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There are many categories of movies I go to when I can’t decide what to watch. I know I should catch up with my shows but sometimes I just want to watch something else. I was going to say spefic genres then found out I like too many. Silly! The most that I watch though is zombies movies. I love zombies! The second on is sharks!
So yes I have seen some really awful zombies movies. A close second is shark movies.
However sometimes I have the best off the path movies. I call them that because I think they are going to dumb but turn out to great! Or I love them so much I have to add them to my collection to see again.
I made up rules. I know I am silly. The movie has to grab me at least twenty minutes in. If it doesn’t it goes. Another rule is the acting. I ask: Can I live with this acting for however long the movie is? Sometimes the plot or story is great but the acting can be so horrible. One more: How cheap is this movie? Now this can be like the CGI is so horribly done and used in scenes where I am like come on! Really?! The last question however can be over look to a point till is gets ridiculous. With zombie and shark movies I ask myself: Are the zombies good enough to watch? Sometimes I think I could do a better job on what they make zombies for those zombie movies. Shark movies the same some are so CGI. They look horrible.
One more thing is I noticed that if the movie has sequels I usually like the second or the third. Not always but it seems to be more often.
I just recently watched this again. Infini from 2015. I love this movie! It’s sci-fi thought I would give it a chance. I saw it on Netflix. It’s space and aliens. I love the concept and the acting isn’t horrible not great but not horrible. The story is like wow! So love this movie. I have seen it now three times. The main character is a good actor and he is believable.
Bait is a shark movie from 2012. Basically shark in a grocery store. Yes doesn’t this sound dumb and unbelievable? But if you watched Sharknado this movie is way better then that! Premise Australian grocery store gets hits with tsunami and there is underground parking lot. A great white gets in and people have to survive. This is one of the better shark movies and I have seen it a couple of times now. Great movie!
Dead Snow you know I have to say this movie. If you like Evil Dead this movie is for you. I laughed! It starts out as a campy horror movie turns out to be funny! I really liked the head zombie monster. I liked Dead Snow however Dead Snow 2 I really liked. I loved how silly it was! I saw online that a lot of people didn’t like the big fighting scene in Dead Snow 2. Of course I loved it! I loved the gore and such. Some parts are strange that I didn’t like but those can be overlooked for the whole movie.
Let’s talk Evil Dead. I love these movies they are silly! I really like the last one Army of Darkness. Come on that is silly! Of course the first one is a classic. Who thinks of these things? This is my boomstick! Lol! Chainsaw for a hand that is great! I used to play the Evil dead video game. The first one was great but yeah not talking about video games right now.
Tucker and Dale VS Evil 2010. Yes! This movie is great! The humor in it is so funny! I like how dumb the characters are. Sorry have to say this: This guy came out of the woods and jumped in the wood chipper. LOL! This movie is worth some more watching. I hope they make another one.
Kill Command 2016. I in fact just watched this movie and was surprised. The cover for this movie may look like it would be dumb. I was surprised on the whole concept, acting and the looks of this movie. It’s a sci-fi in the future movie. Basic premise man VS machine. I think I have to watch it again. I really liked movies like this.
Let’s go old school 90’s movie. When I was younger I used to watch the Exorcist. Yes my mom let me watch that as a teen. In fact I have probably seen it over twenty times by now. I also read the book. Now that I am older anything with possessions scares the shit out of me. I can’t handle it anymore. Seen too many movies like the Exorcist and since we live in the world of technology those movies have become scarier. However while cruising the net on what to watch I came across Repossessed 1990. Leslie Nielsen! I love slap stick funnies. Hence Dead Snow or Evil Dead. With Repossessed Linda Blair gets repossessed hence the name. I love how she could make fun of herself. Not the greatest movie and no I wouldn’t watch again however it had some funny stuff in it.
Distract 9 2009. This movie follows along in documentary form. Those can be strange when it’s a future movie with aliens. Surprised! I liked this movie the ending: mind blown! There isn’t I can’t say is bad with this movie. I just really liked it. The acting, aliens didn’t look so CGI, the feel of the movie is great!
28 Weeks Later 2002. I can’t believe this came out in 2002. It’s such a great movie! I disliked 28 Days Later. The only reason I watched the second one because zombies. Surprised! This is now in my zombie collection. I have seen it over ten times now. Love it! The zombies look great! Premise weeks later after the first movie it follows a family. Mostly brother, sister and father. I don’t want to give it away but damn Robert Carlyle you play a good bad guy.
Deep Blue Sea 1999. Sharks get smart. Samuel L. Jackson. Hell yeah! The CGI is a little off but still killer sharks. Awesome movie!
The Horde or La Horde 2009. French zombie movie. Basically gangsters VS cops VS zombies. In a apartment complex. Ending is great! Who will survive this? I try to pick who is going to die and survive before the movie gets really into it. Most of the time I am right this time I wasn’t. Sometimes I think it’s going to be one person then sometimes it’s more then one. Not going to say who survives this but yeah it’s good.
Rammbock Berlin Undead 2010. The zombies look good in this movie. Boyfriend tries to find ex-girlfriend city overrun with zombies. Make sure to get it’s subtitles. So good this movies seen it a few times.
Yeah I think that is good for now. More to come….