
coollogo_com-262083262Happy belated Easter everyone.

Easter wasn’t too bad this year. It wasn’t a gob of people at my mom’s house which is what I like. It was my Aunt Sue, Aunt Joanne, Uncle Dan, Uncle Paul, Jared, Corey, Kim and Crayne. Crayne is a good kid and doesn’t really fuss like the other two kids. He was funny during dinner because he had an audience. Silly kid.

I always enjoy seeing Aunt Sue she is different and I like that. She always has funny stories and she is Alice’s mom. So when I write Alice I like to tell her about what her mom shares with us. I have to share this warning gross. Aunt Sue shared with us she doesn’t like brushing her teeth and for years she didn’t. Yet she has good teeth. First how does that work? Secondly gross. The look on my Aunt Joanne’s face was priceless. The horror look so was funny.

Depending on the mood of Aunt Joanne she can either be pleasant or not. This Easter she was pleasant when I see her in July she may not be. We had a good conversation about nothing.  However finally found out what her daughter Kathy’s boyfriend’s rap name is Heck Da Kid. Jeff and I listened to the only song he was out there on YouTube called Irregular. I would say I am not a huge rap fan but I do like some rap artists and I thought his song was good.

Corey and family left after dinner. Like always Kim didn’t give Jeff a hug goodbye. What is up with that?

I tried hard to play games with mom because she wanted to but ended up not understanding them and talking so I gave up. Oh well.

All in all a good time.



Tuesday March 22 2016 I went down to see April again in Appleton. This time the weather was great! And throughout the day it got warmer. Not only was I there to see April I was there to celebrate my birthday. It’s funny this year it seems I am celebrating my birthday for weeks. When I got to the school April bought me coffee. It was so good! We had salty caramel lattes.

We sat and talked April lend me the book The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J. Maas. I have been looking for a series to read and now I have one. So I will see if I like it. Also the book is hard cover and I can’t remember the last time I read a hard cover book. Funny. Now I read most books on my Kindle.

After coffee we hung out in the library on the computer trying to figure out how much and what we are going to do in London. Soon April and I will go to London together. We are going in 2019. I am excited to see everything. We are going for a whole week. April is going to be my guide since she has been there twice now. So I know we won’t be total newbies being there.

Then we had lunch at the school and I have to say it was great! Since they have a culinary program there the students cook all the food. It was better then restaurant food. We talked and then had more coffee. While sitting and drinking coffee this guy that April has talked to sat down at a nearby table and started talking to us. His name is Ray and he had throat surgery so his voice was not hard to understand but I could tell it was hard for him to talk even though he said he was getting better. I really liked talking with him he is a nice guy. I hope we can talk with him again when I go back in April.

After hanging out with April I went over to my parents house. I didn’t get to see my dad since he had a meeting to get to. However I stayed at their house alone and drank some of mom’s coffee even though I already had a bunch. Let’s say I couldn’t sleep till way later that night. Funny! Anyways I picked up my bowl I did with my mom at the Fire. She was nice enough to pick up for me.









It turned out better then I thought!

This Friday is Good Friday and that means Jeff has the day off and so does Ken. Ken and Elena are coming over today. Easter is on Sunday and Jeff and I are going to my parents house.

Weekend Fun


Before Weekend Fun let’s back up to my birthday. It was so fun! Jeff took the whole day off just for me. First I slept in as long as I could. That felt nice. After that I got ready to have lunch in Appleton. Jeff took me to the Red Ox. I had yummy steak and beer Jeff had fish.

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After that we went to the chocolate store. Since I didn’t get a cake this year chocolate sounded yummy. Plus we got chocolate for Ken and Elena for their birthdays. Jeff also got this cookie it’s cute!







When we got home Jeff and I played Zombies!! That is what the game is called. I like this game it’s fast and easy to play. Except for the game has tiny pieces that are annoying but I still like to play it. After that we watched Dawn of the Dead remake one of my favorite zombie movies. It was a great day! Thanks Jeff.

On Saturday we celebrated Elena’s and Ken’s birthday along with mine. They took us out to Ginger Roots. Love that place. We ate yummy Chinese food and we told our waitress it was all three of our birthdays. After lunch they gave a us a huge piece of red velvet cheese cake. Oh was it good!

After that we went to their house we have never been there before. It’s a small house and sort of crowded. I know Elena said they have been working on the house because she has a lot of stuff. What I didn’t except is she has a lot of stuff! So much stuff it takes up more then half their house. There is one room upstairs that is filled to the ceiling. Now that is a lot of stuff. Their house is cute but it sure does make our house feel big even though technically it’s smaller.

We met her fur babies. Elena has two cats, one dog and four birds. One bird is named Beaker and he talks…a lot. It was funny to hear him say words. However he talks a lot and it was sort of hard to hear anyone else talking.

Even though we had cake at the restaurant we had cake again at their house. Funny. Jeff made the cake and he tried to create balloons but it turned out to be a flower. So he decided to decorate it with other things as well.






Jeff and I could only eat one piece. I felt like I was going to burst. Also we left the cake there so we wouldn’t eat it. Elena keeps talking about she wants to lose weight but she never argues with us when we leave cake or anything else for them. Funny.

Later the same day Jeff and I saw Project Pink at the Meyer Theater in Green Bay.














Normally there isn’t any parking on the street available. There is a parking ramp a little further away however when we got there someone was pulling out and we got their spot right across from the theater! Lucky!

Also like a month ago or so Jeff and I watched the Rogers Waters The Wall movie. Which Project Pink tribute in the concert and they even built a wall on stage.











It was supposed to be a laser show but mostly it was building the wall and playing Pink Floyd music. It was cool though they tear down the wall on stage.






There was one guy to the left of the stage that was awesome! Couldn’t see him for most of the show but he had a great singing voice. Wish I could have seen him better. After the show they played some encore songs which were awesome except one. I really hate that song The Great Gig in the Sky. And of course they did that song. I hate how the woman is basically screaming not really singing in the song. Singing I could handle and in fact one woman was really good and I really liked her voice. They broke it up in three parts for three women. Wish they just used the one woman with the awesome voice. I plugged my ears for that song. It hurts my ears and I dislike it greatly.

I had an awesome birthday and a great time on Saturday.









Happy Birthday!


Today is my birthday! I am thirty three. I made it another year.

I will tell you all about my birthday later.

We have many things planned and not just for my birthday but for the weekend as well.

Anyways Happy Birthday to me!

Hanging with mom & Game Day


On Friday March 11, 2016 I went down to Appleton again to spend time with my mom. I like when it’s just my mom and I. When I got there mom wasn’t ready to go which is strange for my mom. She told me she wasn’t feeling well. She should have told me but she said she wanted to still go and play. I waited around the house and talked to my dad. My dad works from home. Then we all went to Apple City restaurant never ate there before. It’s a diner type restaurant and it was good. I was surprised how cheap it was for all three of us. Less then twenty five dollars! That is cheap for three people.

After that we said goodbye to dad and mom and I went to The Fire again. This time it was less crowded. Mom and I decide we were going to paint pottery. I couldn’t decide between this really cool mug or Sunday bowl. I decided to go with the Sunday bowl I wouldn’t use it for that though. I want to use it in my office to put random things in it. Mom picked out a berry bowl. She wants to use it at work not for berries. I painted mine all different colors while mom painted hers berry color.









We were there longer then last time three hours mostly because of me. It took a long time to paint and every color I had to paint three times. The drying period is fast but still I had to do the whole bowl. However we had fun. We have to wait a week to take them home for they put them to glaze it and put in the kiln. I can’t wait to see what both look like finished.

Saturday March 12, 2016 we had game day! This time we only played one game and it was a long one. We played Dead of Winter.









This game has many pieces to set up and took some time setting it up.









At first it’s super confusing. Jeff and I watched a YouTube video on it and was still confused. Then we watched a gameplay and it sort of made sense. The hard part was the first video said one thing and the second video said different. The game has many scenarios of playing but at first it’s like what? Very confusing. Really have to play to understand even then there are some things that aren’t explained well in the instructions that we had questions on. Like what is the point of the group leader? That is never explained in the large instruction manual which feels like a magazine because it’s big. And some other questions that we couldn’t find answers on.

The game is a zombie game and as a colony we are trying to survive the Dead of Winter. We all work for a common object but beware there could be a betrayer. Also we all have a different object plus the one for everyone to achieve. We work together but separate at the same time. After a few times playing we started to get the game. However I think we missed some stuff and need to play again.






I was hoping to play some other games but this game takes a long time to play and we did play three times. There is always next time to play. Plus side we added a new member to our group Dana. I like him he is nice and funny. He also likes zombies just as much as I do.







I grouted my project with the help from Jeff. Now I have to paint the sides. It’s looking good so far.






This year as you know I am getting another implant done in my mouth. Well I can only eat on the side I am getting the implant done and I made it irritated because of it. It got really puffy that I could feel it but then the swelling went down for a bit. I waited a whole month to do anything about it. Then I ate Mexican food and irritated it again with chips. So I gave in and called the dentist.  I thought she was just going to give me some medicine for it. Wrong! She cut it open and put the screw in it. Now I have to deal with the screw till May. It’s sticking out of my gums and feels strange.









I got another early birthday present. My mom made this! At the place we went last week. It’s so me and I love it!


Hanging with mom


Yesterday I hanged out with my mom and it was fun. I drove up and spend the whole day with her. First we went out to eat at a restaurant called Houdini escape gastropub. At first it’s confusing going in there for the first time. We went in on the side of the restaurant and the signs says see the hostess to be seated but there was no hostess at her post so have no idea where to stand. Funny we saw a lot of other people do the same as we. The food was delicious and the service was great. I never had pork belly before and i had pork belly soup. It tasted like roast soup. It was good and I had a burger. Yum! Would go back and now I know where to go to be seated.

After that we went to the The Fire. It’s a place to do crafts. Just walk in pick out what you want to do then do it. Now I have never been there before but mom has. What I didn’t like is there was no one who greeted us and since I have never been there before I would have liked someone to explain what they have in depth and what to do.

Mom and I did mosaic. The pricing includes a lot and I was surprised. The price is the shape you want. Mine was 18.99 and that included the tiles and grout. I did a skull and mom did a bunny we spent two hours there and it was fun. Hopefully we can do it again but something else next time.






Mom made this for my birthday at The Fire. This so fits me!
