
coollogo_com-318525665Working Hard

After signing mounds of paper for our house we went to our house to look around. The last owners didn’t clean anything. It’s gross.

We look at the two bedroom and there are fingerprints and dirt on the walls. We already knew we were going to paint our bedroom. What we didn’t know that we were going to paint the extra bedroom which is going to be the office.

This weekend we painted our bedroom a navy blue. Then we painted the office which was white to a different white. Paint can really make a room.























Guess What?


Jeff and I are buying our first house together today! I am so excited.

What I learned there so many things they wanted from us. What people won’t tell how frustrating it can be to buy house.

Thanks to my wonderful husband to getting everything we need to buy our first house together. He did such a wonderful job. I could tell he was frustrated at times but for the most part kept his cool.

After we sign all the papers. I will take pictures and put them on a little later so you can see. Also we are going to paint our bedroom a different color, navy blue with white trim. Right now it’s just white. I can’t wait to move!







8 Years

coollogo_com-7163856Happy Anniversary!

Today Jeff and I have been married for eight years! And we have been together for ten years! That is super awesome!

Wow eight years of marriage. Life is good. I always like the middle of life not really the beginning. I love just knowing Jeff. I love how sometimes he doesn’t have to say anything I know what he is thinking. The same goes for me, he just knows.

Thinking about the beginning. We have been through up and downs. Even in our downs we always find way to climb back up. I would say the hardest down we had I would say it was not being poor because we have been poor. Not my family drama where Jeff is awesome about always takes my side. No none of that I would say when Jeff’s mom died. That was the hardest. Also the hardest I think is Jeff’s dad remarrying. Yes we both like her but she will never be mom. Even though we do see a lot of mom in her, it will never be the same. That was the hardest so far.

Something that Jeff’s mom told me before we got married and I sometimes think about. And I think that it’s’ totally true. She told me that I will know Jeff better than her or his dad. Better than anyone in the world. True and same goes for him knowing me.

Sure we fight but we do not fight often. I like that I can say whatever. Jeff and I have no secrets between us. We talk about everything, I mean everything. We can just be ourselves around each other. It’s great!

This year like every year Jeff is making steak and mash potatoes. I thought it would be fun instead of alcohol to drink. To buy sparkling grape juice. I will take a picture of yummy food and attach when I can.

Happy Anniversary Jeff, I love you!



coollogo_com-98318303Am I strange?


In the nineties I used to love ICP Insane Clown Posse. I remember when I got their CD. One of Adam’s friends Chase asked me if I wanted this CD. It was the Ringmaster. I had never heard of ICP before that. I said sure, the cover looked interesting.

When I was listening, all ICP mostly sang about was killing people. The one song that got me was Mr. Johnson’s Head. The song is about them chopping off a teacher’s head. It’s so dark and strange. However I liked it and I liked most of the other songs as well like Murder Go Around. As soon as I got to listen to the whole CD. I asked mom if we could go to the used CD store to see if they had other albums.

I was hooked and bought most of their music in the nineties. ICP was the second concert I have ever been too. A lot of people wore face paint when I went. I actually went this shy kid from class. I had no idea he liked them. We were like the two shy kids from class listening to people killing other people. Funny.

The concert was awesome and sticky. ICP loves Faygo which is a brand of soda. They sprayed us with soda in the concert. It was a great time. Also what is funny is my mom let me listen to ICP. I know she had to hear them from my room. And that kid from class his name was Ricky his mom let him listen to them as well.

However I know that there songs are purely just for fun. No way would I ever act that out or anything. I hate when people say that music makes people become murders. Only crazy people say that. I turned out fine and I listened to a lot of ICP. But now I no longer listen to ICP. I know they are still around but I have moved on, maybe.

Yeah moved on to other masked bands.

Slipknot. I really like Slipknot. It’s funny because back when Slipknot came out it was ICP versus Slipknot. Either you were an ICP fan or a Slipknot fan not both. So I secretly liked Slipknot in the late nineties. Which now as I think about it, is ridiculous.

I had Slipknot’s first CD and I really liked it. So different from ICP more rockin’. Not really about death but heavy metal. I could really rock out to Slipknot plus I liked and still like the lead’s singers voice Corey Taylor.

If you listen to Slipknot of the late nineties and Slipknot now you can tell Corey Taylor voice change. Meaning he got older. Funny. I hope one day I can see Slipknot in concert that would be awesome.

Ghost B.C. which now just Ghost.

They just changed to Ghost and dropped the B.C. But still hard to find without the B.C. Even their new CD has the B.C. Anyways enough trivia music facts. I heard of Ghost last year and liked one or two songs. But now I can’t stop listening to them. It’s funny because when I heard the band name and heard some of the songs intros without the singing. I thought hard rock. Well they are still hard rock but the lead singer doesn’t sing like a hard rocker. I like his voice though.

This band unlike ICP and Slipknot they keep their identities hidden. The lead singer who is referred to as Papa Emeritus. They are on Papa Emeritus three which I think is funny. Then the band is referred to as the Nameless Ghouls. They wear cloaks and masks. I think the whole thing is fun!

If you are easily offended about religious things you would not like Ghost. They play off the Roman Catholic Church. Papa being like a pope and the Nameless Ghouls as clergy. Sac-religious in their songs and on stage.

Their new album is great which is called Meliora. Ghost is a Swedish band. When they do interviews they wear their outfits and you can tell they have an accent. When the lead singer does an interview he wears a Nameless Ghoul costume but I can tell it’s him just by his voice. Also he speak English better than some of the other Nameless Ghouls.

Ghost just got new masks too. I love their new masks paired to the other ones. Makes them look more devilish.

Thanks a lot Chase you put me on this path to masked bands. Also thank you it’s fun and awesome at the same time.

Labor Day

coollogo_com-4651830Today is Labor Day. Today many people get the day off. It’s great! We usually do nothing on Labor Day and this Labor Day is no different.

But yesterday we celebrated my mom’s sixtieth birthday. I was nervous going because there was going to be family there I haven’t seen in about five years. And they way my mom was talking is that this party was going to have a lot of people there.

Jeff and I are always the first one at my parent’s house and guess what? We were the first ones there. As people started to come in there weren’t that many people as my mom said. There were few of my mom’s co-workers and they were very nice people.

I saw aunt’s and uncle’s I haven’t seen in a long time and it’s funny they really haven’t changed. Who changed was me. They seem older. And my Aunt Kathy I never really have anything in common with her and her husband Dave was always strange to me. But now as I am older they are still strange but not as strange.

Everyone was just having fun. Mom was all over the place but that is okay. Jeff and I made cake for her birthday. Mom wanted confetti cake with cherry frosting. We also made chocolate marble cake as well.

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It was good day.




Ugh I am sick and it’s all Jeff’s fault. Jeff got sick about five days ago. He said he got it from co-worker. I don’t doubt that but he didn’t have to share with me. We also went to my parent’s house last Saturday and on Sunday dad told me he had Strep throat and it’s contagious. So I just knew I was going to get something.

What’s ironic is early last week, I was thinking no one has gotten sick in a while. Shouldn’t had that thought. Sort of funny.

I just thought I was having allergies for two days. But then I got a sinus infection. I went to Fast Care on September 1 2015. They shouldn’t call that Fast Care because it took them over thirty minutes to see me. They also made me wear a mask. Have you ever worn one of those things? It’s hard to breathe in those and I wear glasses. My breath was fogging up my glasses.

I did have a funny thought while waiting. I was thinking if I had to wear this mask in a zombie apocalypse, I rather be infected. I know funny. All I was left with is my thoughts while waiting. In our Theda Care there isn’t any magazines anymore. Nothing to look at.

I use to be anti-looking at magazines because I would think of all the germs that could be on them. But lately have been thinking I use to look at them in the nineties and I use to love going to the library. What’s the difference now? At least now I have hand sanitizer.

Tuesday I went to Fast Care or Slow Care or hope you don’t die here Care. The doctor I saw was funny. He was all over the place and he talked really, really fast. Which I was trying really hard not to laugh. He got me some good drugs to take. I am hoping I feel better by this weekend.

Sunday September 6 2015 my mom is having a huge Labor Day/Birthday party at her house. We are making dessert. Monday September 7 2015 is Labor Day and it’s a day off.

I need to get better. Who likes being sick? Not me! Stupid sinus infection makes me feel like my head is going to explode. Also I could lead Santa’s sleigh with my nose being so red from blowing. The joys of being sick. Time for a nap. Good night. Zzzzzzzz……….