
coollogo_com-79813088See you later. Time for vacation! Dawn is super excited to see us. Every day for weeks now she has been asking us what we want or what we want to do. I think it’s funny how excited she is. I think it will be fun and it’s a vacation. Jeff and I haven’t been on vacation for a while. Jeff promised that he won’t do work on vacation unless his work is going down in flames. So we will see if this happens. I can’t wait to see pretty landscapes. I am hoping see some weird too. Maybe a really big statue of something.

You know there will be some crazy story because Jeff and I traveling. Always something strange happens to us. Ha ha!

The hardest part of leaving is I will miss my fur babies.  I see them everyday and all day too. So that is the worst part of leaving. They will be staying at Jeff’s dad house. It’s funny because Koko is a big boy and their house is smaller than ours. He takes up a whole room by himself. So that will interesting to hear how Koko did since he likes to be a shadow. I think they will be fine. Scotty will have Koko and that makes it better. Scotty won’t be too scared even though Scotty was Ken’s dog but I know he will miss us. You know how dogs are very routine animals.



coollogo_com-31467614Yesterday I was recovering from female problems. It was a bad one this time. Being a female sucks but only sometimes.






This has been the bane of my existence for three weekends! Since we own two lots that means twice the work. This time I had to do it by myself and it was so boring! Last time Jeff helped but he was doing inside projects which less for me to do inside the house. So it worked out.  I hate raking leaves because boring and long. Also the town we live in we can’t rake them in the street. Sometimes you can and the city comes by and picks them up. No we have to take them to a place. Only thing between the two is this way it’s more work but less taxes. The other way less work more taxes. Still  it’s a lot of work. I complain about mowing the lawn. I forget about fall and all the leaves we have to pick up. Makes me want to mow the lawn instead.






However look how neat our lawn looks now. I like the end result only. Ha ha!

In other news cute Koko picture to enjoy. I do like looking at Koko pictures.









Wish Jeff’s laptop wasn’t in the way. But if I moved it he wouldn’t let me take a picture.



coollogo_com-64753991I am just going to put this out there. I feel a little hurt by my cousin. As you know we have been paling (I don’t if that is a word) anyway I got her letter the other day. Okay I understand that she works full time and have two babies. However if we are going to write each other I rather wait a long time for a meaningful letter then just a letter about nothing. I wrote in my last letter how I was worried about April and that Jeff and I had our ninth anniversary. Usually she says Wow that is awesome happy anniversary. I was hoping she would say something else about April. Nope. This is what I got this time was blah blah kids blah blah husband blah blah work. Don’t get me wrong I do like hearing of her life but I respond on the things she says yet she hasn’t been to me lately.

I understand how life can be busy. I think she thinks since I don’t have job even though homemaker is twenty four seven. And I don’t have kids that I do nothing all day every day. I really do believe this. So my solution I will not write her for some time. Because apparently my life isn’t full like hers. I hate feeling of hurt. Damn being human!

If you didn’t know we have a new President, President Trump. What I am going to say about it is….that is life. FB is a rampage of emotions and yes I have to admit I used to be like that. But I don’t dwell on those feelings of negativity anymore. Not going to say if this is good nor bad. It is what it is.

Today is Veteran’s Day. Jeff has the day off and we are going to be working on the house. It’s never ending. Anyway I want to say thank you to all the veterans. I do believe our military is the best and they deserve the best of the best. My dad is a veteran of the Vietnam war. Last year I sent him a card. This year I send him a card with a DQ gift card. Thank you dad for your service. I love you!

One more week and Jeff and I are on vacation. Or as my friend Helen calls it holiday. I am excited to get away for some time. I can’t wait to meet people I just see on FB or hear about. What I am not looking forward too is driving a bunch. I will make sure to take a ton of pictures. It will be fun along the way too, to see different things and landscapes.


Herman’s Hermits Concert!


We had so much fun at the Herman’s Hermits concert at the PAC (Performing Arts Center) in Appleton. I wasn’t sure if I would know all their songs. However I knew way more then I thought! It was Herman’s Hermits starring Peter Noone who is the lead singer of the band.  Saturday November 5th was the concert AND it was his birthday and wedding anniversary. He turned 69 and has been married for 48 years! Crazy. He moved around the stage pretty great for a 69 year old. WOW!

Also he was very funny! Telling jokes about being in Wisconsin but not mean ones. He was being silly and he did sing other people’s songs as well. The whole band was very good as well. I swear the drum player and the guitar player were related or twins because they looked similar. It was funny. Also funny the age group of the people who went all about my mom’s age sixty or older. So a lot of white haired people. Funny! However it was so fun! He got the whole place up and dancing and singing. And we all sang happy birthday to him as well.

I am surprised how much fun it was! My mom told me she first heard them when she was ten. I am glad April told me about the concert so we all could go. I could tell my mom had a great time and we all did. It was a fun weekend!


coollogo_com-64753991I have to say this week is like ugh life. It’s not like I am bored or anything the weather though is so gloomy. I want to lay in bed, I feel so sluggish this week.

Anyway on a good note I have a mother in law again. Ken and Elena got married last weekend. They wanted us to keep it a secret. Isn’t that dumb? Why? They never answered why it had to be secret. Anyway it was so beautiful and I had happy tears. Jeff and I are happy for them.

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They got married at the Appleton court house. It was funny because we looked way out of place there. The judge she was so cheerful and happy about it too.

Tomorrow Elena, Ken, my mom, April and I are going to see the lead singer of the Herman Hermits. The Herman Hermits is one of my mom’s favorite bands. Yesterday I couldn’t stop singing “I am Henry the eighth I am, Henry the eighth I am, I am.” Even got Jeff singing it. Funny! I can’t wait to see them tomorrow it will be fun. All their songs are great and simple. Also it will be fun hanging out with April as well.