More adventures of Life



Blog I admit I am being lazy. I was going to write a Monday blog post but didn’t. Literally taken all week to write Friday’s and to add more to Monday’s since I skipped.

So let’s play catch up.

Friday January 22 2016 I had dental surgery done. It wasn’t too bad and I got stitches which later I ate. Yes I ate a couple of my stitches and one fell out. No biggie because there was no bleeding from not having stitches in there. It still feels a little swollen but nothing I can’t handle. They gave me some antibiotics which helps.






Sunday we celebrated my dad’s birthday he turned sixty one. It was fun with just Jeff and I and my parents. My dad had ice cream cake from Dairy Queen and Jeff made chili. It was a yummy day! I made a Green Bay Packer’s blanket.

















On Monday our dryer was making a funny noise and stopped working. Sigh. So Jeff being a handy man he is decided to take our dryer apart to see the problem. Couldn’t find it. Since we got the dryer from a second hand store they weren’t going to fix it. We got our washing machine from Lowe’s. So we ordered the matching dryer online they are supposed to come and take the dryer and replace it. Didn’t have any dryers in stock, they gave us our money back. Jeff called everywhere and no one had a dryer except Menard’s in Appleton. They had one left. Jeff took Tuesday off and we got our dryer which took basically all day to do. Getting it, then putting it together, taking out the old one, putting in the new one. We got a Maytag which doesn’t match our washer which is a Hotpoint but now we can do laundry.


Another one

coollogo_com-301135212It is time!

It is time to get another implant done. Today I will be going for surgery for my second screw in my jaw. I am not nervous because I know what is going on. Still hate shots in my mouth though and waiting for my mouth to be numb. I hope this time I get a nicer assistant the last one had zero personality and was a little rude. Maybe she needed coffee? Who knows. Coffee can makes people happy it makes me happy.

I am hoping that is all I get done with year. I hope my other teeth do not hurt and have to be pulled out because this will mean a full set of teeth on the left side of my mouth. I am excited for it and be able to chew food properly.

Since not a lot to talk about that lets go to my arm and wrist. It still hurts and funny Jeff asked yesterday if my arm still hurt because I stop complaining about it. I told him I am sick of talking about it. Funny! Yes it still hurts and I still can’t straighten my arm or lift it very high. I get to the point of hurt and stop talking about it because I get bored of saying it still hurts. What else can I say? It hurts everyday and complain it hurts everyday? Boring! It’s going to take some time to heal.

This weekend we are celebrating my dad’s sixty first birthday! I am still making a blanket for him. I have to go slow because of my arm but I will get it done by Sunday I am determined.



On Thursday January 14 2016 I get up in the morning and the new routine is get up let dogs out go start car. Every other week I go grocery shopping in the morning and leave when Jeff’s does. So the car was outside. I get out there start and slip and fell hard!

I get up go inside then cry. It hurt so badly and I didn’t think it was that icy outside. I ended up going to the ER and spent a little over two hours there. It’s always a gamble going to the ER on doctors. The one I saw wasn’t the greatest. I always say I got the C student doctor.

Anyways they took x-rays and nothing broken which is good. However I have a sprained wrist and sprained elbow. It’s so painful! And they gave me no pain killers which sucks. Was hoping for some good stuff. The next day I found out I pulled a lot of muscles near my hip. That didn’t hurt the day I did it. So I am in the world of pain right now.

I can’t do a lot of things which also sucks. I can’t lift up my arm very high because all the muscles are sprained and bruised. I am a side sleeper and love sleeping on my left side but can’t because that is the side I hurt everything. The only good thing is I am right handed good thing wasn’t that side.

Jeff has been wonderful helping me! He is such a great husband. I don’t even have to ask him he just helps me out.

I hoping that my arm heals fast and everything else too. I don’t like being helpless and I don’t really like taking pain pills either.

Working on & Funny


This year I decided I am going to work on two things about me that I would like to change about my personality.

The first thing I would like to change is the way I act when I am hungry. When I get really hungry I become a whiny bitch! I get really crappy and lash out. I would like to change this about myself so I am more of a pleasant hungry person. It’s going to take some time but I am going to try. Instead of “feed me now!” I would be like to say “I am hungry can we eat? Or I am hungry I am going to make us…”

The second thing I would like to change is how romantic I am. I am not but I would like to be. I want to be more hands on and think more romantic. Jeff is and I want to be more like him. I think that one is hard because I do not think that way. I know Jeff likes me how am I but I want to change myself.

Now for funny. Okay here is the thing. I started to get Glamour magazine and I didn’t pay for it. Someone signed me up for it and I have no idea who. I find that magazine to be hilarious. Why? It supposedly be how all women think about clothes, guys, sex, their bodies etc. I find it funny because most of it I do not think that way. A lot of it is about guys and I am married. Definitely not geared to the married lady. So it’s really funny to me. Thank you anonymous person for this magazine makes my day of funny.



So there has been a lot going on and a lot to say in this post.

First I would like to rewind to last year. Sort of strange to say last year already. December 29 2015 was crazy! Jeff wasn’t feeling the greatest and it was the day that he had off of work. We were being lazy in the morning when my mom called to ask if we could drive Adam to the Milwaukee airport.

Let me tell you from our house to my mom’s house is about forty five minutes. From our house to Milwaukee is over two hours. At first I am like I don’t know then she hung up on me. What I didn’t know is my dad was in the hospital.

My dad has been having horrible pain in his intestines. Found out he had some of his intestines blocked with a hernia. Late the night before he went to the emergency room and they kept him over night. Now my dad was in the hospital the week before with the same problem and they told him that they couldn’t do surgery till he lost weight and sent him home with not even pain pills. He was in a lot of pain.

Adam calls me all in a panic. Telling me that no one will help them and dad’s car is stuck in the snow. He started to be Adam and cry on the phone. I told him to stop and we are coming down and I hung up on him. Jeff and I got in the car and started to drive to mom’s house. Half way there Adam calls us tell us to meet them at the hospital. The good thing is we got to see my dad. Didn’t know if he would have surgery or not. Later that night he had to have surgery. Now he is home from the hospital doing well.

Spent some time with him and then got in the car to drive Adam to Milwaukee. Basically spent all day in our car. I hate driving to Milwaukee so much. Granted it is all highway but I still hate driving there. It was nice to see Adam off. However I am mad at my siblings and writing it makes me feel better about it. They did nothing. My mom does a lot for them even more then us especially my sister. My sister decided her friend was more important than mom and dad. That really pissed me off the most!

I would never trust my life with them. I’d probably die before they came to help me. I have to remember that for the future. I am being serious. April and I always say when are parents die our siblings will no longer be part of our family. I totally believe that. I am just glad April and I can vent to each other about our families because they are similar. It’s strange how that is.

Fun things now.

I wanted to share what I made Adam for Christmas it was a hit. Remember I say I only make things that people appreciate. I made Adam the Ghostbuster symbol cross stitch. I got the pattern on Pinterest. It was free. On Pinterest they did it on white fabric I did it on black to make it pop. Then Jeff made the frame and painted it. It was so cool and everyone was amazed by it.

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I got steak! You know I love steak so much. If I was on a desert island and could only eat one thing it would be steak. Jeff made steak last Saturday. Check out steak:






My friend Helen sent me some cool New Year presents. In Russia they do not celebrate Christmas they celebrate the New Year.








I got a lot of yummy tea and chocolate! Look at how cute that cat is. It’s so adorable and the calendar in Russian. It’s very cool. I like everything.

On Sunday January 3, 2016 I hit my goal of not have soda for a whole year! Three hundred and sixty five days soda free. I decided that I am an addicted to the sugary syrup bubbly drink. If I would have some I would keep drinking it. I don’t need it and it doesn’t make me feel well. For the rest of my life I will not drink soda again.

I am really proud of myself for not drinking it.



2015 a year in Review

coollogo_com-190533534What a year!

Like every year there where highs and lows but I live another year. That is something to be proud of.

Let’s see…I had a lot of dental problems this year. I had two teeth pulled out and one put in. That helped because I can at least chew on one side of my mouth. January 22 2016 I will start the process all over again for another tooth.

We looked for a house for half a year and after looking and looking. Then thinking we would get one and then didn’t get it. We got this house! I am glad we live here than the other house we wanted at first. Love the privacy and the practically no neighbors.

Scotty officially became our dog.









I lost more weight! But I lost even more inches around myself. I was able to buy clothes at a regular store then online.

Ken got engaged to a wonderful woman named Elena. I am excited for her to be part of our family.

The end of the year we are trying to figure out to why I cannot get pregnant and hopefully next year find the solution.

I got to see Adam this year. He came for Christmas.

adam and danielle








This Christmas we took a picture of us all. I think it turned out good.












I am still married to a wonderful guy! We are so cute!

I am ready for 2016!