


I need to keep myself in check. I have been a ball of emotion and I am starting to notice anger likes to pop up.

Like on Wednesday I got frustrated really quickly when we were trying to take out the carpet in our living room. To make room for the pellet stove. Not a good thing.  I got angry at Jeff for no reason. Good thing he forgave me when I apologized. It’s time to go back to positive Danielle. Yesterday I am trying to get back to her. It’s hard because I feel mostly nervous for April. Right now she is back at the Mayo Clinic. We keep in touch but still can’t wave the feeling of nervousness for her but I am going to try and be my positive self.

This entry is short because that is all that is going on in my life right now. Hopefully this weekend we work more on our wall.





I am heartbroken.

April and I have been friends for almost twenty years. She knows more about me then my own sister and the same goes for me knowing her. I consider like sister. On Monday I went with her mom and brother-in-law Brandon to Minnesota Mayo Clinic.

Over the years April and I would discuss how bad her mom is to her. When I would hang out with her at her place I would see her mom here and there. But her mom Linda was being overly bitchy. I have never seen her like that before.

I didn’t know that I would go to all of her appointments with her. April has a huge fear of needles so she wanted me to be there for support. So I did and she did great! She didn’t panic or lash out when they would put in the needle. She was so brave and super proud of her.

I was surprised that Linda didn’t want to be in the room while the doctor was telling her things about April’s health. April told everyone I was her sister so I could be with her and it worked I got to be with her through everything.

Mayo Clinic is nice and I have never been there however the scheduling for appointments are so dumb! They schedule everything really close together and some of April’s appointments she had to be in two places at once. We ended up missing a few because of them. And it’s not like going down the hall to get ot the next appointment. Oh no. We had to go up and down floors to get there. It was like running a marathon to get to one place to another. How do they expect sick people to make it to all of their appointments? Also they would schedule an appointment while we were waiting in the waiting room. Not asking if that would work for us. Not everyone can just be there indefinitely. Mayo Clinic’s biggest problem is not communicating with other departments.

One doctor would say ‘well I am not a doctor of that. I am a doctor of this.’ That is fine but be understanding not everyone is there for one thing. Also only a few doctors had compassion about what they were saying to us. I know they must see hundreds of patients but have some softness when delivering bad news to someone.

April had to have an eye biopsy because she has a tumor behind her right eye. The nurses in my opinion were a bit rude. It’s hard for the family to be there anyway why not be kind to them? Again they probably see hundreds of people and patients so we all just become a blur but still.

On Wednesday April and Linda had a huge fight. See Linda will tell you stories about April and likes to complain about money. All the stories she tells about April aren’t true and can be cruel. She likes to weave her own reality to make you believe it. The whole time she complained about money and wasn’t worrying about April’s health.

When we got back to the hotel she told April and I that Brandon and her were going for a drive because she was mad. After they left April is like want to get a cab and explore? Which is funny because I was going to say want to go for a walk and get something to eat? I have never ridden in a cab before. It was fun we went to Olive Garden for lunch. April has never been to Olive Garden. So we did the first of both for us. After lunch we went to Silver Lake park. They had geese that would walk right up to you and there were ducks. Here are some pictures I took.























Also we never told them we left because when we got back they were still gone. We just told them we had delivery that is why there was left overs. The fight continued when Linda got back. It was horrible. Here April is trying to figure out what is wrong with her and Linda is calling her names and telling her she doesn’t have the money to come out here all the time. In my opinion you love someone you figure it out. And this is April’s mom her mom! It’s sad that Linda only thinks of the money and not her daughter.

Thursday September 22, 2016 was the worst day of my life. It was the day of April’s eye biopsy so April was passed out on whatever they gave her for that. Remember what I said about compassion? Yeah this doctor just said April has Thyroid cancer with no remorse or feelings. I was super sad and cried all the way home. I was the one that had to tell April that she has cancer and she didn’t cry about it. I told her she has to get treatment at Mayo no matter what. She agreed I think she was in shock more then anything.

Why cancer?!

Also Brandon didn’t make it any better. Brandon is a bragger of everything! Also he tells lies as well. He looked me straight in the face and said “You weren’t there last time. April looked right at Linda and said she would jump off the Mayo Clinic building to end it all right now.” Now I know April and she would never say that. She likes life and would never leave her pets that way. Then I was thinking how did she say it? Later when we got home April texted me and said he overheard what Brandon said even though she looked like she was sleeping. She told me he was lying she never said that. I told her yes that didn’t sound like you. Why on Earth would you lie about that?! To make me feel bad? Why? What a horrible thing to lie about.

The doctors said that it can be removed and then she has to have radiation. Which is good and Jeff and April read that Thyroid Cancer has a 97% survival. However I keep thinking of the 3%. I feel so sad. I am trying to be positive that she will be okay. This weighs on me because I want her to be here with me till we are old. We always talk about when we are old and we will have wheelchair races. And be the old women that the younger people can’t stand because we are old. Also April has that tumor behind her eye that made her blind in that eye. What if that is cancer? I hope not.

I don’t know what I would do without April. She is my best friend and my sister. April keeps telling me she will be okay and that we are going to London together. So trying to be positive for her.










The Wall


We decided to do an accent wall where we put up the wall. That sounds funny. Anyway we went to Home Depot and bought a ton of wood. It seems like a ton of wood. And cut them in different sizes. Then all week I have been staining the wood. It’s quite a workout on the arms to do so.

This is an example of what we are doing:








We picked out four different colors. Two dark and two light.

Here are the colors we did.











Everything expect the Golden Pecan we did one coat. The Golden Pecan got two because it was too light for one coat.

We would put it up this week however I am going to Minnesota with April. She is getting a lot of testing done at the Mayo Clinic. I hope that she will be okay. I am glad I can go with her and be with her at this time she needs me. I am not looking forward however to spending time with her mom. It’s going to be her mom, Brandon which is April’s brother-in-law, April and myself going.

I hope that we aren’t gone all week but if we are. What can I do? I will be there.

Get Over Here

cooltext204782311195438Say this in Scorpion’s voice

Yes I wanted to watch Mortal Kombat the movie again and I did. What a horrible acting movie! However I love it! My favorite parts is the fighting scenes. Of course my favorite is Scorpion and Cage fight. I noticed while watching it again that during that fight Scorpion’s spear thingy comes out of his hand but when he shoots it, it comes out of his forearm. The 90s attempt of CGI. Made me chuckle. I thought wouldn’t it be cool if they redid that movie in today’s technology. That would be great! That fight would be so much more enhanced. I know that will never happen but just a thought.

I also watched Mortal Kombat Annihilation. It’s like you have to watch that one after watching Mortal Kombat. They flow so well together.  Acting still horrible but fighting I like it.  I have seen these two movies so many times but I still like them.

Going to date myself but I remember going to the arcade to play Mortal Kombat. It was the goriest game in the arcade as well and always a line to play. Of course most of the time I was the only girl who wanted to play it. My favorite character and still is Scorpion. That spear is super cool and still is today. Of course I love the tension between Scorpion and Sub Zero. Fire versus ice! How original right? Lol!

Anyway I was searching YouTube for more Mortal Kombat things to watch. I found that Machinima on YouTube has Mortal Kombat Legacy. Seriously! It was so cool! Love Mortal Kombat go and watch those. Just as I was thinking of how cool it would be if Mortal Kombat would be in today’s world I find that gem. On top of that there are two seasons! I so hope they continue that series. And the fighting just as cool! I love watching kung fu.

As you know I do not have a PS4. I know I am going to play Mortal Kombat X sometime but in the meantime I watched the story on YouTube. Interesting them going with the offspring of some main characters. I guess they have to age sometime I guess. Still strange for me for being a fan.

Now I know that Liu Kang is supposedly the main character. But I have to say he’s my least favorite even lower then Stryker. Which probably the only person on the planet who likes Stryker. That seems to be a theme with me. You hate it and I like it. I do like how he is a human and doesn’t have any real power. Like if any one of us was living in the Mortal Kombat realm.

Back to Liu Kang he is my least favorte character and still is. His voice was and still is annoying! Of all the characters to play Liu Kang? Okay even Stryker? Why not Raiden a god or Scorpion spitting fire. Liu Kang? Lol! Yeah I never liked him even though in Mortal Kombat Legacy they make him a bad ass. Still seems whiny to me.

I just have to say boobs. Still to this day those boobs of every female in the game are huge. I have never seen a normal person that skinny and have those big boobs in my life. OH video games you crack me up on the female anatomy. Also not complaining about it either. Just makes me laugh because those things would get in the way of fighting. I think it would be funny if a fatality was death by boobs then again someone would complain. Some people just don’t have a sense of humor I guess.

I love the fatalities even though some are lame. Also think babality is dumb in my opinion. I think that is what drew me to Mortal Kombat all the gruesome fatalities! I loved the original when you could send someone to the pit of spikes. Or send them down through floors upon floors to their death. Ripping off heads, brains splatters just so much blood everywhere. Also did anyone ever turn off the blood? I know that was an option or it still is. Why on earth would you play this game if you turned off the blood? I remember there was an option to turn it green. Everyone had Reptile blood. Funny.

Anyway I saw on YouTube a rating of best ten Mortal Kombat characters and of course people made their own in the comments. So here is mine.

  1. Scorpion
  2. Sub-Zero
  3. Kitana
  4. Raiden
  5. Kenshi
  6. Ermac
  7. Noob Saibot
  8. Jade
  9. Stryker
  10. Cyrax

Of course we all know everyone has their own list. I think it’s funny on YouTube where people say their list suck. It’s an opinion of course no one is going to be like ‘your list is awesome’ or ‘I agree’.

In conclusion I love Mortal Kombat. I like all the story lines even though sometimes they don’t make sense. I like their are depths to the characters. Bonus it’s gory as well. What fatalities will they come up with next?

Happy Anniversary



Today Jeff and I have been married for nine years. It’s so cool! I guess we are strange and do not do the gift thing. My gift is steak. I love to eat steak. We get each other so many things throughout the year that when it comes to special occasions it’s like what do you want? We are funny.

Wow nine years! This is amazing which next year it will be ten. We are thinking next year to drive to Portland and on the way seeing some sites along the way.

I think through the years that I love Jeff even more. I love how we are now then in the beginning. Before Jeff I really didn’t have a long term relationship before not years anyway and Jeff was the same. It was a big learning curve for me and the whole comprise thing was hard for me to do at first. But now we both comprise on things and there isn’t this rift that happens. Also Jeff and I rarely fight. I mean we never really did that before but it was  more of stupid fights before but now it rarely happens. So when it does happens it’s funny afterwards because of the rarity.

Maybe it’s strange that I do everything with Jeff and we go everywhere together. But who else would want to spend that much time with me? lol! Jeff does and I want too with Jeff. Jeff says we remind him of his parents. I agree. His mom and dad were the same. They did everything and went everywhere together always.

I think the key to us being together is we talk about everything. There are no secrets no need to lie we chat every day about anything. It’s great! On top of that there is no his way or her way. We always come to agreement about whatever it is. And admitting when we are wrong. Yes I admit that I am wrong. Every day we laugh about something as well.

I know in my heart that I made the right decision marrying Jeff. Love him so much!




Saturday September 9th was my mom’s birthday. It was okay. She told me that she wanted earrings. I picked these out on Amazon.









I really like the box these came in. Jeff said it’s not note worthy to say but I disagree. These earrings are cubic zirconia. So pretty! My mom loved them and even my dad said they were beautiful.

I state that her birthday was okay because all the grand kids were there and they were being brats. We ate at a pizzeria and the pizza was okay. It wasn’t the best ever it was just pizza. However while there here is a cute pic of us.








Jeff and I decided to make the wall we built into an accent wall. We went to Home Depot and got a lot of wood! Then some stain. We are going to stain the wood different colors and put them up.






First step cut them all.

Throughout the week we will be working on this.



All better! I am back to me. No more self doubt or pity. I have the feeling of oh well too bad for them! Feeling now. Sometimes I need to cry and then I feel better. Since I don’t cry all that often it’s got to come out some time. I know this is silly but I cry in the shower. This way no tissue and so what if I have cry face I am in the shower. But wow I do feel better now.

Back to Danielle.

I have been working on the Koko cross stitch and finished it. Soon I will get a good pic of Koko to put with the Koko cross stitch in a frame. I wish there was one of Scotty. Scotty is a mix so that is hard to do. I guess put up a Scotty pic next to Koko.









I love this one because Koko does that. Just stares out of the window.

I started this cat Halloween cross stitch only because I have to wait to do some others for Christmas.  I am not sure if I want to keep this one or give it away. I guess I will wait till I am all done to decide.









For whatever reason I can’t find the pic it came with. The one with the finish cross stitch. Oh well I know I changed all the colors except the black cat.

Here is our wall so far. Oh and blog stay tuned to see what we do to this wall. It’s going to be great!










One more thing today is my mom’s birthday. We are celebrating on Saturday. Fill you in later.


Self Doubt


Being human is hard with feelings. Damn you negative feelings.

Lately I have been having self doubt about myself. It all started when my cousin hurt my feelings. I think of my life and wonder why? Why people do not like me for long period of time? Is there something wrong with me?

It sucks because I hate self doubt. I know I am a good person. I am not trying to be self righteous either. I do feel that I give people a chance.

Well I told you that my cousin Alice came to WI. We went to her mother’s for a party for her since she lives in Utah. Usually we make plans to go for lunch or hang out for a little bit but this time she didn’t want too. I know she stayed for a week. Also we are supposed to be pen pals yet I haven’t seen a letter from her in over a month soon to be two. I know she just had a baby yet a week after she was born I got a letter.


Is it because I don’t have kids I am not interesting anymore? I asked Jeff if he thinks I am boring. He said who cares what others think and besides we are DIYers we always doing something. Yeah I agree but the problem is I care a little. Why would I have self doubt then?

Just not her I think of Sheryrena how she didn’t want to hang out with me. Thought I made a new friend almost a month ago. I did physical therapy for my arm and the who was helping me was awesome! We had so much in common on the last day I said we should get together sometime. She said yes that would be fun. We are FB friends now and nothing.

This is how it is with me all of my life. And that is why it hurts I think. No matter what stage of life I am in. I meet new people, make a connection, we hang for some time then they leave. You think by now at 33 that I am used to it but no it still hurts.

Also yesterday was Labor Day. All I did was help Jeff with our wall and be in self doubt. Screw this emotion I need to get out of it. I hope soon it will pass.

Off the path movies


Sadly isn’t working. So no fancy title for you. Oh well….

There are many categories of movies I go to when I can’t decide what to watch. I know I should catch up with my shows but sometimes I just want to watch something else. I was going to say spefic genres then found out I like too many. Silly! The most that I watch though is zombies movies. I love zombies! The second on is sharks!

So yes I have seen some really awful zombies movies. A close second is shark movies.

However sometimes I have the best off the path movies. I call them that because I think they are going to dumb but turn out to great! Or I love them so much I have to add them to my collection to see again.

I made up rules. I know I am silly. The movie has to grab me at least twenty minutes in. If it doesn’t it goes. Another rule is the acting. I ask: Can I live with this acting for however long the movie is? Sometimes the plot or story is great but the acting can be so horrible. One more: How cheap is this movie? Now this can be like the CGI is so horribly done and used in scenes where I am like come on! Really?! The last question however can be over look to a point till is gets ridiculous. With zombie and shark movies I ask myself: Are the zombies good enough to watch? Sometimes I think I could do a better job on what they make zombies for those zombie movies. Shark movies the same some are so CGI. They look horrible.

One more thing is I noticed that if the movie has sequels I usually like the second or the third. Not always but it seems to be more often.

I just recently watched this again. Infini from 2015. I love this movie! It’s sci-fi thought I would give it a chance. I saw it on Netflix. It’s space and aliens. I love the concept and the acting isn’t horrible not great but not horrible. The story is like wow! So love this movie. I have seen it now three times. The main character is a good actor and he is believable.

Bait is a shark movie from 2012. Basically shark in a grocery store. Yes doesn’t this sound dumb and unbelievable? But if you watched Sharknado this movie is way better then that! Premise Australian grocery store gets hits with tsunami and there is underground parking lot. A great white gets in and people have to survive. This is one of the better shark movies and I have seen it a couple of times now. Great movie!

Dead Snow you know I have to say this movie. If you like Evil Dead this movie is for you. I laughed! It starts out as a campy horror movie turns out to be funny! I really liked the head zombie monster. I liked Dead Snow however Dead Snow 2 I really liked. I loved how silly it was! I saw online that a lot of people didn’t like the big fighting scene in Dead Snow 2. Of course I loved it! I loved the gore and such. Some parts are strange that I didn’t like but those can be overlooked for the whole movie.

Let’s talk Evil Dead. I love these movies they are silly! I really like the last one Army of Darkness. Come on that is silly! Of course the first one is a classic. Who thinks of these things? This is my boomstick! Lol! Chainsaw for a hand that is great! I used to play the Evil dead video game. The first one was great but yeah not talking about video games right now.

Tucker and Dale VS Evil 2010. Yes! This movie is great! The humor in it is so funny! I like how dumb the characters are. Sorry have to say this: This guy came out of the woods and jumped in the wood chipper. LOL! This movie is worth some more watching. I hope they make another one.

Kill Command 2016. I in fact just watched this movie and was surprised. The cover for this movie may look like it would be dumb. I was surprised on the whole concept, acting and the looks of this movie. It’s a sci-fi in the future movie. Basic premise man VS machine. I think I have to watch it again. I really liked movies like this.

Let’s go old school 90’s movie. When I was younger I used to watch the Exorcist. Yes my mom let me watch that as a teen. In fact I have probably seen it over twenty times by now. I also read the book. Now that I am older anything with possessions scares the shit out of me. I can’t handle it anymore. Seen too many movies like the Exorcist and since we live in the world of technology those movies have become scarier. However while cruising the net on what to watch I came across Repossessed 1990. Leslie Nielsen! I love slap stick funnies. Hence Dead Snow or Evil Dead.  With Repossessed Linda Blair gets repossessed hence the name. I love how she could make fun of herself. Not the greatest movie and no I wouldn’t watch again however it had some funny stuff in it.

Distract 9 2009. This movie follows along in documentary form. Those can be strange when it’s a future movie with aliens. Surprised! I liked this movie the ending: mind blown! There isn’t I can’t say is bad with this movie. I just really liked it. The acting, aliens didn’t look so CGI, the feel of the movie is great!

28 Weeks Later 2002. I can’t believe this came out in 2002. It’s such a great movie! I disliked 28 Days Later. The only reason I watched the second one because zombies. Surprised! This is now in my zombie collection. I have seen it over ten times now. Love it! The zombies look great! Premise weeks later after the first movie it follows a family. Mostly brother, sister and father.  I don’t want to give it away but damn Robert Carlyle you play a good bad guy.

Deep Blue Sea 1999. Sharks get smart. Samuel L. Jackson. Hell yeah! The CGI is a little off but still killer sharks. Awesome movie!

The Horde or La Horde 2009. French zombie movie. Basically gangsters VS cops VS zombies. In a apartment complex. Ending is great! Who will survive this? I try to pick who is going to die and survive before the movie gets really into it. Most of the time I am right this time I wasn’t. Sometimes I think it’s going to be one person then sometimes it’s more then one. Not going to say who survives this but yeah it’s good.

Rammbock Berlin Undead 2010. The zombies look good in this movie. Boyfriend tries to find ex-girlfriend city overrun with zombies. Make sure to get it’s subtitles. So good this movies seen it a few times.

Yeah I think that is good for now. More to come….