Today is Halloween!
Tonight Jeff and I will watch a scary movie. I decided this year that I will pick the scary movie for Halloween since Jeff sucks at it and he doesn’t really watch them. Funny! This year it’s Babadook. It was hard trying to find one since I watch a lot of scary movies to find one that I haven’t seen. We usually eat pizza but tonight we are going chicken.
Since it’s Halloween I thought I would tell real ghost stories.
First I would like to say yes I have seen ghost. The first time I saw a ghost is when I was baby. Of course I don’t remember it but my mom likes to tell that story. We were in her bedroom maybe she was changing me but I was old enough to talk. I asked mom who was that lady over there. My mom said she looked in the corner then asked me “What woman?” Scared the shit out of her.
Yes even at a young age I could feel them. Not all the time but sometimes. The house I grew up in not that one with the woman but a different one. I swear there was a ghost that lived in one of the rooms. It was my older brother’s room then my mom’s craft room. I did think it was a man who lived there a very long time ago. I could feel his present there and even my mom said she thought it was a guy ghost too. He was friendly because I wasn’t scared of him.
When I was in the fifth grade I had to have back surgery. While I was recovering and my mom said it was the drugs they put me on but I don’t believe her. I saw ghosts and a whole lot of them. They had different kinds of clothes on from different period of times standing around my bed. They were all smiling at me and touching me in a enduring way. I felt like they were all my past relatives wishing me well.
When Jeff and I moved to this small town we rented a house. The basement scared me always! There was a room down there where the washer and dryer used to be. Another thing creepy about that room was all these drawers in the wall it looked strange. I tried my hardest to keep away from that room and it was below our bedroom. Now Jeff at the time didn’t believe in ghost. However I was watching TV and Jeff was sleeping the vent in the floor pop out of the floor and landed away from the hole. No there is no possible way someone can pop the vent in fact sometimes those are hard to get out of the carpet. Scared the shit out of him! Now he believes in ghost. I was happy when we moved.
Here is the scariest! We moved to a little house and I always felt something there but it didn’t scare me at first. The strange part I always felt in our bedroom but just figured it was a friendly like the guy in my childhood home. One night I went to bed and I figured that Koko would let me know if something was wrong. Thinking they can see them more then we at this time we only had Koko too. I went to bed and was sleeping when I saw it! I open my eyes and this shadowy figure came towards me. The figure reached out for me and loomed over me that is when I screamed! It scared the shit out of me! That is when I started to cry and Jeff practically jumped out of bed! Jeff said good thing he didn’t have the gun out he would have shot up the wall. He didn’t see it but I told him I want out of this house! Living in that house with that thing was awful the feeling of dread in our bedroom was awful. When we did move it was a sigh of relief.
To date that was the scariest ghost I have encountered. I would be okay if I never see a scary ghost again. The ones that don’t bother me or are friendly that is fine.
Time to complete my marathon of scary movies.
Boo! 2014. Amazon Prime. This movie is cheesy yet can be scary. I like the story line of this one. Not super scary but enough and there are some jump scares. Four young people go to a mental asylum that is abandoned on Halloween. What could go wrong? I love in the beginning one of the women states that they are the those people who are the dumb ones that are going to find out. True. This deserves a four.
The Last House on Cemetery Lane. 2015. Netflix. Skip this one. Boring maybe a couple of jump scares. The plot line is overdone and the end is no surprise. A writer goes to a house on holiday to get away from it all to write. He has nightmares that are supposedly scary. They are not. One for this one.
The Rohl Farms Haunting. 2015. Amazon Prime. I am not that much into real footage movies because of motion sickness. However I thought I would give this a try. It’s not really all that scary and can be boring in parts. I thought it was okay but I hate how they didn’t explain anything. Like the mask people why are they there? Why did they want these two guys? More questions then scary. However it wasn’t super horrible so I give it a three.
Battle of the Undead. 2013. Amazon Prime. Not a bad zombie movie and not the greatest. Soldiers go to Lebanon to find a man to bring back alive. When they get there, there are zombies. This movie is not in English but it’s dubbed over. The voice actors are not that bad either. Who will back it back? The ending was not bad but like I said not the greatest. The zombies were not bad looking either. This deserves a three.
The Guard Post. Korean. 2008. Amazon Prime. This movie is in Korean so subtitles. However it was great! It’s a long movie but worth a watch. Soldiers at a post are dying but why? They send another team to go in to find the first one and the first scene we see is a crazy solider with an axe and soldiers parts everywhere! A bloody mess! A mystery virus are causing soldiers to kill each other then not remember doing it. Where did this virus come from and why is this happening? They are not zombies as we know zombies but technically zombies in a different mental way. I loved this movie. This movie is a five.
Bunker of the Dead. 2016. Amazon Prime. Finally a zombie movie to watch! Unfortunately this movie is in first person. I have a feeling most movies are going to go this way. Bad for people like me who get motion sickness. I had to watch this movie in two nights however it isn’t bad to keep up. This is about two guys, one guy is wearing a suit and cameras as in first person. The second guy who I have to say has a pleasant voice is the navigator. The first guy goes to a bunker that hasn’t been touched since World War II and they are trying to find gold. But what they find are Nazis zombies which are very well done. They also find a strange tank of the future maybe? Also an alien. The guy who is in the bunker is German as well and somehow can talk to the zombies and alien because he is German. Best zombie movie I have come across in a while. This is a five!
That concludes it. Happy Halloween!