

We finished the lighthouse! And it’s gorgeous! On Saturday August 20 2015 we went to my parent’s house to present my mom with her early birthday present. My mom was so surprised! The lighthouse is taller than my mom. Too funny! She really loved it and that is the best part.

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I finished the cross stitch of the flags! It’s so cool. I can’t wait to put it in a frame and hang it in my house. With this project I made the least mistakes I have ever made which for me that great.

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My next cross stitch project is Rick Grimes from the Walking Dead. I am making it for Jeff. I got the pattern off of Ebay. We had to go to a store just to get all the thread for him. It’s over forty DMC threads! That is the largest project I have ever done. Jeff said at least it’s not a gold project. Have you seen those gold cross stitch patterns? They are hard I know have done a couple. This project is more like a diamond project. I just know it’s going to be a lot of blending. But I am up for the challenge and can’t wait to start it. Of course I say that now.

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Happy Birthday


August 27, 2015 was Jeff’s birthday! On Wednesday his dad bought us delivery pizza for a present. It’s Jeff’s favorite thing to eat, pizza.

Yesterday Jeff turned (drum roll please) thirty nine! What an old man. Joking! Since Jeff is seven years older than me, I forever can tease him about it.

I can’t believe Jeff is going to forty next year. I remember celebrating his thirty with him. It was great. We were still dating and we celebrated it at his parent’s house. His mom made dinner and cake. Oh his mom would make a big production of Jeff’s birthday and then mine. It was awesome. We got cards in the mail and a lot of e-cards as well. At the time I didn’t think I would miss that. But now that she is gone I wish that still happened.

Thinking of that I sent Jeff a birthday card in the mail. He was surprised and it only took four days to get back to our house. He liked it. I think the little things are the greatest.

Another great thing is Jeff doesn’t look his age. If you look at Jeff you would say thirty three or so. He has such a baby face. But I could gush all day because I love him.

Happy birthday Jeff!

Hanging with April

coollogo_com-16637157Another Adventure with April

On Thursday August 13 2015 I went to hang out with April and sleepover. It’s never a dull moment at her place.

We met at Camella’s in Appleton near the Fox River Mall. I have to say I felt discriminated against. Which I have felt before but not in a restaurant. There is no sign saying you have to dress up and it was a Thursday. I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. I did see other in in jeans and t-shirts. But most people where dressed up. April was there with Heidi her sister and her husband Brandon. They were really dressed up but a little nicer than me. One side of the restaurant was really nice then wall and other area. Guess where they seated us? Oh no not near all the nice dressed up people. Nope! The other side of the wall where I fit in with the people in not dressed up clothes.

We waited forever for our waitress to wait on us. The portions were small for what you pay for. We had to wait in the beginning for thirty minutes which is fine but waited twenty minutes between every time our waitress would come by. She never asked how our food was or refill things. The food was okay not great. I felt like because we didn’t look fancy that she treated like we couldn’t afford to eat there. I will never go to Camella’s again and tell the people how they treated us. I thought it was unfair and quite angry about it. Camella’s is near a mall! People don’t dress up to go to the mall. I like trying new places but I don’t like being treated less because of what I wear. And I wasn’t wearing anything offensive. My t-shirt had a tiger on it.

April has new rat babies. And I got to see them. Now she has a variety of colors. Awe they are so cute and I love when they yawn, adds cuteness. She has a rat that is hairless looks like a little alien. Another rat that is lighter in color. Most of April rats have been black and white. She does have two new black and white males. Who fight! It’s funny because I have never seen a rat that fights. They stand on their hind legs and box. It’s funny! But it’s not good that they fight. They fight because they are young. Other than that all her rats are so cute!

What’s funny is that April and I always make plans to what to watch to what we are going to do. And we never do those things. We never watch the movies that we are going to watch or the shows.

April and I wanted to go for a walk but of course the weather was too hot. It’s either too hot or raining out. That night we took out her dog Marty to go potty. And we ended up taking that walk at night. We walked three miles! Average for April not average for Danielle. That was a lot for me. However it was cool to see her town. There is this one part of town that feels like a ghost town. There are people are around in their homes but everything is dead around. It was actually peaceful and we didn’t’ feel like someone was going to hurt us. What’s strange is I felt that way sort of through the regular neighborhood with normal houses.

During the night. We walk to the heart to of the town. Where they have a memorial for the men and women in the military. It was so neat to see the statutes and everyone one’s name who served on plaques. What’s silly is Marty got thirsty and thought the pot lights was water. He was licking the lights in the cement. Funny dog! We had fun even though it was a lot of walking.

During this week we got some writing in. it was great brainstorming with April for her story. We are good at brainstorming ideas. For both days we just talked and laughed. We really didn’t do a whole lot which is still fun. We never run out of things to talk about.

It was fun hanging out with April.

Random Thoughts

coollogo_com-31058125Just some things I have been thinking about lately.

My teeth I have been thinking a lot about them lately. I just had that tooth pulled and it left a huge hole in my mouth. Much bigger than any of the other teeth I had pulled out. Also the dentist said that the tooth died and that is why I was in so much pain. I have never had a tooth die before. She said that it was all black on the inside of the tooth. And it broke into pieces when she was taking it out. I have never had that happen before. Usually it just comes out in one chunk. Since it’s so huge it’s been sore and painful. This tooth has caused months of months of pain and still hurts. Just a different kinds of hurt.

Eating. Since now my mouth mirrors itself. Meaning on the left side of the mouth I am missing two teeth on the bottom. Also on that is side the screw for my crown next month. On the right side of my mouth I am missing two teeth on the top. Eating is horrible. I eat like I do not know how to use my mouth. I try to stay positive about it. Saying well I am on a new diet it’s called I have no teeth to eat food with. But its true chewing is hard when you have no molars to break things up. I mostly use my front teeth. Try eating food with your front teeth.

Money. I think everyone worries about money sometimes. As you know my father in law Ken is engaged. Even though we are happy for him he put us in a position where we are like oh shit what do we do now? We all live in the same house and share rent. But since he only spends four days here and the rest of the week with his fiancé he wanted to have reduce rent. Jeff and I can’t afford this house on our own. This house is one of the more expensive houses to rent in our town as well. Also what is super crappy in this town there isn’t anything to rent EVER!!! It’ so rare to find a house to rent. And when one pops up you almost have to be quick to get it because houses for rent go fast. We can live here it will be a little tight. I wish he would have said can I have reduce rent in like so many months. Not I want reduce rent now. Would have been nice to have that little buffer in between so we could plan better. We are not sure what to do.

I wish I could have one month this year where I don’t have to think about things so much. Being an adult is hard. Sometimes I wish I could be a kid again in the summer. Where I didn’t have to worry about such things. Strange because when I was kid I dreamed of being an adult. Now that I am one, I want to be a kid again.

Technological Difficulties


As you can see blog, switching servers causing this, old postings. Thought I was getting a better deal from switching to one hosting company to another. Wrong!

I switched from A Small Orange to Arvixe. Arvixe they suck! I was getting really frustrated at them. They for some reason couldn’t get my blog to work on their server. I was posting and pictures weren’t posting. I had to redo blog posts and even paid extra to have them do an ‘emergency service’ on it and still couldn’t get it to load. Money we will never get back. Good thing they had a thirty day trail so we could get most of our money back.

The only reason I switched it. Is my blog was getting too big. So it was pay extra or try to find a better deal somewhere else to go. That was a wrong decision. I think I will forever be a loyal customer of A Small Orange. Never had a problem with them. I guess the saying ‘if it ain’t broke why fix it?’ Applies here.

Here is what going to be happening. I have to post some old posts that I posts over there, here. Then I will be all caught up. Sorry blog for doing that to you. It will be fine, though.

A Wedding

coollogo_com-102342723Friday July 31 2015 we went to a wedding reception. Warning Danielle in a dress sighting!

2015-07-31 16.18.47I hate wearing dresses. I also wore high heels. Me, I wore high heels! Two things I hate wearing. However I thought I looked good. Also I was never really taught how to walk in high heels. I sort lurch forward when walking in them. Who cares I wasn’t there to impress anyone. It was my cousin’s wedding and I haven’t seen her in years. That means I really didn’t know anyone. So what do I care what they think of me.

I have to say this wedding reception was the strangest one I have ever been too. First I thought alcohol was going to be free. Beer is usually free and it was at a distillery. However bartenders were not that great. We got a couple of beers free and had to pay three dollars after that. Three dollars for a little cup of beer! That is ridiculous. While others were getting beer for free and then some weren’t. What is that all about? Also they didn’t have any Tom Collins mix. What bar doesn’t have a Tom Collins drink? Drinks were expensive I thought for a wedding. A bit unhappy about that. Also the food was not good. We had fried chicken which was the only thing that was good. Then some really salty stuffing and the mash potatoes were disgusting. Typically with a wedding they have coffee at the table. No coffee.

Something I thought was really disrespectful came from my own family. Before the dinner they had a woman say a prayer. My sister was laughing during prayer and I know my older brother and his wife are atheists. And laughing as well. They didn’t have to participate, they could have just sat in silence. That made me mad. I don’t care what your religion is or not but be respectful when someone is saying a prayer. Basically keep your mouth shut. Disgraceful.

After dinner there was dancing. And my family and some extended family was there. Aunts, uncles and cousins. We just sat there and didn’t dance. We all looked like a bunch of old people. Sort of funny now that I think of it. We were there for a good three hours and that is all we could handle. They didn’t even cut cake which is a unusual for a wedding to do. It was strange.

Also Jeff and I did something that Corey and Kim do to us all the time. We left without saying goodbye to them. Funny! But said goodbye to everyone else. They were off socializing with people. Oh well!

What I thought was nice is that my cousin Kristin did come up to us and thank us. She looked very happy and pretty.

Here is some pics of the wedding reception.

2015-07-31_JeffWhooo! Isn’t my husband handsome!





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