Adam Hurst

coollogo_com-28721513Awesome Cellist!

Like I have said many times I love all kinds of music. Sometimes I am surprised what I fine. You may never know what’s out there and there are some artists that are like ear candy. Yes ear candy! Having the internet makes it so much easier to find new or most of the time new to me music. Unlike the 90’s where I actually had to go to the used CD store to find new to me music.

A few months ago I was cruising the internet for some instrumental music. I love that stuff because I love to just listen and not think. Or listen and create. I really wanted to find something that I haven’t heard before. Yes classical music is great to listen to but I have heard all that before. I was really looking from something that I can’t describe but wonderful at the same time.

Then I found it or should I say him. I found Adam Hurst. What I have noticed is a lot of people play the violin but it’s a little harder to find cellist. I have Spotify and all his music is there. I went into a listening frenzy. I wanted to hear it all and I did. One song struck me in my soul. You know that is a great song when that happens. I wish it was longer but that is what the repeat button is for. I love his song The Secret which is the first song on the album with the same name.

When I listen to this song it stops me in my tracks. It’s so serene like nothing I have ever heard before. Indescribable! I just recently had the idea to look him up on YouTube to see if he played any of songs live. When I watch him on the YouTube you can see his expression when he plays. When someone plays that well and creates beautiful music makes the listener feel what the artist feels. It’s wonderful! Adam Hurst does that in my opinion.

I really wanted to add this YouTube video of him playing. So I asked him in an email. And on the same day he responded! He told me I could add this video to my blog. And that he is glad I like that song. You don’t know but I am impressed just by this email! I thought for sure he would make me wait. Thank you Adam for letting me share your song and talent!

What’s great about Adam Hurst is all his songs he made himself. Now that is talent. Also you know it’s him just by looking at him. He always wearing a nice hat which most of the time is black. He dresses in all black as well. I wish I could ask him why. I think it would be a great story to hear.

Unfortunately there isn’t a whole of information about Adam Hurst that I could find. I wish there was more. I just want to know more about him. Like why did he start playing the cello? Or who influenced him to play the music he plays? You know basic things like that. I also wish he would play near Wisconsin I would love to see him. I would drive out of the state maybe Illinois to see him. Maybe in the future.

If you like to listen to some really great music, you have to check out Adam Hurst. Maybe he has a song that stops you in your tracks.


Coming up


Hi Blog! Next week I only have time to write you once. Next week are somethings that are coming up.

Monday June 29 2015 I get my dental implant. I am so nervous about it. I will show you my before and after pictures when it’s all done. I wonder how long it will take. I am going to try to relax when they are working in there.

Tuesday June 30 2015 we are getting a new TV. We haven’t got a new TV in years! I get envious when we shop in the store and you see those TV’s with the vibrant colors. Our TV is dull in comparison to what they have now.

On Saturday July 4 2015 we will celebrate Independence Day. We will be hanging out at my aunt’s house. I think it will be fun and also they got a new place. Haven’t been there yet. I am excited to see it. Another thing my cousin Alice will there, she lives in Utah. We are good friends as well as cousins.

Next week I will be blogging about a new and awesome artist I found. I am excited to tell you about him. I love his music it’s so great and I can’t stop listening to him.

Don’t worry I will keep you updated on all the things that happen next week. Just going to be late.

Father’s Day

coollogo_com-1168429Yesterday June 21, 2015 was Father’s Day. However we celebrated Father’s Day on Saturday. The thing is my dad only has me here in Wisconsin and Jeff’s dad only has him. Jeff does have a brother but they are not close and his dad is not close with him. It’s strange and I don’t really understand that. I mean I understand about Jeff and his brother but his dad? Strange but whatever.

Anyways Jeff and I decided to take both dad’s, Ken’s girlfriend Elena and my mom out for lunch on June 20 2015 for Father’s Day lunch. We went to the best Chinese restaurant in our opinion for lunch, Ginger Roots. It’s the best! And the service is great every time.

Oh it was such a wonderful time! We talked and ate great food. Everyone seemed to get along with Elena which is awesome. She is such a wonderful lady. We all were full of stories. What I think is neat is that there was no awkward pauses during the whole lunch which we spent a couple of hours there.

Since we paid for everyone that was our Father’s Day gift for both dad’s. I think it was a great time and everyone seemed happy. Which can be hard to do.

Here are some of photos of my dad. I love the photo of him giving the peace sign in 1973. My dad was in the Navy. And the last photo is what my dad looks like now with my mom.

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Personal Space


We need to talk.

I don’t know what it is but people have no sense of personal space. Especially standing in line for anything.

If I can feel you breathing, you are too close! If I can smell what you ate, please stand back!

People should just have a circle around their feet where their personal space starts. Do not cross into my circle unless I say. If we are standing in line please just stay in your space. You don’t need to be that close to me. I know I am a cool person but still.

Here is the thing if I can reach out and touch you. You need to stand back. Now standing in line. Standing a little back is not going to lose your place in line. Just because we are standing in line doesn’t mean you need to be that close unless you really need to talk to me. I am not standing in your circle. Why stand in mine? The only reason we should ever have overlapping circles if we are best friends, you are Jeff and you are not, and family. Some more reasons we are at a concert, we both saw the same famous person/people, some kind outdoor event maybe a flea market or in the same isle reaching for the same item. I am sure there are more examples please use your judgement wisely when intersecting my circle.

I will tell you if you are too close or give you an evil look that means stand back. Another reason if you haven’t showered in days. No one wants to stand next to you. If you like to layer on the perfume/cologne no one wants to choke on that especially me. Please people this is important. Everyone has personal space.

Even when sitting. Okay I am going to admit sometimes when sitting that can’t be avoided. Like airplanes everyone’s personal space is sacrificed during those times. Also if in a doctor’s office and all the in between seats are taken. Personal space will be sacrificed. I understand those times. But if all possible if there is a seat next to me open and there is a ton of seating please sit somewhere else. There is a good chance I don’t want to talk to you. Unless you can’t help it or you are old. I don’t know what it is but older people like to talk to me and sit next to me. I am find with that. But let’s respect personal space still. Like if you want to sit on the seat and there is one between us. And you still want to talk to me. I am okay with that.

There is only one exception to my personal space is if you have animal. And I can pet it then yes I will always want to pet it. I love animals especially dogs. Having two myself. I love petting them and getting dog kisses. During those times….what is personal space? Animals don’t know what personal space is. Only exception.

This goes both ways with animals. If you see me with my dogs. Don’t assume you can pet them. Yes they are super friendly but unless I say. Don’t just reach down and pet them. First of all Scotty is scared of everyone and everything, you will scare him. Koko on the other hand, yes he would love for you to pet him. However I don’t know you so respect my personal space. I always ask if I can pet your animal be respectful and ask me if you can pet my dogs.

I am glad we had this talk about personal space. This is super important to talk about because it makes me angry when people don’t respect my personal space.


coollogo_com-188684356So Lazy….

This weekend was lazy weekend. I literally got nothing done. Jeff had to work this weekend but he can work from home. That is nice.

This weekend I discovered a new game. Well not new to a whole lot of people but new to me. Dead Trigger 2. I am addicted to it. So fun! Who doesn’t like killing zombies? I love it! Of course I love zombies. I played all weekend.

I also watched some pretty cool movies. Saturday was rainy and gloomy out anyways. Perfect day to watch movies. First we watched Cobbler. It’s an Adam Sandler movie. Right there alone I thought it was going to be stupid. But in the nineties I loved Adam Sandler. My favorite movie by Adam Sandler was and still is Happy Gilmore. However Cobbler was funny, silly and heart felt. Very good. On the Danielle scale being 1-5. 1 being horrible and 5 being excellent. I would give it a four.

Then we watched The Incredible Shrinking Man from 1965. Black and white movie. It was good. It’s about a man who keeps shrinking and no one can find a cure. Also the man is married and she has to endure her husband shrinking. I didn’t like the end and for that reason. I give it a three.

Next in the lineup was Invitation to a Gunman from 1964. It was a western an in color. Also it had Yul Bynner you know the guy who played in the Ten Commandants. Anyways this was labeled as action. Nope. It was a drama and it was dumb. I give a two it wasn’t super awful but it wasn’t good. I wanted to see a duel or some kind of gun play. This was supposed to be a western.

On Sunday it wasn’t raining but really hot! Sweaty hot outside. More laziness happened. We starting watching the Orange is the new Black TV show. Yeah we found a show to watch together. It’s interesting. About a woman who goes to prison and has to survive prison.

We also watched a movie I have been wanting to see. Live Die Repeat or Edge of Tomorrow. It depends on what your movie streaming service has or rental place but it’s the same movie. Wow! Good movie. It’s a time travel movie and very action packed. It was a bit drawn out in places but still good story lines. I give it a four.

On Thursday I got my cross stitch project in the mail. I am excited to stitch it. While watching movies I started to stitch it.


The Great Deflector

coollogo_com-3594898That is my super hero name!

I was thinking lately that I am a great deflector from myself. This why I think that. I tend to deflect things about myself to others. I try to talk about you not me. I think that maybe you are more interesting than me. Or I just have real problem talking about myself.

I have met some of the most boring people in the world and still can have them talk about themselves. I ask questions and just let them take off. It’s really easy if you have kids or pets. Here why it’s easy:

So how many kids to do you have? How old are they? Really, what do they like to do?

How many pets do you have? Awe I bet she/he is spoiled. Does she/he like to play? How old are they?

See how easy to keep the conversation going. People who have none of those are also very easy. Here are some examples:

What do you like to do? What are your hobbies? Are you married? What does your husband/wife/girl/boyfriend do? What do you do for a living? You are single? That’s cool. What are some of your hobbies?

Easy, easy and easy! I have gotten pretty good at deflecting from myself. But there is a down side. Let’s say we are talking about something interesting and I want to interject. More often than not the person will just continue to talk about themselves. At those moments I just think “oh well, whatever.” It’s really my fault that I got them talking.

However I have met only a few people who are great deflectors as well. When two deflectors get together, not a lot of talking happens. It’s like a match to see who will win. When this happens it feels more like an interview then just a general conversation. Just to see who can get out of the other person more. Funny when that happens. But that it’s rare.

This happens every time, I talk with someone. It can be family, friends or strangers. I guess that I am a really good listener. That is a good trait to have.

Of course if you want to know more about me. You can just ask. I will be honest. But let’s talk about you….


coollogo_com-1521116573Hey that is my name! Oh wait I am talking about myself.

Hi blog! So I was thinking maybe you need to know a little more about me. This is part one because I could go deeper into myself. But for now here are somethings you don’t know about me, Danielle.

I was named after my grandpa on my dad’s side and my grandma on my mom’s side. My grandpa’s name was Daniel. And my grandma name was Dolores which is my middle name. A lot people have trouble spelling both. Especially Dolores which is colors with ‘d’ and an ‘e’. And if you are European it’s colores with a ‘d’. Not hard. My first name a lot people have so much trouble spelling it. Here is what I have seen over my life: Danile Daniele Danille Danylle Danyle Danill. Also a lot of people when they first meet me call me Daniel. Not a boy add the ‘le’ at the end please. Especially at doctor’s offices. Another thing is I do not like to be called Dani or Danny. It’s Danielle.

My favorite color is blue. Like you didn’t know. Have you seen most of my titles? They tend to end up in blue accents or something. I also get my titles fonts from Check it out what you can do with those. They are fun.

I have an older sister her name is Christine but we call her Chrissy. In fact only family can call her that. She hates when other people call her that. I have an older brother Corey. We use to be close but not anymore. Well you know about that. We do not share the same dad. Technically they are my half siblings. My mom was married one time before my dad. My younger brother Adam and I are true siblings. Meaning we both share the same parents.

I have a security blanket. Yup I have still have it and sleep with it. I guess I am still somewhat a child inside. I don’t even care who knows this. My mom made the blanket for me when she found out she was pregnant with me. In fact she finished a day before she had me. So technically my blanket is a day older than me. But it’s still 32 years old. Been fixed many times but I just can’t get rid of it. Or even think of not having it there every night. I am very emotionally attached to it. When I was child I called it a dakee not sure how to spell it but that is what I still call it today. Also when I die it’s going to be cremated with me. Will have it for the rest of my life. My husband thinks it’s cute.






I love learning about American history. Especially about American Wars and presidents. What made these people want to be the United States of America? How did we get to this point now? So fascinating. I love watching documentaries on history, watch shows about it and read books.

I love music.

I love a lot of music and probably listen to music about eight hours a day during the week. The oldest artist I love is Gene Autry. I have seen all of his movies. I love the simplicity his of songs. Not as old as Gene Autry. I love Frank Sinatra. Put on any Frank, I will love it. His voice was so amazing. I love everything from pop to hard rock. I love EDM Electronic Dance Music but I hate Techno. What’s the difference? Techno or technology is when they take songs that are out there and remix them. EDM takes original songs and mix them. My favorite EDM band is Knife Party. I love so much music, my music library is huge!

I watch so many shows, I don’t even know how I keep them all straight. Ha! I am totally a TV junkie. I watch more shows then movies.

I have had a lot of physical pain in my life. I have bad teeth even though I take care of them. It’s genetics my mom has bad teeth. I have had retainers, braces and a night brace. Also had four teeth taken out before braces because the dentist said they didn’t fit in my mouth. I had four wisdom teeth taken out as well. I have had cavities, root canals to just pulling three teeth out.

I have arthritis in my fingers and my first finger on my right hand has it the worst. I have broken and dislocated that finger many times. At times it interferes with typing and doing crafts. But I do them anyways. I love making things and pain isn’t going to stop me.

When I was younger I had Scoliosis. That is when your spine looks like snake. It’s all curvy. When I was in the fifth grade I had two titanium bars attached to my spin. The only time I think about them if I have to travel on an airplane because I need a note from my doctor. And when I lie on the ground, I can feel them.

Also when I was younger I had terrible problems with my knees and feet. Before I was teen I had to wear special shoes to straighten out my feet because I walked like a penguin. I still sort of still walk like a penguin. My knees would just fall out of their joints. And it would be as simple as walking or going up the stairs and they would come out of the joint. So painful to put back in. But when I got older that all went away.

A little over a year I had carpel tunnel surgery done to my right arm. I have a nice scar on my hand. As you can see, you can hardly tell it’s there.  I am glad I got it done because my arm was painful and would fall asleep. It was so painful I couldn’t do anything that I liked to do.






I have plantar fasciitis in both of feet but it’s worse in my left foot. That is when your heel feels like someone is stabbing it with a sharp knife. Can be really painful.

I have asthma. It sucks! It’s really bad in the winter and I live in Wisconsin. Because of asthma I almost died twice. Once when I was working in a warehouse. I couldn’t breathe at all and almost passed out. Once when I was a young girl. I think I was playing outside. I couldn’t breathe and my lips turned blue. My brother Adam saved my life and told mom. I went to the emergency room both times.

One more painful thing is I broke my little toe on my right foot twice. Once when I was getting luggage out of the car. Yes that happened. Don’t ask how. Ha! And once when I was playing with Koko. He stepped on my foot really hard and broke it. Who knew playing with your dog could be dangerous.

I live with pain everyday but I learned how to manage it. I do not let pain stop me from doing anything, I like to do. Might take me longer to do things but I will live my life the way I want too even with pain.

Well that is all for now. I will have more for you later.


coollogo_com-15655352Yahoooo! June 6th 2015 I hit a hundred and fifty days without soda! So proud of myself! I have gotten to the point where I don’t really think about it. The only time I do if Jeff brings up yummy drinks to make with soda in it. That is the only real time I think about soda. I don’t even dream about soda anymore.

For my hundred and fifty days without soda reward I decided to get a cross stitch project. Okay this is strange. Was searching the internet for a project and I really wanted to do a history cross switch. Maybe a landmark or maybe people. Wasn’t sure. For whatever reason there isn’t anything really out there for historical things. I am surprised.

Anyways I have done some Posy collection pieces for my dad because he is really into history like me. He got me into history. I was looking on their website and found one I totally love. But get this instead of ordering it online you actually have to call. What? That is so old school!

I haven’t got it yet but I will take a pic when I get it. It’s really cool it’s four versions of the American Flag. Starts out with the British flag and the last one is the flag we have now. It’s so neat! I can’t wait to stitch it.

I am so proud of myself for making it this far. Next fifty days please!

Fur Babies

coollogo_com-118061259Good news! Scotty is officially our dog. Scotty is technically my father in law’s dog but we take care of him. And he loves our dog Koko. So now he is our dog. I am happy about that.

These are my fur babies. Koko hates peanut butter! What? I have never seen a dog who hates peanut butter. He refuses to eat it even dog treats that taste like peanut butter. On the other hand Scotty loves it. Koko loves fruity things. Strange.

Koko super easy going. Scotty is skittish. Seriously he is scared of EVERYTHING! Scotty is scared of the vacuum cleaner. Koko will literally lay in your way so you can’t vacuum but he isn’t scared of it. Scotty is scared of the broom. I can brush off Koko with the broom and he loves it. Strange.

Koko loves children. I think he finds them fascinating. Scotty will bark at them from a far but when they get closer, he runs away. Takes a bit for him to walk up to them.

Koko has a deadly weapon attached to his body. It’s called a tail. That thing hurts when he whips at you. Especially in certain parts. (All males looks out.) Yes that has happened many times with males in our house. Even children getting hit in the face. He doesn’t mean too because he just a really happy dog. But that thing is lethal. Also in the morning if you don’t get up sometimes that thing will hit you in the face while sleeping.

Scotty loves to give kisses. Ask him and he will give you one. Koko not so much of a kissing dog. Even though they are a year apart. Koko is nine and Scotty is eight. Scotty still acts like a puppy but other times he reminds me of an old man. I say that because he will want to play but only by himself. Grab the toy and he loses interest. Other times he looks at you like “why you make so much noise.” Funny.

Koko is my old man most of the time. He will play but not for long periods of time. Also he has a schedule to keep. He knows when it’s six in the morning, seven, noon, four thirty in the afternoon, six and eight thirty in the evening. Can you guess what those times are for? Potty times. I have no idea how he knows what time even is. But when those times roll around he has to go. And it’s not even like we set those times for him. The six in the morning is only because Ken is leaving for work and seven for Jeff. But those other times he created those. Silly. He has us trained.

During the day Koko is my shadow. He follows me everywhere even in the bathroom. Scotty is my bug killer. Look out spiders! I have to watch him outside because he tries to eat bees. Koko is my big teddy bear. As everyone whoever meets Koko for the first time they like to point out how big he is. I say he is my gentle giant because he is. He loves to be petted behind the ears and just wants to be loved. Scotty is not keen on the idea of have his ears rubbed even though they are floppy. However he loves when you pet him and give him kisses.

Also the faces. I know exactly each face they make and what they mean. I mean when you look at dog. You think cute. But all dogs have all different personalities like humans. And they makes these faces. Some are so serious, it’s funny. And Koko and Scotty they got their tell all faces.

As any animal lover. I love my dogs and view them part of my family. Dogs are great. Don’t think I could live this life without them. Some may say I love my dogs too much or take a lot of pictures of them. What I say to those people is I just love them so much. They are my family, my fur babies. And if you got a pet you know what I mean.

Here are some funny pics of my dogs. Koko is the black lab and Scotty is the beagle mix.










