Goodbye Violet


On October 27 2015 my betta fish Violet died.

Now I know what you’re thinking sad about a fish? I love fish! I like having them around. I like looking at them. I really don’t mind cleaning their tank. I got a small tank and it takes little time to clean it.

However Violet was fish I didn’t expect. She was playful! A fish that plays with a human? How can that be? Yes we played together. I would pop my head on one side of the tank and she would come cover then I would go to the other side and she would swim over. I would do that every day. It was fun. Then I would put my finger on the tank and trace it up and down and up and down. She would follow my finger. So cool!

One day she was upside down at the bottom of the tank. I thought is she playing? No found out she was sick. What I could figure bladder infection. I looked it up and took care of it. Then she was fine for a while.

Then on Tuesday night I just say her floating upside down. Went to pick her up with the net which she hated to be caught and I knew she was dead. I could catch her and she stopped moving. I told her I would miss her and I loved her. She was a good fish and down the toilet she went.

Bye Violet you were an awesome fish.

Here she is just hanging out on her leaf.

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This last weekend we demoed the bathroom. Jeff and Ken took out the vanity, toilet, mirror and counter. Looks bare in there. All that is left is the shower tub.

I had to rip out the floor. It was hard! Those corners had me swearing at it. Funny! The people who ever did that floor really didn’t do a good job. The middle was easy to rip out but they glued in the corners like those will never coming out! It was frustrating. But I got it out.

Here is the before and after:

















Next week Friday we start our new bathroom. I can’t wait till it’s done.

I’m Okay

coollogo_com-203803707I am only human

However it would be cool to be a robot for a day or a week. But that is it I wouldn’t want to be a robot all the time.

Got to have humor in this life.

Monday I was pretty emotional but I am okay now. I ended up getting my tooth pulled. My dentist actually did it. Last time I had to go to the oral surgeon for a tooth pull. Made the dental assistant laugh. That is always a good thing. I am getting another implant. I told her when that is done I will have a full set on one side of my mouth. She thought that was really funny. They all know I have horrible teeth. I asked the dentist if the tooth fairy comes for adults. He laughed. He said yes but instead of money the tooth fairy leaves an IOU for husband to take wife out for dinner. I said that sounds better!

I guess when I smile you can’t really tell from the front but off to the side you can see it. I am not really worried about it.








After we did pumpkins I took out the seeds. Like I stated before I love eating those. It takes several days to make but they are worth it. They are so yummy!















This weekend Jeff’s dad Ken and Elena are coming over. We are demoing our bathroom. We are taking out the vanity and the toilet. Soon we will redo our bathroom. Then maybe we can just live here without people coming over. Yes I would like that very much.

Last weekend

coollogo_com-300261661On Saturday Jeff and his friend Jeff. Yes they are both named Jeff. It’s silly. His friend Jeff sort of gives me the creeps a little. I don’t know why because he is nice. I just get this creepy vibe from him. Anyways Jeff my husband has what I call ‘his baby’ his Chevelle which he has for like forever. He finally got it out of storage. Now it’s at our house. He can finally work on it and someday in my life I will be able to be passenger in it. I hope so.






I know Jeff dislikes carving pumpkins but he is a good sport for the most part. We got pumpkins and he carved one. I carved two. I don’t care how old I get I will always want to carve pumpkins. It’s fun and I love eating pumpkin seeds. They are only good if I take them out of the actual pumpkin and not the store bought ones. Also Jeff cooks the seeds for me. It takes a day to do. I will show you a little later about the seeds. Here are the pumpkins we carved Jeff did the scary tree. He always does such a great job even though he doesn’t like to do it that much.

pumpkins 3pumpkinspumpkins 2










Last Thursday I noticed a bad taste in my mouth. I have another tooth that is going bad. I have really rotten luck with my teeth. And now I am experiencing emotional distress over my teeth. I practically live at the dentist office this year. I say emotional distress because I emotionally getting to the point where I can’t handle teeth pain anymore this year. I basically woke up on Sunday crying because of the pain in my mouth.

Today we find out if it’s another tooth that got to come out. I am going to say yes. This time when this tooth comes out when I smile everyone is going to notice I am missing teeth. And this year I was informed because my brother Adam is coming home for Christmas. My parents want to take a professional photo of the family. I can’t wait to smile with missing teeth. It will be great! Being sarcastic of course.

And that is a whole another emotional thing I have to deal with this year. Last time we had a photo of all us for Christmas you couldn’t even see me in the photo. What is the point of me being in a photo where I am covered up? I dislike Christmas as it is. Now it’s going to be worse. I know my mom chooses grand kids over me. I know I sound jealous but if you only were in my shoes and see how it plays out every Christmas you would understand. I wish I didn’t have to go to Christmas. I don’t care about presents and I don’t care about having dinner. I would love to have Christmas if we all could just enjoy each others company but that this not how it is. It’s all about the grand kids and how many presents they got to open.

During this time of year as well. I miss Darlene my mother in law. She died three years ago and I know Fall was her favorite time of the year. I miss her always but I really, really miss her around the holidays and Fall the most.

I feel very emotional right now and I hate it.



Last month we had to get a new chair. Jeff and I have these two recliner chairs we got when my grandpa died. These chairs are older than me! I remember them when I was growing up. They are green.

Well is finally bit dust and we needed to get another chair for him. I had a blue recliner that finally died before his green one did. That blue chair was a Lazyboy and my mom had it first. She had that a little after I was born also another old chair.

Now I sit in my grandparent’s green chair. But we don’t have any other furniture to sit on. We decided to check out Senzig’s because it’s in our town. We have lived here for five years and never been there. It is huge inside! We found a chair that he liked but it was expensive.

The green chairs cost us nothing and the blue chair cost us nothing. It was a little over eight hundred dollars with tax good thing for credit cards. They delivered it and the guys were really friendly and even got this:








We are sitting and watching TV on Sunday night October 10 2015  and we boom! Jeff starts sinking on one side of his chair. Broken! We only had it less than a week! Jeff called them on Monday.

Here is the fiasco we had to go through with them. First he calls and they say we will send someone over to look at it. Fine. Also on Monday we had the chimney people come over to inspect our chimney because in our new house we have a fireplace. That is why Jeff was home for work in the morning.

Senzig’s guy comes over and looks at it. Of course he can’t find anything wrong with because the bottom is all covered and stapled. He does some bolt tightening which did nothing. Basically he came over for nothing and did nothing.

Jeff called again and said what my options are. We want to return it and get our money back. They said they can come over. Jeff tells them to call me because I am home and he had to go to work.

We decided to get the dogs nails done and go to the groomer which only takes ten minutes and I forgot my phone at home. When we get back I call them. First they say I have to talk to a manger. I talk to her then I said you called me.  She says  “oh  he didn’t know he called you.” Really?! I talked to three different people. Finally they said that they will call when they can come over and pick up the chair.

This part really infuriated me. When I called them I told them I was home all day. I guess that was a mistake. I told them to call or just let me know when they will be by. Fine. Jeff had already left for work.

They didn’t call me. If I didn’t have the dogs I would not have known that someone came to the house. They start barking and I get up to see this guy just standing and looking at our house on the porch. Didn’t ring the doorbell. He was just standing there I could see him. That really pissed me off!

I don’t know this guy and if I didn’t see the truck that had Senzig’s on it. Well it could have gone really wrong for that guy. I thought about grabbing the gun. Yeah we have gun and I know how to use it. He didn’t ring the doorbell and he was looking into our windows. Who does that?

I also thought about letting Koko in from outside and letting him have at it. Koko is super friendly but I was scared. This guy was a lot taller than me and sort of muscular. I am sure if I acted really scared Koko would attack him. I think most dogs would protect their owners even if they are really friendly.

I opened the door thinking of things I could protect myself with and asked ‘can I help you’ snottily’. Then I am like ‘oh’ the Senzig’s truck. Their manger apologized to Jeff. He should have called me and apologized to me for scaring the crap out of me. Poor customer service.

Also if you are a bigger person which Jeff and I are. They are really insulating when you buy furniture there. I was mad at the sales woman but Jeff really wanted this chair. She said that she doesn’t know how much this chair can hold over time. Meaning you are a big person and this chair may break over time. This sale woman was bigger than me. I can’t believe she said that.

The only good thing we got out of the deal is we get all but fifty dollars back.

My recommendation never ever go and shop at Senzig’s. What a shitty furniture store and the shitty customer service. I have never been in a furniture store that treated people like that.

A Couple of Things


Yesterday while letting out the dogs to do their business outside.

Scotty this one. He may look innocent but he isn’t.









I was opening the blind and he ran into the glass stepped back hard on my toe and sprain it. Isn’t that great? Being sarcastic. It hurt so badly! Now have to just deal with it because there isn’t anything that can be done to toes. A couple of years ago Koko stepped on my toe and broke it and it’s the same toe the second to last toe on my left foot. I know it’s not broken because I can move it but it’s all swollen and painful. Thanks Scotty. Ugh!

Scotty still not innocent.









Saw an animal on the other side of the fence yard we have at our new house. He pushed his way through the fence and got out. At night we had to go and look for him. Good thing he came back. Still though! Naughty! So we had to re-enforce the fence. Thanks Scotty again!

Funny story. We had to go to the grocery store and this old woman came up to us while we were walking and said “have to let them take the cart so feel like they are in power.” Referring to men. Funny! Then when we were leaving same old woman finds me when Jeff was paying and said “Have to take the change so they have no sense.” Showing me coins. What? It was just so funny! Old people can be silly.

Jeff found a great hutch for my collectibles! I have never had a hutch before but I wanted one because I dislike dusting. He found this hutch Facebook classifieds he only paid a hundred and fifty for it. It so worth way more in a furniture store.

Look all filled:




What’s been happening.

I got my new tooth! Look:








My tongue doesn’t know how to handle it though. Funny! It’s like there isn’t supposed to be nothing there. There hasn’t been for almost three years. Feels like it’s too big to be in there even though it’s tiny. I am happy with it and you can’t tell it’s fake from the rest of my teeth.

I am going for round two getting another implant this November. Yeah a full set on one side.

We moved all in our new house. Now we just have boxes everywhere! Time to unpack and stay for a long time. That is a good feeling.

Unfortunately because if you are married you know husbands do not listen. I told Jeff he was going to hate the bathroom. And guess what? He hates the bathroom. I know what he would say ‘well we were going to buy the house anyways’. Yeah I know. Funny!

When I step on the tub it makes creaking sounds. Also it’s tiny. We have to redo the bathroom. Good thing my husband is good at finding things on sale. We are hoping Jeff’s Uncle Jules can help us with the bathroom. He does that for a living doing construction projects and he runs his own business. Maybe he will give us discount you know family discount that would be nice.

I will keep you updated on the whole bathroom thing.




Hot, sweaty, mad, bossy, whiny, I’m sorry, repeat…

For two weeks this has been the process because we have two houses to clean and move.

You know once you get hot and sweaty anger is close to follow. Jeff and I have been mad at each other for two weeks. When Jeff gets mad he gets bossy. When I get mad I become whiny and I give up quickly. Then later we both say “I’m sorry.” Then forgive. It’s sort of funny once I think about it. But that has been life for two weeks.

We have clean our rented house which is okay but we have to clean up after Jeff’s dad. I thought I was a scatterbrain. Jeff’s dad Ken is a much more of a scatterbrain then me. We was supposed to get a sticker for his furniture but forgot. What to do with a very, very ugly couch and a chair? Good thing Goodwill took it. That couch was so ugly! It was orange and had a flower pots on it. Who thought that was a good design?

Then we had to clean carpets here and there. We realized that the house we rented no one cleaned the carpets! They were so digesting! Ew I walked around in that house for two years in someone else’s filth and I know they had a dog too. Yucky!

I usually don’t mind cleaning because I got a routine down. But cleaning two houses and after three people and two dogs. It was a lot of cleaning don’t really care about that. It’s the house we bought no one cleaned! Cleaning two houses really suck and I mean deep cleaning two houses.

Soon it will be all done. I can’t wait till that happens. I would like to just stay at the house we bought then go back to the rented house.

Soon I keep thinking. Soon!