That’s Life

coollogo_com-33797006Yesterday was Memorial Day and that means a day off for most. It was nice having Monday off. Memorial Day is to remember those who died in the Military to make America free. THANK YOU!

Most people cookout and spend it with family and/or friends. We didn’t. Usually we spend it with my parents but decided to move ‘lazy Sunday’ to ‘lazy Monday’ even though it wasn’t all lazy day.

I had to mow the lawn this weekend. Last week I thought ‘I don’t need to mow this’. That turned to my lawn needs mowing! It just wouldn’t stop raining last week. On Sunday I mowed as much as I could. I literally had forty minutes left to finish which it takes me two hours to mow the lawn. I was mad but nothing else I could do when it poured. Had to finish it on Monday. Bad part I twisted my knee mowing the lawn now I am in pain.

Backstory. Nine years ago before I got married my mom asked me what I wanted as a cross stitch pattern for her to do for my wedding. I picked out one. Anyway she never got to  it. I have been married for nine years this year and still it’s not done. However she hasn’t finished anyone’s and everyone is supposed to get one. So she gave me the pattern and I finished in two weeks. It’s in a temporary frame for now because I don’t want it to get ruined. I dislike the frame so I hope soon I can find one I like.






Can’t really tell in this picture but it’s on sparkly aida. Also this pattern sort of reminds me of little digital people from the nineties. I changed the pattern greatly on colors. I wanted our wedding colors which was blue and white. Jeff really did wear all black and he had a red tie. It matches us.

I got pretty far on Rick Grimes this weekend.









Starting to look like a person with a body. There is hope yet I will be finished by August.

Jeff and I had an adventure on Saturday. Been looking on getting a pellet stove only because we have electric heat. So expensive to run electric heat in the winter. Our fireplace does not do a good job heating anything. Nice to look at but that is it. It’s first we buy wood, he delivers wood, stack wood, stack wood in little area then fireplace. So many steps and dislike stacking wood. With a pellet stove just have to clean every so often and put pellets in everyday. That isn’t so bad and Jeff said he would stack the pellet bags since they would be too heavy for me anyways. Also we can still see the fire.

We had to travel to Berlin Wisconsin never been there before. It’s about an hour and forty five minutes from our house. We saw the pellet stove we wanted on Craiglist. The guy wanted twelve hundred for it. We had to move this or that to get that kind of money. Jeff is pretty good at making people to go down on their price as well so I know we wouldn’t pay that anyway but just in case needed to have it.

Anyway in Wisconsin brat fry’s are a huge thing especially in the summer. As we are driving through a small town on the way there we saw this flashing thing further down the street. As we got closer we saw this:






Can’t see the sign but it says ‘Brat Fry’. A little excessive if you ask me to tell people you are having a brat fry sale but then again this is Wisconsin.

As we pulled up to this guy’s house I had a thought. Why no matter what when we want something on Craiglist it’s always at someone’s house who’s house isn’t the greatest? Seriously! It’s always at someone’s house with shit everywhere and shitty cars etc. This guy’s house there were beer cans everywhere, shitty cars, shitty garage filled with a bunch of broken stuff. And this guy had chickens running around and a scary looking rooster. He was huge! It ran around yelling. I was scared of it. I didn’t want the rooster to come over and peck me. However we haven’t met anyone who wasn’t nice though. He was nice and helped a lot loading the stove in our truck. We paid one thousand fifty for the stove. It was worth the drive to get it.









It’s heavy! Not looking forward to getting this in my house later this year. This will heat our whole house without using the electric heat. Looking forward to that.

As you know my parents are moving. They are and were getting rid of a lot of things. They gave us these:









These dishes Jeff looked up they are four hundred dollars new! That is crazy! I would never buy dishes that expensive. But that is my mom she likes things like that. Not me and not for dishes. I would feel bad if I broke one and knowing me that is bound to happen. The dishes we had before were getting old and we got them from our wedding. Jeff was using a plate and it broke in half in the microwave that is when you know you dishes are dying. We got a whole set and it’s complete. I like using the coffee cups with the saucers makes me feel fancy. I know I am silly.


coollogo_com-310323853No working on Rick Grimes this weekend was busy and sort of lazy. So sunny out now and warm I want to spend all my time out there.

Friday I hung out with my parents. I also helped them with their rummage sale. I love going to rummage sales I dislike working them. But it was actually fun to hang out with them and help them sell their stuff. I didn’t know that people may not know what a rummage sale is. I just figured everyone knew. Helen informed she didn’t know. Makes sense. I rarely see a young person doing a rummage sale. Good example a store in your garage as she puts it. Yes that is what it is but you don’t have to pay tax on the stuff you sell. Funny!














So many things! But it was a beautiful day as well and I am happy to help.

Wish I could have taken a picture but we have ducklings in our yard! They live in the wooded area in the front of our house. It’s so great to see all the wildlife around our house. Deer, ducks, ducklings, baby birds, birds of all kinds the only think I don’t like all the bugs. But Scotty does! He likes to go bug hunting just makes be a bit worried that he might get a bee. So far so good. I hope soon we can get a kiddy pool for the dogs. That will be fun I would even use it. I could have sat in it yesterday so hot out. I know I am silly.




Last weekend Jeff worked on the bathroom. I would help but really can only fit one person in the bathroom. Next weekend we want to work on the floor that is when I will take a picture. Jeff said in two months time that the bathroom will be done.  I can’t wait!

I love flowers. I like looking at them and some smell wonderful. However I can’t plant flowers. I swear they hate me. Usually by this time I get a little pot and plant some flowers. Every time they die. Either they flower then die quickly afterwards or just plain die before flowering. I don’t know why either. Also in my lifetime I have killed two cacti. Didn’t think that was possible to kill a cactus but to my credit the first one I had for five years.

Now that I live in my own house I thought there is enough trees and wildlife that this time I won’t plant any flowers. A couple of weeks ago when the weather was nice I saw Tulips and Bleeding Hearts on the side of the house! First of all Bleeding Hearts that is so cool!









This last weekend a new flower bloomed. Some sort of daisy.









I didn’t have to do a thing and I got flowers! So neat! Now I have to ask my mom if I have to do anything in the future to keep them. My mom is a flower guru or plants really.

Also I finished Rick’s face. Now I have to work on his body and I can’t finish his hat just yet. He needs an arm so I can stitch the rest of the hat and his gun. Funny to talk about him in pieces but really he is in pieces right now.





On Tuesday May 10th 2016 I finally got my implant tooth in! So happy for this. I now have a full set of teeth on the left side of my mouth. To celebrate I chewed gum. I know that doesn’t seem like an exciting thing to do but I haven’t chewed gum in years because no teeth to do so. Big Red still tastes so good. That burning cinnamon flavor. I know I am silly. Next I am going to get bubble gum.







Okay something dumb on Tuesday. Sitting at the dentist office waiting a guy flirted with me. At the dentist office! Who does this? Do I look like I want to be flirted with at the Dentist Office?! I think that if you are at the dentist you should mine your own business. I even tried reading a magazine no such luck. That guy didn’t get the hint I didn’t want to talk to him. He went on and on and even his son gave him dirty looks. This guy was maybe a little older then me. I am not good at judging age. I am also not good at getting out of talking to anyone. For example I really don’t like talking to my mom about my niece and nephews because I don’t care. I have tried changing the subject yet the conversation still goes there.

Anyway I even told him I was married. He said he didn’t care some people say they are married but aren’t. I was thinking that is true but if I were to pick out a wedding ring it would be totally different. Not saying I hate my wedding ring because I do not. I get loads of compliments on it. I am one of those strange people that I would have picked out a smaller one. Funny!

Help! I was thinking and became a very happy person to be called in.

I think that is just one of the reason I dislike people. Really I am not a people person. I don’t mind talking to someone and I am an easy going person. But I don’t know how to get out of certain conversations. I am also not a mean person. Sometimes I think should I be mean to leave this conversation? But I always choose not that option. I think that is why strange people talk to me. Maybe I have a sign over my head saying “Nice person who will listen to you HERE.” Then an arrow pointing to my head.

Funny April and I say we are strange people magnets and it’s true. She has the same problem. Only with her she likes people. So far in my life I have heard the funniest and strangest stories of my life from random people. Some people are nice and silly like old people. Like I have stated before old women like to talk to me and I find that to be great. They have great or funny things to say. However others not so much more like strange and sometimes flirty. I also put women in this category. Yes in my life I have been flirted by women but more men. When a woman does it I actually feel flattered. Funny!

On another note I dyed my hair black. Didn’t really look at the box and it said Sapphire Black. Well it turned out black purple and…I love it!







Looks great in the sun. Finally really happy with my hair color. Which in return makes me happy. Now I can eat properly and have great hair. And later this Friday I am going to see Captain America Civil War. I love Chris Evans he is a good looking man.



Yesterday was Mother’s Day and it was the perfect day. It was sunny and warm my dad cooked out for us. Yum brats and burgers. My sister and family was there and it was pleasant. My mom loved her gift from me.









My mom loves strawberries and so I cross stitched this for her. It took not a long time to do since it was small. Bonus! My mom gave me this pattern a couple of years of ago also my parents are moving. My mom has a vast collection of frames she is finally get rid of. Yes this is one of her frames. All I had to provide was Aida and thread. Cost me nothing but time. Watching TV and cross stitching is the best!

Let’s go back to last Friday I had a freak out moment! I am scared of spiders. Small ones don’t bother me because I can kill them no problem. However the spider I saw on Friday made me cry. I have never cried before over a spider. It was medium size and I was frozen looking at it. I wanted to run away! It was black and had long freaky legs!

How does one kill such a spider? After being frozen in my tracks for about twenty minutes. Finally after freaky out a bit as well and scaring Scotty. He freaks out when I freak out and Koko just sits there and looks at me like I am strange. I couldn’t find the bleach however I did find some air freshener that one would spray in their air conditioner if it becomes stinky. It has all sorts of oils in it. I used that and got the fly swatter. There was no way I was getting close to it.

I gently sprayed it till it fell to the ground. While eeking I smashed the shit out of it! Then got the vacuum cleaner and sucked up the body because I wasn’t going to touch it. And that is how you kill a scary spider.


coollogo_com-215272784This weekend is Mother’s Day.

Here is the thing with Mother’s Day. I think that every sibling in my family that can go to Mother’s Day should. Just my opinion on the subject. I strictly speaking of my brother Corey. Ever since him and his wife had a kid they do not come to Mother’s Day anymore. However my sister who has one more kid then them comes every year. I understand it’s for moms but some people don’t have moms anymore like Jeff. I so wish Jeff’s mom was still here she was awesome and I would have loved to spend Mother’s day with her too and I know Jeff would also.  You would think that everyone who loves their mom would make time to stop by and see mom. Even just for an hour or so I don’t think that is too hard to ask. But like I said my own opinion.

I also want to say Happy Mother’s day to moms that have fur babies. I take care of them and get up every hour or so to let them go outside sometimes like I did last night because my dog is old now and sometimes he has potty issues. I know not the same as human babies but I still love them so much. So Happy Mother’s to you Fur babies moms.

In other news funny not really news. This is how far I got on Rick Grimes.









I wish I would have gotten further but I was sick for two weeks! Hopefully I can make up for lost time.









This ring looks real doesn’t it? It’s not. I got it at Walmart and it cost less then ten dollars however I have been wanting a new ring. I love rings! It’s so pretty and I love hearts. Perfect for me.