

I am going to start with the thing that irritates me. My brother Adam. I love him but sometimes he just doesn’t get it. I am happy for him, him and his girlfriend Kaela moved in an apartment together. She really nice and I like her. However he now tells me he is very stressed about money all the time. He also says that he doesn’t like all this adult stuff he has to do now. If I could I would like to slap him. He doesn’t have to do all the adult stuff because he has mom and dad in his corner. He whined to me that he broke his phone and couldn’t get one for a week. Boo hoo! I have no sympathy because the next thing he tells me that he is on mom and dad’s plan. So basically he has to buy a phone or mom will help him but he doesn’t have to pay for his service.

I know I have told him time and time again. After we got married for two years we became really poor. We really didn’t have anything no money, no jobs, nothing. Thank god for his parents to let us move in. But we still had to figure it out ourselves how to get not poor. And guess what we did. My parents didn’t help us as like they are helping him and his girlfriend. Also we were only really poor for maybe a year or less.

Now we do everything ourselves. We figure out life together as they should. I like being an adult and sometimes I don’t. Everyone hates and loves money and that is how life works. I dislike him telling me how hard it is he has no idea. But then again maybe I should be use to him telling me about his money problems. He use to tell us he would make a hundred bucks in a night for serving but had no idea why he didn’t have money. Oh I don’t know how about actually making a budget which he should do now.

Eating out and drinking are expensive. Not doing those things you can save money but sometimes do those things because you are only human. I just shake my head when he tells me how stressed he is because I have been there and I would give him advice but he doesn’t listen anyway.

Now for the oh god! I thought this was funny moment. On Wednesday Jeff started a fire in our house. I laugh now but at the time oh hell I laughed. Because it was one of those moments he tells me not to do it and then he did it. Hahahaha! We put some things in our oven for storage. Jeff always says to take out them before starting the oven. In fact he tells me a couple of times to take them out. Anyway there was a cake pan lid still in the oven and he started it on fire! Our whole house filled with smoke and our fire alarm was going crazy.

I laughed because he tells me so often to take things out and he did that! We have been carrying around these fire extinguishers for years and got to use one of them. It went out in a matter of seconds but we had to open all the windows and the garage door. Used fans and after some time our house was clear. However we now have a plastic burnt smell in our house. Candles! That is what they are good for.

Unfortunately Scotty was very scared. I had to baby him because he shook for some time. I felt bad for that. However Koko wasn’t scared. If he could talk he’d probably say we are dumb. LOL! Ah my fur babies are so different but I love them.

It’s all good

coollogo_com-257145036Freaking out no more.

Whew! I was freaking out so much but now it’s all good. April was told she does have a tumor but it’s very small and it’s not life threatening. Now she has to deal with her eye. They told her it could be her sinuses. I hope that her brain will be okay for the rest of her life.

It didn’t help she talked about death the entire time and where her pets where going to live. She totally freaked me out more about her death then anything! But now we will focus on her eye. She said that it gets blurry and it hurts. I hope they can find the solution and help her out. My friend has hard life as it is don’t need that to be added.

Nothing else really going on which is always a good thing.

Freaking out!


Before freaking out. I first want to write down my visit to the doctor. I have been sick and I am still sick. I decided to go to the walk in care at the hospital. I always say it’s a gamble on what kind of doctor I will see when going to the Emergency Room and the Walk in Clinic. I always hope for the best but that doesn’t always work.

This time I got Dr. Fruit loops. That is what I called him. When he walked in he almost fell down like he was drunk. He asked me some really dumb questions and gave me funny looks when I told him the answers. I plainly told him I have a sinus infection. I get them I know how they feel and this is one of those times. But he proceeded to think he knew better then me. He said maybe I have the flu but I know better. I told him no sinus infection. When listening to my heart he told me I had a heart murmur. Okay Dr. Fruit loops whatever. I am thirty three years old I am sure out of all the times I have been to the doctor someone would have told me that. He said it was faint. I don’t believe him.

I am allergic to a lot of medication so he was literally looking up what to give me. I didn’t want to wait anymore so I told him what they give me usually. Then he proceeded to look it up still then gave to me what I said five minutes later. I am totally fine with doctors who are straight forward and want to leave just as much as me but this guy wanted to tell lame jokes to try to make me laugh. I have a cough like I want to laugh. I was happy to leave.

Now freaking out. I am freaking out! My best friend April might have something wrong with her brain! Last week she told me she had something wrong with her eye. It was blurry and it hurt. She saw one eye doctor and told her they couldn’t see behind it and gave her some drops. Then she went to a different eye doctor and had an MRI for the eye. I didn’t know they could just do the eye. Anyways that doctor told her she may have a brain tumor or brain pressure. Scary!

On Wednesday she went in for two MRI’s for her brain. Waiting for the results yet. I am scared and sad. I am hoping that it’s just her eye that is having trouble and not the brain like nerve something. It doesn’t help when she is saying she is dying. I told her she can’t say that until the doctor says she is dying. I am nervous and I pray she will be okay.

I really don’t want to go through another friend’s funeral. Especially not hers. We are supposed to be old women together.



I have been sick! It sucks because finally in Wisconsin it’s warm. Why couldn’t I be sick when it was winter? I want to walk and sit outside without feeling like I am going to pass out. I have been sick since Thursday  and I wonder when I will feel better. It’s all my husband’s fault he was sick and gave it to me. I am all for sharing except for sickness.

Anyway Jeff has been sick for a week and he made a choice to see a doctor. Usually Jeff will not see a doctor unless I nag him too. Our walk in clinic is attached to a hospital since it was Sunday we had to check in Emergency area also there was a cop standing there. After we checked in the lady gave us directions go this way then this way and then this way. I felt like I needed a map to find where we had to go. Until the cop is like “I will take you.” We had a police escort to get to the waiting room. I can’t make this stuff up! The strangest things happen to Jeff and I all the time. It’s funny. Also he didn’t do that for the couple that came in to waiting area after us.

When Jeff was call in I eavesdropped on the couple that came in. Their conversation was funny.

It was a man and a woman.

Here is the conversation:

Woman: Oh honey do you want me to come in and baby you?

Man: Oh yes! You know I can’t go in by myself.

Woman: That is right you will not ask the important questions.

Man: Oh I love when you come in and baby me.  You are such a good wife.

I had to get up and leave. I went to the restroom to laugh. Can’t tell from a computer screen but just how they said it to each other sounded so funny. Also this couple wasn’t a young couple either maybe in their forties. I wish Jeff was there to hear the conversation just because it was so funny.

People are funny when they think you are not listening.



A year ago or so I thought about reconnecting with a person I used to work with. She and I were friends and I have always liked her. But when I moved away we were just Facebook friends. So instead of just thinking about it I PM her. I asked if she and her husband who I thought was cool person as well wanted to get  together with Jeff and I for lunch maybe some Saturday. This was in March. She said that would be great but how about in April and let her know when we can. So I sent her some dates that work for us. What happened? Nothing. In fact this Saturday is one of dates I gave her. She didn’t message me back to say those won’t work or how about this. Nothing. I find this strange because before I said  anything she had mention she would like to reconnect with me.

Here is something that I didn’t foresee. I changed my Facebook wallpaper to Ghost because I love them so. And a person from the past messaged me! Fitz is what we all call him. His real name is Eric. Anyways I have known Fitz since he was a little kid. He was my brother’s friend but became mine as well. We just started to chat in Facebook. He said that it been awesome reconnecting with me. First we just chatted about music then went into what we have been doing. It’s been great.

So instead of reconnecting with one I got to reconnect with someone who I have known for a lot longer.




I thought this week I would have nothing to write for my blog. I was wrong.

Thursday was grocery day. I get up early and go to Walmart. I found out the earlier I go the less time I have to spend there. If I go later in the day I have to deal with mom’s and their kids. I really want to spend as little time I need to at Walmart as I can. Thursday the employees were nice and happy. Usually they ignore me and go about their business which I am fine with. There is only a couple who say good morning to me when I go.

There is a reason why I wear my crappy clothes to Walmart in the morning. One I don’t care what I look like when I shop early at Walmart. Two less people talk to me when I wear my crappy clothes. I have these big baggy sweat pants that look horrible on me. I keep them around for the days I don’t care and Thursday was I don’t care day. Also nice to throw on to get the mail when it’s cold out.

I was in the spice aisle and this one guy employee who I never seen before comes up to me. Living in a small town I can recognize new employees at Walmart and I never saw this guy before. He comes up to me and says hi. I thought he was just being friendly. Wrong! He starts flirting with me. Do you not see my pants they scream leave me alone. That didn’t stop him.

This is how our conversation went:

Guy: Hi.

Me: Hi.

Guy: Wow you are pretty. Are you single?

Me: Um thanks. No I am married.

Guy: Oh. Do you play games? We could play online sometime together. What do you say?

Me: No.

Guy: Oh. You are cute. Your husband is a lucky guy. I love your curly hair.

Me: Um thanks. I got to go.

Guy: Oh okay. Bye. I am sure I will see you around. (He gives me a big smile.)

I was thinking I hope not but I probably will. This made me forget some things on my list and I didn’t want to go back to get them. Usually I am flattered when guys flirt with me but yesterday I wasn’t. What was strange was a woman who was pretty walked past us. She had on a mini skirt and these big black boots. Yet he was talking to me in my crappy clothes. Not sure what is up with that? He didn’t even check her out. I also had my big winter coat on so he couldn’t really judge my shape. Usually guys stare at my boobs because they are big. Maybe it was my hair. I will never understand guys.



On Friday I got something I have been waiting a long time to get my friend’s parcel. Look all the cool things she gave me and she made the mittens! So awesome!






In the picture I got: two bags of tea, a birthday car, wind chime, earrings and a case.

I tried the black tea it has flowers and fruit in it. It’s very good! Those mittens are so cool. My favorite thing to get is stuff that is handmade. I can’t wait to wear them next winter. Even though winter doesn’t have to come back for some time.

We got snow on Saturday. It would snow then the sun would come out and melt it then repeat.









Dogs wouldn’t get of the way to take a picture so I added them. Snow with a chance of dogs. Funny. Thus that is how weather for Saturday happened.

Finally my arm is feeling better so I can cross stitch again. I started work on Rick Grimes from the Walking Dead cross stitch. Trying to work hard on it for Jeff’s birthday in August. I hope I can get it done in time. I want working on his face and hat.
