I am going to start with the thing that irritates me. My brother Adam. I love him but sometimes he just doesn’t get it. I am happy for him, him and his girlfriend Kaela moved in an apartment together. She really nice and I like her. However he now tells me he is very stressed about money all the time. He also says that he doesn’t like all this adult stuff he has to do now. If I could I would like to slap him. He doesn’t have to do all the adult stuff because he has mom and dad in his corner. He whined to me that he broke his phone and couldn’t get one for a week. Boo hoo! I have no sympathy because the next thing he tells me that he is on mom and dad’s plan. So basically he has to buy a phone or mom will help him but he doesn’t have to pay for his service.
I know I have told him time and time again. After we got married for two years we became really poor. We really didn’t have anything no money, no jobs, nothing. Thank god for his parents to let us move in. But we still had to figure it out ourselves how to get not poor. And guess what we did. My parents didn’t help us as like they are helping him and his girlfriend. Also we were only really poor for maybe a year or less.
Now we do everything ourselves. We figure out life together as they should. I like being an adult and sometimes I don’t. Everyone hates and loves money and that is how life works. I dislike him telling me how hard it is he has no idea. But then again maybe I should be use to him telling me about his money problems. He use to tell us he would make a hundred bucks in a night for serving but had no idea why he didn’t have money. Oh I don’t know how about actually making a budget which he should do now.
Eating out and drinking are expensive. Not doing those things you can save money but sometimes do those things because you are only human. I just shake my head when he tells me how stressed he is because I have been there and I would give him advice but he doesn’t listen anyway.
Now for the oh god! I thought this was funny moment. On Wednesday Jeff started a fire in our house. I laugh now but at the time oh hell I laughed. Because it was one of those moments he tells me not to do it and then he did it. Hahahaha! We put some things in our oven for storage. Jeff always says to take out them before starting the oven. In fact he tells me a couple of times to take them out. Anyway there was a cake pan lid still in the oven and he started it on fire! Our whole house filled with smoke and our fire alarm was going crazy.
I laughed because he tells me so often to take things out and he did that! We have been carrying around these fire extinguishers for years and got to use one of them. It went out in a matter of seconds but we had to open all the windows and the garage door. Used fans and after some time our house was clear. However we now have a plastic burnt smell in our house. Candles! That is what they are good for.
Unfortunately Scotty was very scared. I had to baby him because he shook for some time. I felt bad for that. However Koko wasn’t scared. If he could talk he’d probably say we are dumb. LOL! Ah my fur babies are so different but I love them.