my husband and wanted to make authentic Indian tacos. Now you can find all kinds of recipes on the internet but they are nothing like the ones the American Indian’s make. We know because we tried some not the same. Sometimes Jeff co-workers will bring them in. He always gets me one and their yummy. Jeff works for an American Indian Tribe government.

It’s a secret recipe that each American Indian family has. Asking for the recipe from his co-workers no one will tell him the recipe. However my father-in-law is American Indian and he works the same place as Jeff. He knows quite a lot of people and one lady was nice enough to give us the recipe. I couldn’t believe we a got a recipe! Been trying for years to get one.

On Saturday March 7 2015 Jeff made Indian Tacos dough by hand. Yes! They tasted like Indian Tacos that Jeff brings home from work. So yummy! On Saturday my parents and my niece came over and we all had tacos. It was a great time. You really can’t go buy these tacos anywhere else. There are few restaurants here that make them but it’s more of a cultural thing.

If you ever get a chance to try an authentic Indian Taco go for it! You won’t regret it! They are so delicious!
