
coollogo_com-26138522Yes I keep talking about you.

Today April 23, 2015 we are making an offer on a house. I am truly excited to get this house. We went to go look at it on Tuesday April 21 2015. It’s so ugly!

At first I was like nope. But after going over the plans with Jeff and seeing what the potential of the house can be. I can totally see it now. This house will not be ugly after we are done with it. I am really excited for this house.

This house comes with a bonus. This house is not on the lake but near the lake. It’s also part of an association. Now my parents had a house that was part of an association and it was bad for them. But this association seems different then what theirs was. By being in the association we have to pay a fee but it’s a yearly fee. It’s not too bad. We get access to a private beach and a private club house. The association will also put a pier out for us if we had a boat. I am really excited about that because I love to swim! Plus it’s not that far of walk to go down there from that house.

The house is a lot smaller then what we were looking at. It only has two bedrooms and one bathroom. It’s very tiny on the inside. But what we have planned for it, it will look not tiny but grand on the inside. Basically this house is supposed to be a cabin but we are going to make it our home all year around. Also our next door neighbor uses his house only in the warm months of WI. So half of the year we will have no neighbor. So cool!

Also Ken Jeff’s dad said we can have Scotty. Since it’s his dog he is giving Scotty to us. I am excited for this because Koko and Scotty are brothers.

If we get this house I will take pics. Before, during and after we are done with house. Then you my blog can see what I am talking about. Or whoever is interesting reading you.

It’s going to be so much work but the result will be worth it.

Pen Pal

coollogo_com-218572137Do these even exist anymore?

Yes they do!

When I was younger I use to have a pen pal. I met him online. I know that can be really scary but it was fun at first. His name was Jon and he played in a band which he sent me a video of his band and they sucked. I of course didn’t say that they sucked. Anyways we chatted for about two years. The reason we stop writing each other because he simply stop writing me. Sad because we had a lot in common.

I had another pen pal and it was my cousin. We wrote for a long time and not sure why we stopped. It was so fun writing her because she lives in California. We use send post cards and letters. I like to write poetry and she would ask for them. She would tell that she read them to other people and how they liked them. I couldn’t believe it. My cousin Ann is a very creative person like me and it was great writing her.

Years upon years later. I have been thinking of having a pen pal. Someone who lives really far away from me. I want to discuss about the state or country that they live in or the country I live in. I want to find out about their lives etc. I really want to write real letters not just emails. Maybe exchange gifts through the mail. I want to learn about their culture or just talk about whatever.

Now I have two a potential third. I consider Helen one because we exchange gifts. I just love sending her things. Every time I go somewhere, I always see if I find something for her. I love learning about her culture and we talk about a variety of things.

The second is my cousin Alice. She lives in Utah. She has always been my favorite cousin because we are alike. She silly like me. So far we just have exchanged letter and it is fun. I am glad she is my pen pal. I get to learn more about her and more about her family.

The third will be a solider! I always wanted to write to someone in the military. You can adopt a solider on the internet. I encourage people who want a pen pal, adopt a solider. This will be my first time adopting one and I am really excited.

I like writing real letters because no one does that anymore.

Maybe in the future I will have more pen pals. Who knows? All I know it’s fun.




Well we all were ready to move and accept our new home. But we couldn’t get financing because the home we wanted was a manufactured home. A manufactured house is a house built in a factory. The regular houses that everyone sees is called a stick built house.

What I learned is manufactured houses depreciate over time like a car. However stick built houses appreciate over time. Meaning you can potentially get more money when sold later. I also learned that our realtor should have been truthful and told us that it was a manufactured home. He should have told us that it will be hard to get financing for a manufactured house and we may have to pay more for insurance because it’s manufactured. This realtor is supposed to be the best in our area. I don’t think so. Will not be using that guy again. I learned not to use the same home inspector as we did. He really didn’t know about this one concerned we had about the house. Jeff found out more information on the internet than he could tell us. Not using that company again either.

It’s strange because I could see ourselves living there but when I found out we couldn’t get it, I wasn’t all that sad. I guess, I realized that I wasn’t in love with the house. I wish it had a basement. Manufactured houses usually do not have basements. And I got a lot of stuff to put in a basement.

The search is still on. Who knows where we will end up? I really like a home we can invest money into because we found out our landlord is raising our rent. That sucks. I rather spend money on my house and not this rented house.


coollogo_com-22253945That’s me.

I have been thinking about doing an article on what I do for a living for a while. In my last blog I had an article on me being a homemaker. I am still a homemaker but I am redoing how I say it. I am fortune enough to be one. The sting of it is how people react to me saying that I am a homemaker since I don’t have children. If I did then it would be no big deal.

But since I don’t have children everyone wonders what I do all day while my husband is at work. I do plenty to fill eight hours and beyond. I love being a homemaker and not afraid to say that I am. I have to admit at first I had these feelings about it unsure, guilty, ashamed and sad. Not because I can be one because of how others reacted when I told them what I did for my job.

Now I no longer have those feelings. I feel happy, secure, and proud. Why should I let others dictate on how I feel about my job? It shouldn’t. The only person that I care about how they feel about is my husband Jeff. I told him that I wanted to be one if we could make it work a long time ago. When I met Jeff I had job. It’s not like I have never worked in my life. When I was younger I would have two jobs at one time. I know what hard work is but this is the job for me. I get to be my own boss.

I even put myself on a schedule just like any other job. Except most jobs have days off where my job, I have no days off. I am a maid, laundry attendant, dogs caretaker, poop clean up, garbage woman, lawn service person, driver and grocery shopper. I think there is more but can’t think of everything right now. To make a point I do a lot.

Just think of all those trades I mention and paying each individuals to do those. Lots of money spent there but I do them for free. The thing is I don’t really mind doing any of those jobs because it’s my job.

My name is Danielle and I am a Homemaker. I am proud to be one.


coollogo_com-15655352Guess what?

I made it a hundred days without soda today April 14 2015! I am very proud of myself. I have to admit though I still think about drinking it. Now I know that I was addicted to soda.

It has become easier to say no to soda. Still a bit hard when we go out to eat but when I am at someone’s house, I don’t even have the urge to drink the soda they have. I even made it through Easter without drinking soda. That is an accomplishment.

However I do dream about drinking soda. That is sad to say that. I was that addicted to soda to think and dream about it. This has been very hard for me, especially when Jeff drinks soda or buys soda at the store. I like it when he buys the soda I hated drink anyways makes it easier to say no to it. It’s when he buys the really yummy soda that I know I love. But I am determined to not drink soda for the rest of the year. I want to say for the rest of my life but I have no idea what the future holds. I am going to try my hardest not to drink soda as often as I was.

My plan is not to drink soda just because or just because it’s there. Maybe for a treat but that is it. I really don’t want soda to ruin my life anymore. It’s hard on my teeth and already have horrible teeth problems. I dislike how it makes feel. I am really hoping that I can do this for the rest of my life, not drinking soda.

I am giving myself rewards that is not food or other drinks to encourage myself to make it to the next step. For making it fifty days I got Metro Last Light for my PS3. This time I will be getting Metro 2033 for my PC.

Let’s go for a hundred and fifty days!

People love to…

coollogo_com-213281662Talk about themselves.

I have fallen in this trap, you know being human and all. I try not to talk about myself all that much. I actually encourage people to talk about them and keep the focus off of me. But what I hate the most is when I find out we have something in common or I want to ask a question. I can’t either say or I say and they just continue about themselves, ignoring me completely.

This happens to me all the time mostly with family. It’s quite annoying but I guess I am a bit to blame because I keep them talking about themselves. And let me tell you people love talking about themselves!

I noticed this happens a lot with younger people but also this happens when I talk to my parents. I did have one hurtful thing my mom did say. She told me that I talk about myself too much and about Jeff. Well I am sorry he is my life and I like to talk about him. I know what she was getting at and it’s always the same with her. I only want to hear if you have children and only about them. She never says that to my older brother and sister because they talk about their children all the time. For someone who doesn’t have kids it’s really stupid conversations or I should say one way conversations because that is what they are. I am sure if I ever have children I will talk about them. But I will try to remember not to talk about it so much if people don’t have children because I have been there.

Also when people talk about themselves too much and you have nothing in common with them. The conversations are so boring. I think to myself “wow this person is so boring. Wish I could leave this.” However if the person is older or likes to travel their stories are very interesting. I love hearing about the old days and how things use to be. Or where someone has been, what they have seen on their travels. They are very interesting. Sometimes I want them to talk for a long time. When this happens I ask a lot of questions to keep the conversation going.

I have to remember if the conversation is boring try not to ask too many questions. Sometimes I forget and the conversation goes on forever or becomes awkward. I hate awkward, I prefer forever boring conversation.

However I am not talking about conversations that are interesting those are the best but for me I seem to be talking to people who I have nothing in common with.

Metro 2033

coollogo_com-118061259The book by Dmitry Glukhovskyy

My review

Upon getting the game Metro Last Light the video game and I love it. I didn’t know it was loosely based off a book. Talking to my younger brother Adam he told me he had the game Metro 2033. (Got to play it!) After finishing the book I have to get this game.

To be honest this book was hard for me to get into at first. Since the author is Russian it was written in Russian then translated to English. There were some grammar problems and some of the sentences through the whole book was this. Metro2033isagoodbookcanyoureaditthisway? Yes some sentences were run together. But I can overlook bad grammar and run together sentences if the story is good.

Playing the game I already knew who the main character was but I didn’t know his story. Some of the characters from Metro Last Light were in the book and they looked nothing like they do the game. Also if reading this book I had to remember this the beginning and not the game Metro Last Light.

I really liked this book because I really like the idea people surviving in many tunnels of the metro system in Russia.

I am officially a Metro fan! I can’t wait to read the squeal Metro 2034. Also he made Metro 2035 this year 2015 it comes out. Hopefully next year it will be translated to English so I can read it. I found a new thing to be geeky about.

metro 2033

Hanging with April

coollogo_com-24375581Always an adventure

I got to hang out with April on Thursday March 26 2015 to Saturday March 28 2015 and I can say it was quite an adventure.

First of all she was on time! What? We are rarely on time to hang out with each other. I figured out I haven’t been to April’s house since last year. That is a long time.

Let me tell you a little about my friend April. April and I met in high school. That would be in late nineties. April and I have been friends for almost twenty years. I can’t believe it! We always have the strangest and funniest adventures together.

It’s kinda funny because we gave her this cat when my mother in law died. I can’t have cats because I am allergic to them. I can be around them for a little while before hives attack me. Anyways the cat’s name is Dee. She knows me but when I came over a couple of times she would hide. This last time I came over she was out. I couldn’t pet her but she let me see her. Oh wow! That cat is a princess for sure. It’s funny! Also April has this Pomeranian dog name Marty. He is a funny little dog because he gets SO excited to see me and he runs around in little circles. Marty has the cutest fur too. He is just so cute! I love petting him. Now don’t get scared but April has pet rats. At first I was like what? But they are just so cute. Unfortunately I am highly allergic to them and can’t touch them at all even though I want too. They are the sweetest little animals. They have the tiniest hands awe! Yes April has a dog, cat, rats and they all live together in harmony. It’s cool!

April gave me my birthday present and last Christmas present. Wow! I got some cool stuff! Look I got Sherlock Cludeo which the British version of this game Clue. One of my favorite games to play. Also a Sherlock companion book, Doctor Who mug and Doctor Who necklace. Very cool gifts this year I got for my birthday from both of my friends.















April and I love Sherlock and Doctor Who. But April is a bigger fan of Sherlock which is good. This means I can learn things about Sherlock that I never knew. I have never read any Sherlock books only the one with the baker street irregulars. Those books are really good. However I have seen a lot of Sherlock series on TV and not just the one that is on now. And of course some movies including the ones with Robert Downey Jr.

On Friday March 27 2015 we were got up and had some gross cereal which is funny. I mean it wasn’t super horrible but it wasn’t good. We had Special K strawberries and chocolate. First there were hardly any chocolate pieces and the strawberries were freeze dried. They were gross! It’s funny because we both had huge bowls of it and we both hated it. Yet we ate some of it. Then we had to wait for her mom to be done with work. That was a fiasco!

April can’t drive so no car to go anywhere. And she like me lives in a small town no bus system. Anyways her mom comes in and tells us she can’t takes us anywhere because Heidi needs to go to the doctor. Heidi is Aprils little sister who is in her late twenties! Anyways April’s mom had to take her to the doctor because she wouldn’t go with her husband. What the hell! Because Heidi is too shy to go by herself. It did work out though. April’s mom took us to the places we needed to go and then we went with them to Heidi’s doctor appointment. But we didn’t have to wait with them. April’s mom dropped us off at a huge thrift store. I love thrift stores!

Since we hadn’t eaten anything since gross cereal we were starving so we walked to McDonald’s. It was the coolest McDonald’s I have ever seen. It was retro in there like from the sixties or seventies and it was the cleanest McDonald’s I have been in. Also everyone was super friendly. The McDonald’s near my house they aren’t the friendliest and it sure isn’t the cleanliness. Our McDonald’s floors are always sticky.

This thrift store was nice! I found some really cool items. But of course there are always weird people. April and I met a strange guy. He was talking to himself and then when he wanted to pass us. He tipped his hat and something in French. I am convinced I attract weird people everywhere I go.

I was on hot streak. Every game we played I beat her and that is rare because I hardly ever win at board games. Also I rarely win at Monopoly and I won. It was fun for me.

On the last day I helped her and her mom put together a Doctor Who puzzle that was fun. It was a cool puzzle and I don’t even like to put puzzles together.

It was a fun time and we had some neat adventures.