Hanging with Mom

coollogo_com-579728An actual good day

Last Saturday I hung out with my mom. When it’s just my mom and I we get along great. Add my siblings and their families, I don’t exist.

My mom has been asking me to go and see Magic Mike XXL the sequel to Magic Mike. I had no interest in seeing this movie. I didn’t watch the first one till Friday. Magic Mike is an hour and fifty minutes. I could only watch fifty minutes. It was awful! So I wasn’t that excited to see its sequel.

Before the movie mom and I went to Walgreens. I needed to pick up something and my mom needed to get some prescriptions. The pharmacist on duty was flirting with me. He smiled and waved at me more than once while I was there. I never know what to do in those situations. I always feel awkward. So what I normally do is two things. One laugh like a moron or two smile back and do this shy thing like scrunch up my shoulders. I did the second one.

The reason we went to see my parents is my dad needed help putting up a screen door. It was my idea to go and see Magic Mike XXL with my mom. So she would stop asking me. While we went to the movie. Jeff and dad put up the screen door.

We watched the movie and I have to say it was so funny! So much better than the first one. It was sexual but funny. Basically male stripper movie. I liked it! And so did my mom. I am glad I went to see it. A couple things why I liked the movie no woman nudity. Almost every movie out there has some boobs in it. I didn’t see any boobs in this movie. Second I really like the dancing it was choreographically done well.

After the movie mom and I went underwear shopping. Everyone needs underwear. When we got there my mom found a ton of things to try one. I got what I wanted and had to wait an hour for her to try on things. It was funny to see the men in shop with their wives. They would walk around awkwardly. One guy approached me and asked if he knew me. I said no. I have never seen this man in my life. He even asked his wife and she said this “Don’t bother people. Leave everyone alone and wait for me.” Really put him in his place. I was laughing at that.

After the underwear shop we went shoe shopping. My mom has an obsession with shoes. She has a lot of shoes. I swear she has over twenty pairs of shoes and she added one on Saturday. I only have four pairs of shoes. I really dislike shoe shopping.

Then we went out to eat with guys. We had pizza it was good. The service wasn’t the greatest but free pizza. Can’t turn that down.

It was a good day.

Hanging with Alice

coollogo_com-24089160That was interesting!

My cousin Alice lives in Utah. I am sure I have said that before. She came to Wisconsin for Fourth of July and was staying here for a couple of weeks. She is a teacher and gets summers off. For the Fourth we got to see her whole family. Her husband, their little boy Ellis and her. Also funny her son is named Ellis and her name is Alice. She told us that she didn’t get it till he turned one and went to the doctor’s office that her name and her son’s name sound the same. That made me laugh when she told us that. How can you not get it for that long! Ha!

When Alice comes to Wisconsin I try to have lunch with her. I only get to see her maybe a couple times a year. I love my cousin Alice because she is much like me. This time it was pretty strange and funny at the same time. Alice’s parents live about forty five minutes away from us. Good thing driving there is pretty.

Here is what it looks like driving over there:

We agreed to meet at a Mexican restaurant and Jeff and I have never been to that one before. We drive over there and get there first. The place isn’t as big as we thought. We get in there and be seated. The man who was working kept staring at us and asking us if we wanted to order. I think he was being impolite. After about twenty minutes of waiting my cousin calls and says she totally forgot. Also that her mom took the car with the car seat in it. She felt so bad!

We agreed to come over to her parent’s house and hang for a bit. When the man came over we just told him that we would pay for our drinks. He was not very happy and gave us attitude. Hey wasn’t our fault that my cousin forgot. We are never going there again.

When we got to her parent’s house all she could do was apologized. I know she felt bad and I forgave her. But first we had to give her shit about it. Ha! But it was fine. We talked and Ellis really likes me. He is two and he can’t say my name yet. I know my name is hard for kids to say. Funny! But he wanted to show me everything and he was showing me his dance moves. He was being really silly. He is such a happy kid!

In fact I only see Ellis a couple of times a year obviously but he takes to me more than my niece and nephews. That is sort of sad to think about. We always have a lot fun together though.

We went to a restaurant which made me sick later. It wasn’t very good food and I think I got food poisoning from their meat. It was a rough night for me.

Anyways we always have something to talk about with Alice. And of course we can’t forget the very cute Ellis.



coollogo_com-15655352Today is 200 days without soda! So proud of myself!

When we go grocery shopping or go out to eat I look at soda like this:

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I think of soda of just a pile of sugar I don’t want. Even in the store I am thinking ‘no thanks’. My husband still buys it and even in our fridge, I am still thinking ‘nope’. My new thing is I like to drink cold unsweetened tea. I still get a little caffeine without the sugar. Okay yes tea tastes nothing like soda. But I prefer it over soda.

The only time I am having trouble with is when we go out to a fast food restaurant. I have no problem when we go to a sit down restaurant and order water or coffee. However fast food rarely has anything else but soda. We went to Culver’s recently and all they had was tea. Their tea wasn’t that good. I was a disappointed because so far I have seen at least lemonade at fast food restaurant but Culver’s the only option was tea or water.

Fourth of July happened and there was tons of soda. Then we hanged out with my cousin Alice. Soda at her mom’s house and even offered me one. No tendency to drink it at all.

I can say with confidence that I am beating my addiction to soda.

For 200 days without soda reward I am going to read Wayward Pines by Blake Crouch the trilogy. There was a short series on TV that I watched. And I love it! So I want to read the books then I am going to watch the short series again.


coollogo_com-113681143Looking good

This weekend we worked on…the lighthouse again. Hopefully by next weekend we will have it done.

The lighthouse is coming together nicely! First we stacked it together to make sure it was straight. Which it’s hard to judge it is because of all the angles. Then I painted because Jeff dislike painting and I like it. I think so far the hardest part is the swirl of the light house. Jeff really had to use his brain for figure out the dimensions. From a far it already looks very nice.

Of course I took pics. Also you can see how tall it is next to me. I am 5’4 the lighthouse is almost as tall as me! Since this lighthouse is for my mom. It’s going to be taller than her. My mom is about 5’2.

This project so far has been the first project where no one has gotten mad…yet. Ha!

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Last weekend we started a project. So far Jeff and I haven’t fought about him being bossy. Ha! Anyways we are building my mom a lighthouse for her birthday. My mom loves lighthouses for some reason. One time when I was little kid my mom considered living in a lighthouse and be its keeper. That would have been crazy. I don’t know what the appeal of a lighthouse is? But you like what you like.

My mom’s birthday is September 9th. We have plenty of time to build it because it’s going to take a bit to do. Jeff loves making things out of wood. And he is really good at it. Me, not so much too much math involved and I hate math.

At least we have project to do in summer. It’s better than being in the house and being lazy. Winter will come soon and that is when we really don’t do anything. We both don’t like winter sports. I hate driving in the winter as well. Can’t really work in the garage in winter.

I will be taking pics of our progress. I can’t wait to till we paint it. We are doing a specific lighthouse. It has a black swirl. We are doing the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. It’s going to be really cool.

Here is how far we got last weekend.

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We didn’t get the house. It was sad at first then it wasn’t. I know Jeff was really excited to work on the house. He’d been planning and planning for weeks to make everything we wanted in the house. I was a excited for the finished product.

The reason why we didn’t the house is because we have decent credit. Not horrible but not great either. We had to get a loan from the government to get the house. And if anyone knows the government they aren’t the greatest to work with. We had to get what is called FHA loan from them and they are picky! The reason we couldn’t get a loan was because the septic tank is too close to the house. It would cost a lot to fix it and we just didn’t have the money to do that.

S we got our money back from the deal and we do not get that house. Now that it is all done. I feel better about it. It was sad but not anymore. Yes we still have to rent this house and it’s not our house but there is always other houses to consider in the future. Also gives a chance to get our credit to decent to good which will help with the loans we get in the future.

Another thing and we should have known. Jeff and I do not work the greatest together. It’s funny to say that but Jeff is a like his mom BOSSY! He is so bossy! And I won’t stand for it either. Ha! I will tell him and get mad. So in that regard maybe it’s a good thing we didn’t that house. Because we know how it will go. I will eventually refuse to work with him being that way. We laugh about that now because we know.

Anyways no house for us now. Just going to stay here. Who knows what the future holds.

Dental Implant

coollogo_com-19924714Not too bad

On June 29 2015 on I got my dental implant. Well half of it. I was really, really nervous about getting this done. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.

They gave me a choice laughing gas which I had before. Once when I got a root canal done. I hated it because it made me feel drowsy for a whole day. Or local anesthesia that is when they stick that needle in my mouth. I always close my eyes when they do that. I don’t want to see them putting that needle in there.

For about half of it I didn’t feel any pain. Here is what they did. Doctor Anderson cut open my jaw open then put a screw into my jaw bone. The only time I felt pain is when she started to screw it into my jaw. It was like a burst of pain! But they gave me more anesthesia then I couldn’t feel anything after that. It was funny because they use these little tools like a mini screw driver.

The surgery lasted an hour. My surgery was at one and I was numb till almost six at night. Then I had a rough night they gave me an antibiotic Clindamycin because I am allegoric to Penicillin. I have had Clindamycin before but for whatever reason I was allergic to it. I became itchy all over and had burning of the skin. It was painful! Worst then the surgery.

The next day I called and then they gave me another antibiotic Zithromax or what we call it as the Z-pack because it’s a pack instead of bottle. Then I was fine. I did have some side’s effects from the surgery. I did get a headache for two days and my ear did hurt for about a day. Also soreness for about a week. But now I feel fine and the only time I notice it, is when I accidentally let food go on that side of my mouth. I get a sharp pain letting me know to not do that again. But it happens.

Right now it’s just screw as you can see in the pictures. September eighth I will get my fake tooth. They take the middle part of the screw out and screw in the fake tooth. I can’t wait to get my tooth to see how it looks. Also now I will know what it is like to get a dental implant for next time. I think it’s worth it since I have such trouble with my teeth.

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coollogo_com-24607286On July 4 2015 we celebrated our Independence!

On this day we went my Aunt Sue’s and Uncle Dan’s condo. We have never been there before. Wow! It’s very nice. It’s only about forty five minutes where we live. So not that long of a drive. It was neat to see everyone.

My cousin Alice and her family came up from Utah. And my Aunt Jeanne came from Florida. I haven’t seen her in a very long time. She still looks the same. Very tan! My cousin Rebecca was there. Rebeca has a form of autism and I am one of her favorite people. It was very nice to see her and she acted great this time.

My brother Corey and his family was there. Guess what? Didn’t have anything to say to me. Which you know I don’t really care at this point. Jeff and I always giggle a little when they leave which they had to leave early this time. We laugh because Corey’s wife Kim never, NEVER gives Jeff a hug goodbye. And we can’t figure out why. She most of the time gives me a hug goodbye. Strange they are.

We were there for a long time. We got there around one and stayed till almost seven thirty. It was fun just to hang out. Until and I don’t know why this always happens. But someone has to bring up politics. During this time I go to my mind castle and play around. Because I usually disagree on what they have to say but don’t really want to get into it.

I have to say almost every time we get together with my dad side of the family a poker game breaks out. Sometimes I play and sometimes I do not. Depends if I am in the mood. But Jeff loves so to play with the guys. Unless it’s Thanksgiving and my cousin Julie plays. It’s usually us two girls who play but mostly guys. Poker games are traditional on that side and can be fun. We play for very low money, nickels! But some games can get big. We also like to play local games than just the traditional pokers games. Like Bonduel auction which is named after a small town in Wisconsin. That is when you buy your hand. It’s fun!

But this time I really wanted to hang out with my cousin Alice. And I did! She is fun and funny. I took some pictures of the get together. Covertly. Ha! They are a good looking bunch!

Happy Birthday America!

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Featuring: Cousin Reuben, cousin Ellis, nephew Crayne, Cousin Alice, Cousin Andi, Cousin Rebecca, Aunt Judie, Aunt Joanne, Aunt Jeanne, Cousin Jeff, Cousin Jared, Jim Poker in session