Another Year Finished!

Wow what a year!

I feel that I have grown as a person this year. My mind has changed on how I feel about people and my life.

This blog is like my therapy. Every time I write I feel better about whatever I am feeling. I like looking back and remembering good or bad.

This year I succeeded and failed on my goals. Ha! I lost and gained and lost and gained weight. I did write more of my story but didn’t get as far as I would have liked too. What I am proud of is I haven’t had any soda this year. What I have noticed is my teeth do not hurt as much and I do believe it was drinking all that soda. Also the end of the year no teeth problems which I usually have. I made a good decision on the soda.

2017 Goals

Lose weight that is an always thing. This year going to try hard. Jeff even said he is going to really try this year. It’s better to lose weight with someone.

Still on the quest on getting pregnant. If I don’t look as it as an adventure it can be depressing. So many appointments and such.

Work more on being positive. I failed a few times this year and want to get better at it.

Not caring. Sound cruel but I want to not care about the past so much. It happened and move on sort of thing. Sometimes I dwell there in pass events and I can’t change it so why worry about it? Can be hard to change the mind but I am going to try and work on this.

And of course get really far on my story. Come on brain!

Anyway I hope this year is a good year.

Goodbye 2016. Hello 2017.



Christmas Eve  wasn’t too bad this year!

Adam, Ken, Elena, my mom and dad came over during the day. The guys watched football while us girls talked away. It was fun and we ate really good food. Jeff made chili, queso dip, pumpkin pies and peanut butter with Hershey kisses in the middle cookies. He was a busy man the day before Christmas. He did all the cooking while I did all the cleaning and making our house look good.

Adam fell asleep during the game. We could hear him in the kitchen. Funny!







That is Kaela and the gift I stitched Jeff framed turned out awesome!







So happy Adam came home for Christmas. I miss him.







We all got Packer hats for Christmas. We gave dad a shareholder hat, Jeff got me a hat and Jeff got one for himself and Adam just had one. Great picture!





My friend Helen gave some great stuff this year! She made me the gloves and scarf. I love all these gifts from her.

Christmas Day we went to my cousin’s Bruce’s house. He has what they call an Open House. Basically a huge get together with their family and friends and loads of drinking. We never go and this year I decided we were going. I wanted to see Alice’s baby! Funny. I got to hold her it was awesome. We saw Bruce and Julie’s house and wow what a gorgeous house! They finished the basement and that is where we were. It was nice to see everyone and we didn’t stay all that long. I think over two hours was good and it was strange but we were one of the first one there. It started to get crowded when we left so perfect timing.

I hope next year goes as smoothly as this year.











Merry Christmas

It’s that time again!

Today Adam, Kaela and my parents are coming over. Adam, Jeff and my dad are going to watch the Packers while Kaela, myself and my mom are going to play games. Jeff made chili and queso! Yum! He also made pumpkin pie and I made peanut butter cookies with Hershey kisses in the middle. There is good food and share it with the people I love.

Later we will go to Chrissy’s house and exchange gifts. It will be good to drink and eat good food.

Jeff got me two gifts this year. One I asked for and one he got me.

I asked for my hair to get colored and cut. I did this on last Friday the 16th. Surprised my mom gifted me 20 dollars off my hair cut. That was a nice of her.








Jeff got me a Keurig hot! He also got me a K-cup sampler pack. So now I can try other coffees. That was so nice of him.

I got him a powered subwoofer. It’s really cool!

Merry Christmas!


Thedacare strikes again

They got me again!

So yeah…I fell again outside. Damn winter strikes again. I can’t help it, I am clumsy. My mom said I am like her clumsy and it’s true. Another thing is April is clumsy too and I think there should be a group called Gravity Hates Me. That would be great.

Went to Fast Care on Monday and they didn’t do anything. Basically my money went to x-rays which they found out I don’t have any broken bones. Trust me if it was broken I would know. It would hurt then not hurt. I have broken bones before so I know how that feels. I told the doctor that regular pain pills were not working so does she give me anything? No. So when I got home I called my mom and she told me to call my doctor’s nurse. I called and they told me they couldn’t do anything and they will call me tomorrow. All night and today I have to be in pain?! No! I have some painkillers from my dental surgery so I took one of those. Thank you Danielle for having some of those around. Your welcome self. Lol!

Guess what my doctor didn’t do even though I asked twice when I saw him? I asked specifically if I could a new nebulizer machine. And did he write me a new prescription for that? No. So I had to call to ask for that. Another reason why they suck.

I am done with them. I can’t handle Thedacare anymore. A good thing about doctors is when they suck you can choose another one which I am going to do. This is ridiculous. They let me be in pain. It burns all the way down my leg into my ankle and foot. Also my leg is swollen! So I just have to deal with it.

Goodbye Thedacare you suck.



Mom’s Surgery

My mom had surgery on Monday and it was like she said breast reduction.

We went to St. Elizabeth hospital. I was born there and haven’t been there since the nineties. It’s huge now! It’s a bit confusing trying to figure out where to go in the parking lot and there is even a parking ramp inside the parking lot. Crazy! It’s a bit of a maze inside too. This is dumb though. You have to check in, in the front main part of the hospital but my mom’s surgery was done on the other side of the hospital. So they have people walk you to where you need to go. That is nice but when you have to leave and come back it can be confusing.

Funny story:

When we were waiting for the first nurse to come in the room there is a TV in the room. It had the wildlife channel on.

Me: What are those?

Mom: Hmmm not sure.

Me: Are those deer? Maybe their moose.

Mom: No I don’t think so.

The second nurse is now in the room and she is putting in mom’s IV. While the nurse is talking.

Nurse: Does that feel….

Mom points at me and says: They are caribou!

Nurse looks at me then mom and continues.

Oh it was so funny just mid sentence she did that to the nurse I couldn’t help myself I burst out laughing.

We met with the doctor and he drew all over her. He was a character himself. In this hospital the person waits in the room not the waiting room which is different. I did leave because dad took me to lunch, that was nice. I also had to move the car to the emergency room parking lot it took two minutes to get back to the room instead of walking forever to find the room again.

I was thinking since Mom had to be there at 8:45 in the morning that she would be done around one. Wrong! They didn’t come and get her till about eleven. After she left dad and I went to lunch. Dad couldn’t take mom in the morning because of work that is why I took her. It’s not a big deal. Anyway when I got back, she didn’t come back till about 2:30. Even after that every time they gave her a pain pill she had to add thirty minutes so we were there to 4:30.

Bonus! Mom said I was her favorite that day. I will take that!

When the doctor came down around one thirty he told me she was being cute. Meaning she was being silly. So I thought when mom came down she would be silly. She was NOT silly she was mad! She looked mad anyway. I could tell she was in pain but still not totally aware about her surroundings. The nurse kept asking her questions and she was not answering them. Good thing I was there to help out.

Then I took her home and since it was late they fed me dinner. That was nice of them. I didn’t get home till around seven. Also I got up at 5:30 in the morning because I wasn’t sure about the roads it had snowed the night before. On top of that mom’s time changed so I wanted to make sure I got there on time. I ended up getting to Appleton at seven which is way too early. When I got there mom just got up and so to past time I wrapped some Christmas presents for them.

I am glad I could help parents.




We put up our tree!

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Also we have snow now.

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I hate you snow.

I got to meet my new doctor. I am picky on doctors and sad I had to pick a new one. I really liked my old doctor and she was the only woman doctor that I liked. Usually women doctors I have found do not have compassion especially female things. But my old doctor did. I swear Thedacare has gone down on health care because they made me reschedule this appointment three times which I hate! Not only do they NOT apologize I ran out of my prescriptions and it’s their fault. Like with my arm took FOREVER to see anyone about it as well. Really grinds my gears! Grrr!

Forget about asking questions on the website they never get back to you. I also hate calling then talking to the nurses any of them. They make me feel dumb or I have to repeat everything. Or they take forever to give me information. Not sure what is up with that.

So I had to pick a new doctor and I knew I didn’t want a female because of what I stated before. I got the only male they had available and he is younger then me, thought that was funny. Not funny I thought my new doctor attitude was flat and he said some dumb things. I thought that form you have to fill out the doctor had to look at it. Even more so when you are new. I am going to say they don’t have too.

He was checking my back and said “you have a swollen spot here.” I am thinking ‘no I don’t’. I told him I had scoliosis surgery and have two metal bars fused to my spine. And he was “Oh when did you have that done?” I am thinking look at my form! With my back one side pokes out more then the other. That is just me.

I have acid re flux disease had it for years. He literally drew me a picture on how it works. I am not that dumb I know how it works and what can become of having this disease. Also on my form it tells how long I have had this disease. It takes a minute to look over the form. Why even fill out that thing out if the doctor isn’t even going to look at it?

My appointment was a physical so I was surprised he didn’t check my chest. I thought they had to do that to check for lumps and things. I didn’t even get undress he checked my legs and ask “Do they get swollen?” Which the answer is no. Just strange he didn’t check my chest though.

I even asked him questions he was matter of factly with me. I hate that tone. I am not a doctor so I don’t know some things like terms and such. I like well this or that and this what this means. The only thing I do know is what I have wrong with me for years. But when I ask questions just say don’t have a tone with me. Explain things so I can easily understand. I hate when doctors do that. I understand you went to school and you are smart but no one likes going to see you so make it a little pleasant. Is that too much to ask? I think not.

In my opinion some of the nicest doctors are the ones I encounter in Fast Care. Some are so nice they even take the time to explain and show me a picture where on my body they are talking about. However ER doctors are the rudest I have encounter. I even had one ER doctor yell at me. So yeah my opinion on doctors is the not the greatest. It has been ever since my seeing so many doctors for my back. Then the surgeon pinching both of my nerves in my back. Also doctors upon doctors for variety of things. Being clumsy AND having asthma to going to the ER. I don’t really like doctors. So when I find a nice one I hang on for a long time! Miss my last doctor. She was so nice and felt comfortable asking her questions. Now I have matter of factly doctor who actually he said to one my questions was “I don’t know.” Which I followed up with “Can you find out?” He said he will and he did. At least he did.

Oh well hopefully I only have to see him once a year.




coollogo_com-24034826I forgot to add to my vacation. Dawn had to feed these horses for this older lady and we got to go with her. They were so cool!









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There also were these three black labs that roam around and they were super friendly! Awe and super cute. The horses didn’t mind them either. The black horse liked Jeff because it wouldn’t let me pet him. The other horse let me pet them.  They were cute.



I don’t know what happened but I noticed a change in Jeff. Who knew vacation could change someone that much. Anyway an example of a change of mind which I find strange. For years we send our nieces and nephew money for their birthday. I don’t remember who came up with the idea of giving them money based on their age for example Allie turned eleven so we sent her eleven dollars. So the other night we are sitting and talking and Jeff says We should send our nieces and nephew twenty dollars instead for birthdays. In my brain I am saying: WHAT! Did you get punched in the head? Who are you? Because Jeff would never say that. So I thought that was strange.

Jeff is changing.

Here is the real reason. I don’t like that there will be less time for us. Jeff is starting a new business venture that could lead to great big things. Him and a guy from work are going into business together as a side project. Which is awesome! But that also means less time for me. Also he is so focused on his family ever since vacation which is great too. But he spends a lot of his time focus on them. I don’t even focus on my family that much.

I know I am being selfish but I get to be since it’s just me here. Jeff and me. Has been for a long time.


There was an incident that happened in NC after Allie’s birthday party between Jamie and Corey. It ended badly and now they are either not going to get back together, not sure on this. However Jamie video chatted with Jeff yesterday. I thought that was strange. She is a cool person and I was sad to hear what happened. But I am worried about Jeff. He hasn’t ever had to deal with this sort of thing before. I have. There was one girlfriend that Adam had that I really liked and was sad when they broke up. I hope that Jeff knows what he is doing.

In my opinion it’s best to stay with family and let it be as it is. It’s fine if you want to be friends but have to be careful on what is said because it WILL come back. And it WILL be used against you. I know been there done that.

We will see what happens.


I am worried about my mom. She is having breast reduction surgery and she asked me to drive her to surgery which is next Monday. I am. What I am worried about is early this year she found a lump on her breast. Turned out to be nothing which is awesome. What I am worried about is what she is not telling me. She didn’t even tell me she found a lump till way later. She said it’s because her back and shoulder are in a lot of pain and the doctors suggest this. I am hoping that is the case.


I’m back

coollogo_com-26769887Hi blog!

Wow I had so much fun! Even though I missed my dogs. The weather in North Carolina is amazing! I got a tan in November!

We drove for two days. Well I didn’t drive actually Jeff drove the whole time! I am surprised he wanted too.  We broke up the driving ten hours the first day then six hours the second day. It was nice to break up the days.

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I haven’t seen a wind farm in a long time. It was cool to see one and they all were moving that day. Jeff is silly. We used to have a Tumbleweed in WI for a long time then it closed down. It was so yummy Tex Mex food. So Jeff got a hotel near a Tumbleweed! We stayed in Chillicothe Ohio. Chillicothe is pronounced chill-a-coffee. I always thought that town was spelled strange but is pronounced like that.

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Before we got to Dawn’s house we at Chick-fil-A never had that before. I have seen it on TV but never ate there. Oh wow! It was so yummy! It was so good we ate that on the way back as well. I thought it was funny they would say at the end of taking the order they would say “my pleasure.” Funny!

When we got to North Carolina Dawn was not there just Allie who is ten and her dad Antonio who is super shy. For about five minutes we just sat there awkwardly however that was the only time I felt awkward which is good. When Dawn got home everyone was way more relaxed. Looking back on it, it’s funny.

Monday we just hung out and Dawn made lasagna. I love lasagna! Jeff won’t let me make lasagna because he hates ricotta cheese but this was amazing. On

Tuesday we went to see where Dawn works. She works for a chiropractor. Allie had the week off because of Thanksgiving so she came with us. When we were there the patients talked to us especially this one woman. It was strange to us how nice people were. Just driving down the road people waved. Here in Wisconsin people rarely wave to strangers unless you live in a nice neighborhood.

People said please and thank you, held the door open for you and said excuse me. Everyone was super polite. When driving home it wasn’t until we got parts of Indiana on the way to Chicago that people started to be rude. People here in my small town are rude. It’s far and in between that someone will hold the door for you or say excuse me.

It was funny because people didn’t even use their horn when someone would cut them off. Here you would get the finger and a horn honk at you. Dawn says that when they hear someone honking their horn they say “must be Yankees.” Funny! Because really true. Manners in Wisconsin are horrible.

Anyway the doctor that Dawn works for looked different I thought he would look like. I thought he would look older for some reason but he isn’t. Funny! Jeff thought the same. Anyway he was very nice. She only had to work for a half a day then we went to a grocery store. People were saying ‘excuse me’ thought it was funny, again polite. After that Allie, Jeff and I rode around the town which isn’t that big as Dawn went to Bojangles for lunch. Jeff and I have never had Bojangles which is like KFC but I think better. It was so good! I could eat Bojangles if we had one here. Allie told us several times that Bojanles and Chick-fil-A are her favorites. She was a funny girl.

Talking of Allie wow what a nice ten year old. She was shy at first but warmed up pretty quickly to Jeff and I. She wanted to show us everything she has been doing in school and pictures. Dawn said she doesn’t warm to people so quickly or talk that much to others because she is so shy. I was happy we could play together and fun with her.

Wednesday we went to a restaurant called Christo’s. Oh wow! Such yummy food! We had medium spice chicken wings and subs. Now an eight dollar sub here in WI is small. There for eight dollars was huge! So much food for eight dollars was crazy! Jeff and I ate subs another day at their house because there was no way to eat that much food then. I could eat there every so often for those prices.

Thursday was Thanksgiving. It was fun! We met Corey and Jamie. Corey is Dawn’s son and I never met him. Jeff hasn’t seen him since he was in diapers. He is in his mid twenties now. Jamie is his girlfriend soon to be fiancee. Jamie has a son who is six and a nice boy. They also brought their dog Duke who was a seven months German Shepherd.

Now Dawn has chickens in her backyard. Can you guess what happened next?

Jamie’s son accidentally let the dog out in the backyard and he went hunting for chickens. He even got one in his mouth but good thing he didn’t kill it. Allie got really upset that the dog was out with the chickens. I felt bad for her.

However it was funny to watch Corey and the other guys chase that dog. They finally got him. Almost all week Dawn kept asking me if I wanted to drink. I told her I was saving my drinking till Thanksgiving. I got wasted! I haven’t gotten that wasted in a long time. I don’t normally drink that much and I know my limits. But that day I was like yeah lets get drunk. Jamie was so funny and the life of the party. She kept saying how much she likes me and was all over me! Jeff said she had a woman crush on me. I think so too. Funny! It was a fun Thanksgiving.

















The last pics I am drunk. It’s funny!


Nick came that is Dawn’s other son who is in his twenties as well. I think he funny because he reminds me of Adam so much! I always think if Adam and Nick got together what mischief would they get into. They are so alike! So I felt comfortable around him and would tease him like I tease Adam. He is a good sport and funny as well.









Funny pic of Nick and his cat. I think this is the perfect timing pic.

Antonio is a very shy guy but by Thanksgiving he was chatting with us. He even taught us how to play dominoes. He started to come around to just being alone with me or Jeff in a room and chat. It was cool. I never met him before and they have been married for a long time. I do like how he would say Jeff’s name though. Antonio is Mexican and you know there is no J’s in Spanish. I thought it was cute.

Dawn’s BFF came over and she is married to a Mexican as well. I liked to hear Antonio and him speak Spanish. So fast! I hear people speaking Spanish just for being around town but never just sitting there listening to whatever they were saying.

Friday I had a huge hang over. It sucked! We had to say goodbye to Corey and Jamie and her son. I told her to keep in touch. Had so much fun with her. She just as nice sober as drunk. Funny!








Saturday we went on our way to go home.

Had so much fun in North Carolina. I think Jeff and I started a tradition. I would like to go back every Thanksgiving. Jeff said he would like to as well.