Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas and Happy holidays!

We made Christmas cookies and it wasn’t that bad as last year. Actually had fun making them this year. We used some vivid colors this year too.







I got new cookie cutters too:






Christmas Eve we are going to my parent’s house. I will show pics later. Then Christmas Day my parents are coming to our house for meatloaf. Adam is in WI this week and he is going to stay over. It will be fun.








IMG_20151222_134208925Cute husband rolling out dough.







Test & Bathroom & Stars


On Friday December 18 2015 I had an ultrasound done. I never had one of those done before. I was nervous about. When they were doing it hurt a bit because they had do it while I was having my period. It’s sensitive down there during that time. It was different looking at my insides. After the ultrasound we met with my doctor. Everything looks okay but they want to another ultra sound in January. Not really my favorite thing to do but to have a baby I must.

This weekend we did some of our bathroom and making some progress. We painted and Jeff put up the boarder. Coming together.











We really wanted stars in our bedroom. However we couldn’t find one of those decals because they were too kiddy. And we weren’t going to pay eight dollars for a star. So we made our own and painted them. We figured out it only cost us less than a dollar fifty for each star. Looks great!









Living in Wisconsin we should have snow however we only had some snow stick around a couple of weeks ago. Since then it has melted. Now today it’s raining that means no snow.

I feel like I do not live in Wisconsin. We should have so much snow now but we do not. I have only wore my winter coat a few times. I am still wearing shorts in December! It has been about thirty five to forty two Fahrenheit. That is warm for here.

Basically need a rain coat and not a winter coat right now. What is going on? I say no snow for Christmas. Jeff says snow for Christmas. I would be fine not having snow that means I don’t have to drive in it. I would be fine with green for Christmas.



coollogo_com-75682627Many things

Tuesday December 8 2015 Jeff and I went to the infertility place. I was super nervous then again I am always nervous going to the doctor’s office unless I know what’s going to happen. Like I am no longer nervous about getting my physical every year because I know what’s going to happening. Anyway on Tuesday we went there and we were there for about two hours. Everyone was very nice!

A couple of years ago we went to a woman in our town and we didn’t like her. She tell us anything and she wasn’t very nice. The whole appointment with that woman was like twenty minutes. Very unhelpful and turned me off of having help.

I am glad we went to the place we did. The next visit I will keep you informed of what test will be done.

As you know a tree fell on our house so we wanted the other tree gone too so it doesn’t fall on our house. So one of Jeff  co-worker’s husband he cuts down trees for a living. As the tree was leaning the right way it fell on our house anyways. Good thing there was no damage i would have been mad. I could have let mother nature do that however it was cheap for him to take it down.



Popcorn Balls


On Saturday December 5 2015 we made popcorn balls. It’s so fun to make them but it’s more fun to eat them. Sugary goodness.

We use to make popcorn balls years ago but for whatever reason we stop doing. I was talking to my dad and I mentioned why don’t we do popcorn balls? His answer was I love making them but seems like no one else does. I was like I do and can we do it this year. Thus popcorn balls tradition came back.

Here are some pics of the event. I was the only girl getting dirty to make popcorn balls. Had a blast!

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I am ready to make some popcorn balls with buttery hands.











Our New Journey

coollogo_com-203053237Let’s go!

My husband and I are going on a new journey in our lives. I want to blog about the whole experience to keep track because this is my life.

For years Jeff and I been trying to have a baby with no success. So now we are going to seek medical help and try to get pregnant that way. It’s funny because I told Jeff that I am happy to do this. Because now we can see why we can’t. Why? I like to have people on my side to help us achieve this.

In society it’s shameful or something if you need help having a baby. I have no idea why? Like we can’t talk about it. I think that is just so stupid. That is why we have places to help people like us to have babies. Doesn’t make any sense to me. I am not ashamed and I will be open about it.

Our first appointment is on Tuesday December 8th 2015. I am nervous because it’s a very long appointment. Not sure what they all are going to ask. I have a general idea but the appointment is an hour and a half. That is very long. I will let you know how that goes. And it really doesn’t say that Jeff has to be there but I think since we both want this we should both go. And besides it’s in Green Bay. I hate driving in Green Bay mostly because I hate roundabouts. At least it’s on the nice side of Green Bay or as Jeff calls it the expensive side. Too funny!

This last part of the year and next year I will be going to a lot of doctor appointments. And not only just for this, I am getting another dental implant. I told Jeff we should just move to Green Bay since we will be there a lot. It will be exciting though.