

That’s me!

Definition of a scatterbrain: a person who tends to be disorganized and lacking in concentration.

That so describes me because it’s not like I don’t want to pay attention or get one thing done. It is that I think about so much stuff all at once causes me to forget so many things. That is why I am always sending myself emails and writing things down.

It’s really bad because if my husband is upstairs and asks me to get something or do something downstairs. Once I am down there I always forget. So I get a lot of exercise going up and down the stairs. And that is true when it’s just me at home. I would be upstairs go downstairs to get something and totally forget. So I go upstairs “Oh yea” and then downstairs to get it. In fact I have to talk to myself once I am downstairs to remember to grab whatever it is. It’s worse when I have to go to the basement.

It would be cool if being a scatterbrain was a super power. Like if someone said something hurtful and I just forget about it like right away but unfortunately that is not how it works. Also being this way doesn’t mean I don’t remember everything. No, that is not how it is. I just forget the things I have to do at that moment but usually remember later in the day and write myself a note. It’s always the little things I forget not the big things. For example: I need to grab the mop from the basement, I get down there do laundry and go upstairs, forgetting the mop. It can be frustrating at times but I am learning to expect that is just how I am.

I feel kinda bad for my Russian friend because we email all the time and she asks me questions or says interesting things. When I email her I will forget to talk about the interesting things and I just focus on the questions. So the next time I email her I have to say sorry I didn’t say or sorry I didn’t add this last time and then continue. It’s bad! So Helen I know you are going to read this, sorry about that.

I have read that a lot of creative people are scatterbrains which doesn’t make it any better but that is my excuse. “Oh I am just really creative”. That is why I can’t remember what you told me just now or yesterday. When I think about it, it kinda makes me laugh because I should be in a cartoon with eight thousand hands all over the place trying to get everything done at once. But I guess in reality it’s really not that funny but I am trying to positive about it.

Being a scatterbrain also means I have many projects all at once. Seriously! But to my own credit I do get some done. I am not one of those that just let them be around forever. They do get done. However there are some projects that will take a lot longer depending on what they are. Like my cross stitching I have a project I need to finish so I will finish it and it will be awesome. But other projects like my writings those will last a really long time. When I say writings I mean my poetry and I am creating some stories but I will talk about those later.

So what do I think about? The real question is what I do not think about because I think about everything a lot. So what I am trying to do every day is take like 20 minutes listen to music and think about nothing which is really hard to do.



One day my husband came home from work and told me a story about his co-worker trying to learn Italian because he wants to go Italy someday. I was like really? Is he taking a class? Jeff said no he belongs to this website called So, generally I was curious about it and checked it out later that day. Once you go there, they had a video and go through what the site is all about. I decided to try it out and it is free. I picked Spanish because I took Spanish in school and figured I would learn this language.

I was impressed how many languages they had to offer. Also, a neat feature of this website is not only do you learn a new language; you get to chat to people from all over the world. And you can help others who are trying to learn your language. It’s a win-win situation. You learn a language, you can help others and you can talk to them using their chat feature in the site.

I got to chat with some people from Spain, Iraq, Africa and Russia but the most people that I chatted with are people from Brazil. If you didn’t know they speak Portuguese in Brazil. I made some connections with a few of people from Brazil. I even have three of them as Facebook friends. Even though it is neat to chat with them, I don’t really want to learn Portuguese. I am one foreign language person.

I met the coolest people but like everywhere you go on the internet there is always really horrible people. Yeah, I found them here too. I did have a scary stalker person. But Livemocha has a blocking system in place and you can write notes why you are blocking a person. So these horrible people and that stalker can’t find me on Livemocha’s website.

I have been on Livemocha for almost two years but later last year they changed their website completely. It was really confusing and some people had the new site and others had the old site. I feel they did a poor job of implementing the web change. I felt that they should have done WAY more testing before uploading it to any users. There were so many problems when they changed their website.

Because they did such a poor job of converting everyone and the hard time I had with the new site. I just stop going there. I no longer feel it’s worth my time or effort of being a Livemocha member. And not just the change of the site that made me not want to go there. I also decided I wanted to do something else with my time. So, partly the change of the website and a change of my mind that I no longer want to do this anymore however I do feel grateful to meet the people I did.

I also had something amazing happen to me on this website though. A woman contacted and asked me to be her American English teacher. To get this straight, almost everyone on that site has no training or has a degree in their own language. There is a place to say if you are teacher and have a degree but I am not one those people.

So I was taken back by this because like I said I have no degree in English. But I couldn’t miss this opportunity to help this person and potently meet a new friend. Now this is totally unlike me, I tend to shy away from these kinds of interactions because who knows who on the internet and I am not a social person. But like I said couldn’t pass the opportunity.

I am glad I said yes because this last April we will have been conversing for two years. Two years! Now I have a new friend from a different country which happens to be Russia. And I have to say I have been learning a lot more than I thought I would.

Little Caesars

Little Caesars

Pizza Pizza?

In my town there are four pizza’s places to choose from, Pizza Hut, Dominos, Papa Murphy’s and Little Caesars.  I have no idea why anyone would choose Little Caesars over the others. Maybe it’s the prices but it sure not for the taste.

I remember Little Caesars when I was kid. Those commercials were catchy. They had the Little Caesars mascot and he would say “Pizza, Pizza”. Two simple words but really easy to remember, I also thought their pizza tasted good. But then again I have tried food from my childhood like Chef Boyardee its awful!

The Little Caesars in my town has the worst service and don’t dare ask questions, they look at like you’re an idiot. There is an elderly lady who works there, I think she is the manager or owner not really sure but she has the worst attitude. Also there pizza tastes so awful. Their pizza tastes like licking Band-Aids. Ever lick a Band-Aid? Try it (I’ll wait) and now you tasted Little Caesars pizza. Gross!

The only reason I go there is because my husband likes their pizzas. He’s says their different and cheap. Yeah cheap, so cheap you can taste it!

“Pizza, Pizza?” Hell no!

Death Punch’D Review

coollogo_com-77751045(1)Surviving Five Finger Death Punch’s Metal Mayhem

By Jeremy Spencer

I don’t know why but I am totally being lazy on writing this review of this book because I finished it on September 9 2014. And it’s not because it wasn’t a good book, it was.

I was surprised by Jeremy’s intelligence. Not saying I think that he is dumb. No I do not think that at all. I actually had to look up some words. Kinda funny! Good think I have the internet. Could you imagine looking them up in a real dictionary? I am glad that I do not have to do that anymore.

Anyways this book shows how much crap Jeremy endured to get to where he is today. I am actually surprised that he is not dead because of all the drugs he did. There were so many!

I found one chapter to be the most disturbing. It’s the chapter where he and his friends go to the cemetery and disturbs people’s headstones. This chapter got to me because I thought it was so disrespectful. You would think all the graphic sex and drug taking would disturb me but nope.

In conclusion do not read this book if you just want to find out more about Five Finger Death Punch. You will be somewhat disappointed. This book is called a biography for a reason because it’s about a person’s life. I would recommend reading this biography it was put together very well and it’s a fast read.


7 Years

7 years

7 years today I have been married. Let me tell you it has been a roller-coaster but not a negative one, a fun one at times, frustrating but all in all the best decision of my life.

When I met Jeff I was 22 and he was 29. I was young considering I graduated high school when I was 19. Now that seems late but more than half of my class graduated at 19. I met Jeff on a dating site and I found him. Yes, I like pointing that out. The first time I saw his pic he was posing with a young girl who I thought was his daughter. Wrong! It was his roommate’s daughter. It’s kinda funny because Jeff doesn’t remember that pic. The other pic he had on there, he was wearing a red shirt, black pants and glasses. Totally cute! We talked on the site, then on the phone and finally had a date. Our first date was AWESOME! No guy ever treated me like that. Which I mean is held the door for me, super polite, paid for dinner. What? Paid for dinner? Yes, no I haven’t been on many dates but the ones I have been I always had to pay. It was totally cool and he walked me to my car.

During our “dating days” we hit some bumps but always worked them out. Just like now! Our wedding was a very traditional Catholic wedding. It’s funny because when we talk about our wedding, we both agree that we would have been fine with a small untraditional wedding. (Oh well!)

We have been married for 7 but have been together for 9 years. I have to say I love our relationship now and Jeff agrees. But I am glad we hit our “bumps” early on.

So here is my secret of a happy marriage: honesty. Yes, honesty and laughter. We tell each other EVERYTHING. No secrets! And we make each other laugh every day. You know that saying “never go to bed angry”. Well poppycock! I learned that sometimes not all the time to go to bed angry. Sometimes I or he just needs time to think about it. Also I can’t always be right. Yes I am wrong…sometimes.

Here is a wedding photo of us. Also Jeff would have been smiling but he got Bell’s Palsy before our wedding. If you don’t know what that is, it is a disorder of the nerves that controls movement of the muscles in the face. This can happen to anyone at any time and the doctors do not know what causes it. Kinda scary! Anyways we are, one of the best days ever!



Songs I never want to here again

coollogo_com-251551680Part One because there will always be annoying songs.

No Doubt-Don’t Speak

I love No Doubt always have and always will. Especially Gwen Stefani I think she is pretty and very talented. No Doubt was the first concert I ever went too. In the 90’s the song Don’t Speak was very popular and at first I thought it was good. The music video was pretty cool. But then it happen they played it everywhere and way too much. I went from “this song is okay” to “I absolutely hate this song forever”. Now when I hear it, I switch radio stations. Never again do I want to hear this song.

Soft Cell-Tainted Love

I loved this song for a long time. Now I can’t stand it. I think it’s my own fault because I listened to it many times. It’s in my Rock Band game and I can’t stand it. Please go away forever, Tainted Love.

Chevelle-Take Out the Gunman

This is a newer song of 2014. But just like No Doubt at first I didn’t mind it. Also I thought they were saying Take Out the Government not the Gunman. But they play this over and over. And if you listen to internet hard rock radio there is a good chance they play this song every 15 minutes sometimes right next to each other. I want to this song to fall in a volcano and never come back.

Unleashed-Don’t Want to be Born

When I first heard this song, I hated it. First it doesn’t make any sense. Second my husband loves this song, so I hear it often. I understand why he likes it, it’s a heavy song but please go join the other songs in a volcano. I will never like this song ever.

Sam and the Whoop-Bom Bom

This song is ridiculous, ridiculously stupid. Have you read the lyrics to this song? Google it, it’s so stupid. Someone (the band) just said hey what rhythms with this word? Hey Sam and the Whoop we are having a party at a volcano come and join us.

Tears for Fears-Shout

“Shout, shout let it all out” I will let it out, out the door. This song has no characteristics and they say the same thing over and over.

The Pretty Reckless-Heaven Knows

Hey hard rock radio station this song sucks! Stop playing it! The music video is dumb, there is a reason they are called a band and I want to see the actual band in the music video not just the lead singer. Can we say her ego is big? Why yes, yes we can!


Forever Albums

Forever Albums

I really didn’t know what to call this segment but “Forever Albums” seems about right. I am going to talk about the albums that I can listen to the whole thing and like every single song which is hard to find.

Foo Fighters Colour and Shape

The year is 1997 and I am 14 years old. I had a deal with my parents; if I got A’s in school for every A I get a CD. And I wasn’t one those students who got A’s all that often even though I work my ass off but I was a C student. So it was great accomplishment to get an A and an A meant a CD. I remember going to Best Buy and back then Best Buy was my key to awesome CDs. Remember, it’s the 90’s, so that means no iTunes or mp3s, we all had CDs. I couldn’t wait to go to Best Buy and get Foo Fighters album, the only thing is that this CD had a warning label on it. I couldn’t have albums with warning labels on them which made me want them more.

I remember picking up the album and feeling “Oh great, how I am going to get this past my mom?” So I showed it to my dad first. (Sneaky!) When I showed him he was like “Ooh Foo Fighters are good. You can get it.” Then my mom came over “No, it has a warning label on it.” My heart sank, I really wanted this album. My saving grace was my dad. He somehow convinced her it was going to be fine if I got it. I couldn’t wait to get home and play it.

To this day I can listen to it and love every track. Of course I no longer have the CD; I have it in digital form. Everyone knows the three famous tracks: Monkey Wrench, Everlong and My Hero. But here, listen to another “My Poor Brain”. It’s also a great track.


The Offspring Smash

Smash came out in 1994 but I didn’t start listening to them till 1995, so I was 12. I remember picking up this album because of the cover. The cover has a skeleton on it. How cool! I think these days the younger generation does not appreciate cover art but I always found it to be interesting. You can’t really get that from your computer screen; you have to see it in person. Also albums came with the cover and the insert tells you the tracks. I feel back in the 90’s, and earlier, there was some real thought in what goes into that insert. Not all the time but most of the time. I kinda miss that.

I remember The Offspring on the radio with the song “Self Esteem” because how it first plays out with the “La La La” was interesting. I had to have this album. I remember getting this album at Best Buy with my Mom and (BONUS!) no warning label. Remembering listening to “Self Esteem” first then rest of the album and finding I liked every single song.

Here is “Bad Habit” it’s a good “road rage” song or if you are just mad or enraged this song is awesome.


Green Day Dookie

This album came out in 1994 that would make me 11 but I probably was 12 or 13 when I found this album. I do not recall how I found this album but I pretty sure I heard them on the radio and fell in love with their sound. I actually bought this album at a used CD store. Which we do not have any more but in the 90’s they were thriving.

Since then I have been a Green Day fan but I would say I am a lover of the old Green Day. I find I do not like any of their new stuff. I wish they would go back to the 90’s and play like they used too. Not to say I do not like all of their new songs some are catchy. OMG! Green Day catchy ugh…….

Here this is my favorite song and you know it too, “When I Come Around”.


The Suicide Machines Destruction by Definition

Yeah I can talk about a Punk album; I do not consider Green Day punk. The year is 1996 for this album but I didn’t listen to The Suicide Machines till the video game Tony Hawk Pro Skater came out and “New Girl” was on the soundtrack. (I loved that game.) So not until 1999, I am 16 years old.

By this time I already loved Punk which is the genre I could listen to it no matter who is playing. Not saying I do not have my favorites because I do and one happens to be The Suicide Machines. Their sound is fun to listen to as well.

This is one of my favorite tracks from the album, it’s called “Vans Song”. It’s a fun song about a shoe brand which I use to wear all the time back in the 90’s.


Reel Big Fish Turn Off The Radio

Ooo ska punk! The year is 1996 and I am 13. I remember this album like it was yesterday. I’ve owned two copies because the first one was destroyed by my younger brother. When I saw “Sell Out” on MTV it was a game changer. Not just Ska but Ska Punk! Can there be anything better? (If you say yes, well good for you.) I even saw them live at Warp Tour. Now that was cool! Even though I was in the way back. Something about the punk sound and horns is just an amazing sound.

Well we all know “Sell Out” and “Everything Sucks”. Here is another “Beer”.


Default The Fallout

This album came out in the year 2001, I am 18 and still in high school. I love the lead singer’s voice who is Dallas Smith. Unfortunately the lead singer now sings country. Kinda disappointed in that because I love this album so much and now he does not sound like Default. Not saying he is a bad singer in fact the opposite he is a really good singer. I expect one thing but got another like alternative to country. Everyone knows the song “Wasting Time” that is the reason I bought the album but fell in love with the whole thing.

My favorite song is “Faded” and that is the song I am going to leave you with. This song makes you think. Love it!

Death Punch’D


By Jeremy Spencer

I got my copy on the day it came out September 2 2014 and I have to say I am impressed with Amazon. I got it right away on the day that everyone else has to go to the store or try to buy it online. Which we all know is a nightmare when you are waiting for something you want to hear or read. Whether it be an album or a book.

Let’s look at it. See the pics below:


Looks nice, graphics on the jacket look nice, crisp and I like the colors, some books I read I think the colors are hideous. Also I am one those people who doesn’t even keep the jacket on, I like to read it without. I find jackets to fall off and distracting. So when taking off the jacket it’s black and red. Classy!

This book comes with….you guess it, glossy pictures in the middle. Cool, I like those. Can’t really get that in a kindle, your phone or other devices.

If you have ever read a biography about a musician, or any other person in the entertainment world you know it’s going to be a fast read. Not saying as a bad thing. If you look at this book or any others in the entertainment world the sentences are always spaced out and easy to read which is good. Just saying if you read a historical figure the sentences are always really close together and the book you can use it as a paper weight. Doesn’t make that a bad thing, it’s just a thing.

If you are a Five Finger Death Punch fan you need to get and read this book.

Bonus! If this is your first time reading a musician’s book you will be in for a treat.

If it is not you will still learn many things but you won’t be surprised about all the drugs and sex it will contain.

I will be doing a full review of this book when I am done reading it.