Random Thoughts


I created Random Thoughts area because these are thoughts that have nothing to do with anything. I just thought of them randomly.

I just bought some new shoes. I remember when shoes came with all the same laces. When did shoes changed from flat laces to the tube laces? I hate those tube laces they never stay tied and they are always so long. So now when I buys shoes have to buy flat shoe laces. Since I have to buy new shoe laces it does force my creative side to come out. I say this because white, black and brown shoe laces are boring unless that is all that comes in the length I need. But I like to buy the funky laces. Unfortunately this time had to buy black laces. Oh well next time.


Driving around yesterday and I was wondering why people still have their Christmas decorations up. I understand the lights on the house as long as they don’t put them on at night. Those things are a pain to put up, easier to just leave them there. But the decorations in the yard? Is that necessary? Are you that lazy that you can’t put those away? There is house behind us that still has their candy canes in the yard. Seriously Christmas was almost two months ago. It’s going to be Easter soon.

I am starting to read more books. When I was younger I read all the time. Now that the internet is so popular I lost my way from books to the internet. I read a lot of things during the day but not books. At one time I could had fill a little room with all the books I had. Finally I went through them and donated a lot of books that I just wasn’t going to read. Some of these books I have had for years! Some of my books I couldn’t part with. A lot of the books I couldn’t find digital replacement for. Some I just really like and would read them again. I separate those books to some books I have to read and get rid of. What sucks though is some are sequels and I know when I get to them I am not going to remember the first book. My own fault. Then I was wondering why all books aren’t digital? I was discussing with my husband and he said because if a book doesn’t have a demand for it why make it digital. True! But some books out there are crap yet they are digital. So I guess really don’t understand that.

Another thing I don’t understand is checks. What is this? The year before the 2000’s? Confession I have never successfully written a check. I say it that way because I have always had someone fill out most of it. I remember in school they would teach you how to write a check. I figure better to pay with cash back then. Why isn’t everything electronic now? Even if you don’t have cash let’s say food stamps. I was on those for a bit in my life. Food stamps aren’t food stamps anymore they were at one time. Instead of stamps they give you a card. You know a pre-paid card. Even the state got with the program. I think they should just get rid of the check most people just don’t know how to fill them out anyways. Let’s just go with card instead. It’s so much easier or pay with cash.


coollogo_com-15655352So Yummy!

This year for my New Year’s Resolution I decided to give up soda. If you are from Wisconsin then pop or soda pop. Even though I am from Wisconsin I say soda.

This is hard for me because I love soda. I love Coke, Cherry Pepsi, AW Root Beer and Cream Soda. These sodas are my favorite. Also Sprechers Soda which is made in Wisconsin and it comes in a bottle. Sprechers cream soda is my favorite then Sprechers root beer.

Giving up soda is so hard because if I go to someone house they offer soda. Go to a party guess what they have to drink…soda! During Holiday’s, birthdays we drink soda, fast food and soda. Got to have pizza and soda.

Also some vending machines you can get soda for fifty cents to seventy five cents. Cheap for a can of soda even if it is an off brand. Talking about off brand soda. When I was growing up there was this off brand soda called Jolly Good. This soda made me fall in love with cream soda. That rich vanilla flavor soda so yummy. Going to the store you can mix and match the Jolly Good for really cheap and get twelve cans. Unfortunately Jolly Good is not around anymore.

I love the taste of soda. The bubbles and the sugar is so yummy. The reason why I chose to give up soda is for a couple reasons. One to lose some more weight. Two soda upsets my stomach especially Dr. Pepper and Coke. I love the taste of soda hates how it makes me feel even the next day. Soda makes me feel very tired as well.

I am proud of myself going fifty days without soda because it’s hard for me. Also doesn’t help when my husband loves soda and drinks it in front of me. So hard not to want a can too. But I am determine to go the rest of the year without soda.

Metro Last Light


I accidently came across this game on the internet. I think it was on YouTube. Sometimes I look around the internet to find video games to play. This game looked interesting to me and it’s a sci-fi game.

First of I didn’t know this game was based on book. It’s based on Metro 2033 by Dmitry Glukhovsky. Secondly I didn’t know this was the sequel to the game Metro 2033. Metro 2033 is not available for the PS3.

The graphics are really well done. Bonus! I got it for a really good price $11.00 on amazon. Now this game was on sale when I got it. Regularly $16.00. Still a good deal for a really good game. I have a rule if I want to play game that I have no idea how it’s going to be. Twenty dollars or less is a perfect price to try out a game. And if I do not like it then it feels like I didn’t waste a whole lot of money on it. I also like to read reviews and look up videos of gameplay on the game. Yes I like to do a little research on a game before buying. I like to see what people say about the game and sometimes I can be swayed not to buy or to buy. But what I have noticed that I usually like the game that a lot people do not like. This game had mixed reviews. So I had to try it and I am glad I got it. It’s really great game except one thing. I do have a feeling that the replay value is going to be low because there isn’t really any choices you make and no side missions.

Metro Last Light the characters are well done and I love their accents. This game is based in Moscow Russia. So the characters are Russian even the all-around the Metro has Russian words and Russians signs. You can pick what language you want in the beginning. To be ethnic you can pick Russian of course I chose English. The voice actors are great and I love their Russian accents.

I study the Russian language for about a year. It’s neat to be able to cypher the letters and understand some of the words on the signs or the back of the characters uniforms without looking them up. Of course some of the signs are easy to understand what they say because of how they look without trying to cypher what they mean. Also when the characters swear in Russian I do understand what they say. They like to say bitch a lot in Russian. Funny!

Also the AI’s in this are awesome! When hiding and waiting for them to come by or when trying to find where they are they say things like I will find you or that guy was good guy after you killed a guy. It’s funny and it’s easy to find them in the room your place you are in.

The feel of the game I like and I like you get options of either being stealthy or go guns a blazin’. I hate stealth missions and games solely based on stealth. I am the player who likes to go guns a blazin’. I do not mind if there are some missions I have to be stealthy because their usually missions like that in any game and this game has them.

I like this game so far. Like any game there are some frustrating parts but all in all it’s good. The atmosphere of the game is great! The characters are not outrageous and can be related too. It’s a good first person game and I like the story. Another reason I like this game there no pressure to play online.


Awkward Buying


There are only a few things that are awkward for me to buy in the store. Underwear and beds. Both are guesting games if I am going to like them or not.

Recently we had to buy a bed. It’s so awkward buying a bed because you have to lay down on them in the store with strangers. Well you don’t have to lie down with strangers they are in the store plus the sale person. (Silly!) Anyways it’s awkward because you have try out the bed to see if you like it and beds can be expensive.

I hate lying down in the store to try them out. It’s just very strange lying down in the store with lights on and the sales person asking if you like that one. Sometimes depending on the store they will lower the lights. Still you know they are watching you. Creepy! Plus depends on how you sleep is how you should try the bed. Good thing I am a side sleeper but my husband is a stomach sleeper. That is a bit weird to try out in the store. Also those pillows they have for you lie on are not really great pillows. Also how many people laid there head there?

Can’t really gauge how the bed is going to be when you get it home as well. Because in the store you don’t have your blanket, you are not in your pj’s. It’s just an awkward situation to buy a bed.

3 Resident Evil Characters


In Order

In my own opinion.


  1. Albert Wesker

Yes I understand that he is the bad guy but he is so cool. He has come so far in the series too. Wesker give us the bad guy to hate or in my case hate/love. He is so evil and wants to the ultimate bad guy he is intelligence and very cunning. How he tricks everyone in the first Resident Evil pretending to be the good guy working for RPD (Raccoon Police Department) and leader of S.T.A.R.S. Also he is very recognizable with his sunglasses and his slick blonde hair. I hate that they killed him in Resident Evil 5.

  1. Chris Redfield

The original player that you could have chosen in Resident Evil he had a knife. I have seen that a lot of people wish that Resident Evil would just kill him. Disagree so much! I think without Chris the series would fall apart. He is a huge big part of Resident Evil even though I dislike his storyline in Resident Evil 6. How he lost his memory is stupid. Other than that I love Chris he is the other side of Umbrella Corporation. He is the captain of BSAA (Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance) (I know nerd!) Anyways Chris is the solider for good.

  1. Jill Valentine

The other original player that you could have chosen in Resident Evil and she had gun. S.T.A.R.S, S.T.A.R.S! If you are a resident evil fan Nemesis says that a lot. S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics and Rescue Squad) (You don’t need to say it.) Anyways I love her because she a strong female character and she got a whole game to herself Nemesis. Great scary game but not scary like ghost. Scary like the Nemesis chases Jill throughout the game and she has to escape him. Never know where he is going to be. Heart pumping action. She is a bad ass and that outfit. I don’t need to say anything about that outfit she has on during the Nemesis. Chris and Jill are often partners and they make good partners too.

They never say but in my opinion I have two scenarios on how Chris and Jill are. First Chris and Jill got together at one point. Second Christ and Jill never got together because Chris and Jill are more like brother and sister relationship. But I am thinking of the first one being more realistic.

Silent Hill Movies


Mixed feelings.

When I heard that they were going to turn Silent Hill into a movie I had my doubts. We all know what happened to the Resident Evil movies. (If you don’t you are not missing anything.) I actually went and saw the first Silent Hill movie in theater which is rare. I rarely go to the movies so that means I really wanted to see it.

I was surprised because the first movie is great! It followed the story line of Silent Hill well. I like the two worlds. They really made the other world so creepy. It was amazing. Love the monsters. I liked it so much I saw it at least three times when it came out to DVD.

I was excited when they announced the second one. This one I didn’t get a chance to see it in theaters and I am glad I didn’t waste my money. It was horrible! Once again Hollywood screwed up a great franchise. What was the connection to Heather and other actor? It was dumb! The whole movie didn’t make any sense. It’s Resident Evil movies all over again. How disappointing.

If they do come out with a third movie. I will probably watch it maybe it will better. One can only hope.

Silent Hill


Scary Weird or Scary Good?

I would say both scary weird and good. Silent Hill has two worlds normal to crazy scary!

I played the original Silent Hill on Playstation. At first I didn’t know what to think but after while it got weird. I like the storyline and I like the psychological aspect of Silent Hill. I thought the school was the scariest part of the first game and that’s what I remember the most from it.

My favorite Silent Hill was and still is Silent Hill 2. Silent Hill 2 has nothing to do with the story line of Silent Hill. I am taking control of James Sunderland while he is searching for his dead wife. (His dead wife?) This game takes the creepy award. This is where the fog comes alive literally.

In Silent Hill 2 I met the mannequins and then mannequin spiders! (Who comes up with this?) Then the famous nurses you meet them in this game but they don’t look like the nurses in any of the new games. They aren’t overly sexualized like they are now.

Of course can’t forget Pyramid Head makes his first appearance in Silent Hill 2. He scared me when I first saw him.

Silent Hill 2 is awesome and so far no other Silent Hill game has top it. Sure I have played the other Silent games but Silent Hill 2 will always be my favorite.

And now they made Silent Hill HD which is Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3 for the Playstation 3, I have to get this someday.

Silent Hill 3 goes back to the storyline but now Heather is older. (Still a good game!)

Every time I want to be scared, I will play Silent Hill.