
coollogo_com-26138522We may have found you.

I was disappointed because we went to look at that house again. The one I was so excited to have. We decided to look at it again. We decided that house wasn’t for us. I think I was glamored by us owning a house. There was so many things wrong with house that I didn’t notice before.

First walking in the bathroom and bedroom there was a huge hump in the floor. The basement was a separated living area. Going down there the ceiling was falling down. The ceiling had false tiles like in offices and some of them were stained. Yuck. Something was strange on how they covered the stairs in the basement. Also the stairs where all uneven. One step would be a big step and then the next step would be short. Very weird. I was so hoping to live there but I am glad we are not going to now.

Anyways we looked around some more. And I noticed after looking at a whole bunch of the houses start to look the same which is funny.

Jeff found a really great home. We went to look at it on March 29, 2015. WOW! It was so beautiful! I can see us living there. The house sits on a one acre of land. It’s a three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Big enough for all three of us plus our stuff. We loved it so much that we made an offer on it on the same day. I am trying not to be so excited because nothing has been accepted. But I am still excited. Crossing my fingers that this works out. (Meaning I hope it all goes well.) We will see.


coollogo_com-26138522Where will you be?

Maybe a couple of months ago Jeff asked me if I ever wanted to buy house. I have never bought a house and I have thought about it but I knew we couldn’t right now. Jeff has bought a house before and he and his dad built a house once. Of course I said yes and I said I guess we should start saving for one. Then a month later Jeff and his dad were talking about us buying a house someday and he said why don’t you look for one now? Jeff said we couldn’t afford it and then he dropped a bomb! Jeff’s dad Ken said that he would do the down payment for us and that we didn’t have to pay him back.

I couldn’t believe he would do that for us. I was in shock actually still in shock about that. Ken lives with us so we decided to look for a house for all three of us. Then Ken said that maybe one day he doesn’t want to live us because his dad is really old and his dad lives with his sister. You know if he would need his help one day or if he decided to get remarried. He told us to pick house that we would love and not to worry about him.

That opened up some great possibilities. There was this one house that I really loved from the photos and of course Jeff found a house he really liked. Friday March 20th 2015 we looked the house Jeff liked first. We spent a half an hour there and the first time we went upstairs I hated it! I couldn’t wait to leave. Of course Jeff loved the house. Saturday March 21st 2015 we looked at the house I loved. I loved it! Yes the house needs some work but all those things can be fixed. I love the lot because it feels like we were in the woods. The house inside was awesome. Plus side the basement is like a little apartment for Ken. It has a living, bedroom and a bathroom. And if he doesn’t live with us for a long time, my parents can come for a visit or guests can sleep down there. They also get their own bathroom which is always nice. Also we were thinking we turn the basement into a gaming area when he leaves.

We are all pretty excited to find a house maybe will be that one. (I hoping so.) No more renting will be awesome!

The Birthday Test

coollogo_com-728908Most of you failed!

When us kids got older my parents started this tradition that everyone gets a birthday card and a phone call on your birthday. I loved that! And of course a present of some kind. It’s usually money. (Who hates money? I do not.)

Last year I was so disappointed that I didn’t get any birthday cards from any of my siblings. I always send them birthday cards for their birthdays. I have two brothers and a sister. Also I didn’t get any phone calls to wish me happy birthday which I always do for them. I was sad and angry about it.

This year since my birthday is in the beginning of the year I decided to conduct a test. The only birthday that is in January is my younger brother. After him it’s me then my older sister and then my older brother. I wanted to see you who would send me birthday cards and/or call me. Facebook birthday wishes do not count for them. I wanted to see if they would put in the effort.

Guess what most of them failed. The only person who contacted me was my younger brother. Everyone else failed. They all fail getting me a birthday card though. Well none for them either. I know this makes me sound like a whiny baby but I will not be the sensitive one about it anyone more.

My siblings and I are not close anymore and I am giving up on that ever happening again. Except for my younger brother we are cool.

What I got for my bday.

 coollogo_com-103132775I got some cool stuff for my birthday this year!

My parents gave me money. I haven’t bought anything yet from them. My father in law also gave me money. I know what I want to get though. I am going to buy a fitbit with both of the money I got.

I told Jeff I wanted one thing for my birthday. There is this picture that Jeff took of him and Koko while they were waiting for me one day. It’s my favorite picture of my loves. I told him I wanted that picture blown up and in a frame. Here it is:








My friend Helen got me some wonderful things. She made me that blue beaded tree! I can’t believe it. It’s so beautiful. And I got this bear. She told me that someone hand made this. Wow! I really love this bear. She knows I love chocolate she gave a huge bar of chocolate. Of course I ate it and do not have a picture of it. Oh well! What I can say I love chocolate!


Happy Birthday!

coollogo_com-140832278To me!

Today it’s Saint Patrick’s Day but also it’s my birthday! Today I am 32 years old.

When I was younger I hated that my birthday was on Saint Patrick’s Day because of the all the green and mostly all my birthday cakes were decorated in shamrocks and green. My parents thought it was cool to dress me up in green outfits, make me wear green shamrocks pins, those silly headbands with shamrocks on them. It was ridiculous!

When I was teenager and I didn’t mind it so much and started to have fun with it. I dressed myself in green, wore green shamrock socks and pins. Just to be silly!

However the real fun didn’t happen till I turned 21. Having my birthday on Saint Patrick’s Day means free drinks at the bars! Oh hell yeah! I totally took advantage of that. Got totally wasted on my 21sth birthday but it was fun. Also having beer that is green! I love green beer. Green beer is a tradition on Saint Patrick’s Day. All it is, is beer then green dye is added to make it green beer.

Now that I am older I do not do the bar thing. Sometimes I will go to bar but that is rare. Since I am married and my husband loves to cook. I ask for him to cook me a steak for my birthday and I still have green beer. I do the green beer myself. Yums!

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Happy Birthday to me!


Killing Reviews


Books by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard

Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever

This the first book of the Killing series. I have to say I wasn’t as impressed with this book as I wanted to be. I just couldn’t get into it. I did learn a lot about John Wilkes Booth that I didn’t know. But it wasn’t as exciting. I was hoping for more than it was. I felt bored reading this and made the book even longer. However if you like to learn about our sixteenth President then you will like this book.

Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot

I knew a little about President Kennedy. Only what I learned in school and about his assignation. A little about the Bay of Pigs but I totally didn’t understand some of it. This book is easy to read and I understood and learned a lot more. From him being a young man to his death. Goes more in depth of him as a President. His relationships, his marriage and the crisis’s he had to face. This book was a fast read for me and it kept my interested the whole time.

Killing Jesus: A History

You don’t have to be religious to read this book. This isn’t about religion this book is about Jesus as he is in history. It doesn’t talk about how he came back after he died on the cross because that is the religion part. I thought I knew about Jesus. (Growing up Catholic and going to Catholics schools. I am not Catholic anymore but we discuss that later.) Anyways growing up Catholic I thought I knew all about him but this book tells you things you didn’t know about Jesus. We all know the story of Jesus but this fills the gap of what they don’t tell you about Jesus. When he was boy to his death. It’s a great read.

Killing Patton: The Strange Death of World War II’s Most Audacious General

I like learning about World War II. I knew a little about General Patton even saw that movie with George C. Scott. Great movie! This book is not just about General Patton it about others that made an impact on World War II. This book is my favorite out of the series. It keeps you interested the whole time. Love learning more about the Presidents during this time. It goes more in depth with them. And of course of General Patton. Wow! I wish we had Generals like him today. It starts out with his death. Then goes in depth about the war to about the man. This book goes into some great detail about the horrors of war. Some of the details are so horrific it made me put the book down to take a breather from it. The end of the book does go over some of the conspiracy theories but they state those are conspiracy not the truth. He survived World War II and then to die in an accident. Then no one is punished for it. Sad! If you like to learn about World War II and General Patton then I recommend reading this book.

Indian Tacos


Oh so good!

Before I moved to this small town I never heard of Indian tacos. I have never tasted Indian tacos. I am talking about American Indian tacos.

A couple of years ago my husband and wanted to make authentic Indian tacos. Now you can find all kinds of recipes on the internet but they are nothing like the ones the American Indian’s make. We know because we tried some not the same. Sometimes Jeff co-workers will bring them in. He always gets me one and their yummy. Jeff works for an American Indian Tribe government.

It’s a secret recipe that each American Indian family has. Asking for the recipe from his co-workers no one will tell him the recipe. However my father-in-law is American Indian and he works the same place as Jeff. He knows quite a lot of people and one lady was nice enough to give us the recipe. I couldn’t believe we a got a recipe! Been trying for years to get one.

On Saturday March 7 2015 Jeff made Indian Tacos dough by hand. Yes! They tasted like Indian Tacos that Jeff brings home from work. So yummy! On Saturday my parents and my niece came over and we all had tacos. It was a great time. You really can’t go buy these tacos anywhere else. There are few restaurants here that make them but it’s more of a cultural thing.

If you ever get a chance to try an authentic Indian Taco go for it! You won’t regret it! They are so delicious!


Brain Fizzle



Tuesday March 3 2015 I had a brain fizzle. I haven’t had one of those sine the 90’s. What’s a brain fizzle? It’s something I came up with when one day you wake up stupid. There is nothing you can do about it either. I guess it’s a way for your brain tell you that it needs a break.

Need a break from what? Need a break from thinking to damn much! I think about everything and anything also I have been trying hard to write a story that I want to publish eventually. Which requires a lot of thinking plus all the other stuff I got to do.

I forgot how a brain fizzle feels. It doesn’t feel like writers block even though I do have those. This feels like you are so dumb that you can’t even function. Multitasking was so hard to do on Tuesday and I love to multitask. The only time I am not multitasking is when I am reading a book, playing video games or sleeping. Otherwise I am always multitasking. Even when I am being lazy in my own opinion I am multitasking. Brain fizzle doesn’t allow multitasking because you can’t focus on anything. I literally stared in outer space for three minutes on that day before someone texted me. I was like where did that time go and where was I?

Even talking to Jeff was chore because I couldn’t remember anything interesting that had happened during the day. There was no point to Tuesday. I don’t even know why I got out of bed. It was a total waste of time. But then again, it gave my brain to restart.

On Wednesday March 4 2015 I felt better. I guess my brain needed a day off. Good thing it was on a day that didn’t have that much going on. I couldn’t imagine having a brain fizzle day when I had many things to do.

Change to Grow


I don’t want to grow up.

I was thinking of two things I had to overcome s to be where I am now. Changing and growing is hard to do.

I much like my mom even though I hate to admit it sometimes. My mom can hold a grudge! You did something to her like twenty years ago she still remembers. It’s crazy! I was the same way. I could hold grudges for a long time as well. Around fourteen or fifteen I decided I wasn’t going to that anymore. It was hard to let go especially when it’s a supposedly a friend hurts you. But now I forgive more and let go. Even though sometimes I slip up and hold a grudge when I know I shouldn’t. But I no longer hold it for years.

This one is a new one for me. Like I have said before my dad was gone a lot when I was younger and that has affected me. When my husband Jeff has to work late for a long period of time or he has to work weekends instead of spending time with me, I get upset. Because it reminds me of my dad working all the time. I know it’s not Jeff’s fault he has to work long hours sometimes. This year I am working on just being fine with it and more understanding. Another thing that is hard to do but I just have to let it go because I know Jeff is not a workaholic like my dad. I know he rather spend time with me then work.

Changing my mind is hard to do sometimes because I have to change my feelings as well.