Since nothing is going on in my life right now, I decided to talk about TV.

I don’t know about anyone else but DAMN! That Superman in Supergirl was HOT! Which is strange for me because I don’t usually go for the younger guy. He made me blush. Ha! I so hope he comes back to Supergirl. I am surprised on the rating on Netflix for Supergirl which I guess I shouldn’t be. I have seen some cool shows and movies on there where I look at the rating and say What?

I could see that Superman having his own show. Who would play Lois Lane?

Jeff and I are watching Tom Hardy’s Taboo. First of all Jeff watching this show is a first! It’s very dark literally watching it at night is hard sometimes. Ha! However the content is dark as well. I have seen quite a few shows with this content but not this story. It’s funny because Jeff is like “Is that how women were treated back then?” I say yes. If anyone knows even a little bit of history women haven’t had it easy. But he was like “What are women complaining about today look how they were treated back then!” And I am like “Right!” Also he can’t believe the King how he looks. He looks gross in Taboo however rich people had everything back then even diseases. Ha!

Seems more then any other years that superheros have been taking over. I know what a lot of them but the one I like is the Flash. I have always liked the Flash and wondered why they don’t make a show with him? I was so happy to see the show! I like it.  I wish they would make an update movie thought that would be cool.

Jeff and I watch many shows together but one I really like is Timeless. I love the history in Timeless! The Characters are likeable and they make me feel for them which makes for a good show. I have to say I always can’t wait to see where in time they are going to go. I hope they get renewed but if they don’t I hope that they don’t leave them back in time. I hate when time shows do that.

I am only going to talk about Scorpion but I have no idea why I am still watching this show. I guess a good fluff show that I don’t care what happens and can work on other stuff while sort of watching. This show is getting ridiculous which is sad because I really liked it when it first started but they can’t do no wrong in the show. The stunts are becoming like “Come on no way someone can come back from that!” I have never really watched the old Hawaii 5-0 but used to watch the reboot and now Scorpion is being like them. Like no way anyone can solve these problems and live through the situations they are in. I think soon I will stop watching this show. Too bad could have been a good show.




Tuesday I went to Optivision in Green Bay for my consultation for Lasik. I am a candidate for it! I am excited! I will never be excited for surgery again, I think. Ha! Anyways I thought for sure they would have me fill out paper and ask me a bunch a questions like they do when going to the doctors. Nope. Just why I want Lasik and did some test on my eyes.  Everything is going to happen in February. February 6 is when it starts. They will do a full exam and dilate my eyes. February 16 is my surgery and the day after is a follow up. I can’t wait!

Also on Tuesday after my appointment we went to Dunkin Donuts got some donuts and coffee for the parents. Then headed to my parents house. Wow they did a great job on decorating their new house. Check out this painting my mom found. I love it.








This pic doesn’t do it justice but the there is actual fabric sticking out of the dress. It’s so cool!

We took dad and mom out dinner. It was nice to be able to do that and celebrate dad’s birthday.


January 20 we got a new president. I am a bit sad not because we got a new president no, I am sad how people reacted. The rioting was unnecessary. Basically destroying and hurting others for nothing. Businesses destroyed and what does that accomplish? Nothing just ruining someone’s business they worked hard for. Didn’t change who was president.

Also there was a huge women’s march. Here is my thing I am a woman and I am pro life. So the march didn’t apply to me. However if I were to say that or even put it on my FB page I would get attacked. Isn’t that unfair? Supposed to be country of free thinkers yet I think that is a disguise. You think freely and have opinion as long as it follows everyone else. If you have a Republican way of thinking you are also wrong and a woman! So wrong!

Dumb right?


Anyway I have a Republican way of thinking sometimes and sometimes I have Democrat why of thinking there for I am an Independent. Have been for a long time even though I grew up in a Republican family. I also think I live in the best country for women! Therefore I think the march was dumb. I think of the other countries where women are still what it was like here in the nineteen hundreds and before that. I think my country can be consisted of a bunch of cry babies. Especially Democrats. When President Obama was elected Republicans didn’t act like that. They didn’t riot or hurt others.

The political game is complicated! And there will always be people that have the harshest opinions about things. Welcome to the human race. That doesn’t mean hurt others or property. That doesn’t mean my opinion counts less because I disagree.

Whew! I feel better now.

Saturday Jeff and I installed a toilet. I have never installed a toilet before. Our old toilet:








Was old as me 33 years old! So basically as old as our house. No wonder we couldn’t find kits to fix it. It has gotten to the point where it would run and run no way to stop it other than turning off the water.

So the toilet we were going to put in the actual bathroom ended up going in the laundry room.








This toilet can flush a bucket of golf balls not that we would though. Ha! It was hard for me becuase it was heavy! The wax ring was hard to get cleaned off as well to put the new one in.

Wow the Packers sucked! I had a feeling that the Packers were going lose but I didn’t think that fast. My prediction was going to lose in the second half of the game. So wrong. I only thought that because they barely won last week.  The Packers played like they didn’t want to go to the Superbowl. Too bad! I knew that Falcons were good this year and they showed it yesterday.

Tomorrow January 24 is my dad’s birthday! He will be 62. Tomorrow I am going to Optivision in Green Bay to see if I can get Lasik. I am excited and hope that I am a candidate. Life without glasses would be so cool! I have had glasses since second grade. Tomorrow Jeff and I will go to my appointment then stop by Dunkin Donuts. Get some coffee and donuts then go to my dad’s house. We will have dessert first while we wait for mom to get home from work. Jeff and I are taking dad and mom out dinner for his birthday. I think will be fun.

Go Pack Go

I can’t believe it but the Packers are on their way! Wow that was an exciting game last Sunday. Not sure how they are going to win against the Falcons because they are good this year.

Last Sunday was fun even though the guys wussed out. The ‘guys’ said “hey lets have margaritas!” And Jeff and I are like okay we will buy the Tequila.









Tequila isn’t cheap either so I am a bit mad about that, cost us about 27 dollars. They only had maybe a couple cups of margaritas. Lame! Anyway Jeff asked Dawn what Antonio drinks because he likes Tequila and this was it. All the Tequilas where up there in price and this one wasn’t as bad as some of the others but still had to buy it. Also we don’t really drink Tequila so this will sit in our pantry. Thanks guys! We are trying hard to pay off debt this year so that is why I am a bit mad about the Tequila.

Another thing is Sam said that he doesn’t have a lot money. Yeah we know how that goes. So we told him he didn’t have to pay for some of the Tequila for that reason even though he offered. This is why this makes me mad, we are sitting and playing games and he says he forgot his cigarettes or whatever he smokes then leaves. To buy some! You know how expensive smoking is?! More than Tequila! That is the real reason why I am a bit mad because if he has money for smokes he has money for alcohol in my opinion.

Anyway watching the game was fun! The Packers did I say just enough so that is why I am nervous about Sunday. Can they beat the Falcons? I so hope so! The ‘guys’ are coming over again. They can eat but they can’t drink that is for sure. Food I can do but I am not going to buy alcohol no one is going to drink. Which by the way I drank a lot of margaritas and had a huge hang over on Monday. That is the reason why the ‘guys’ wanted to drink in the first place they didn’t have to work on Monday.  It was not fun and that is why I don’t drink mix drinks. That is why I am a beer drinker.

Also we have a lot of ice going on. It snowed then we had freezing rain and it’s basically a skating rink. It’s not fun. I am actually scared to go out to my driveway just because of what happened a year ago. When I fell on the ice and hurt my arm really badly. I hope it melts soon. 







Tuesday January 10th was a snow day! Jeff got to only work a half a day which is cool. Jeff asked if I wanted to go for lunch and of course! However he did say that the “guys” were coming and that is fine with me, what I didn’t know was some wives too. Shy! Shyness came out and it was really awkward.

First I like to say manners where are they? When we got there everyone was there already and the women I didn’t know didn’t say who they were not even their husbands introduced them. Thought that was rude. Jeff wast he only one who introduced to me to people. I think it’s not age because everyone is around the same age.

There was this one couple Aaron and Lindsay. I have met Aaron a few times here, is my impression of him. The first time we met was Jeff and I were in a store and Aaron didn’t see me at first but I thought who is this who is fast walking towards us? When he got to us he got shy because he didn’t see me only Jeff because I am short. He started to talk really fast and stumbled a lot. It was strange. The second time is we invited him for game day. It sucked! He was being too picky about everything and we just wanted to have fun.

Since we got there last Sam and Gordon were on the other side of the table who is the people I like talking too. So that sucked. We got stuck next to Aaron and Lindsay. The feeling of awkwardness sucks as well and I felt it. I wished I stayed home and ate cereal. I am not great at small talk but I would have taken that. I just sat there and looked at the art on the wall and I thought boring!

Anyway I will not be attending the next lunch. Would have been nice to be included in the conversation.

So….April has been riding at this one place. And the guy who runs it supposed to be this super religious guy. Keeping in mind he is a Pastor thinking that he is an all right guy, right? WRONG! April told me that she started to get this sense of uneasiness about him. Then shared with me all these things he had done to people. Ripping off people by not finishing jobs. He owns his own construction business and didn’t finish jobs. He left one job where he didn’t finish someone’s roof! So he has been taken to court and hasn’t won one. What does he do……

He sells April’s favorite horse. Yes it is his however he TOLD April she could have her if she takes care of her AND loves her. Which she has been doing. But didn’t tell her till later that he was never serious. Not only is he a liar, he is a con artist.

April is funny she plots and plots. She found another place to ride. The place sounds sooo cool! She has already met the people and some horses. I am glad she is away from this guy and on to a better situation. Also found out this Pastor was hugging April a little too long. That creeps me out. Some people are huggers but there is a rule less then 5 seconds any longer it’s a creepy hug. What is good about it is that April hasn’t met that many creepy people in her life so she now knows that creepy feeling about some people and can try to avoid them.

Unfortunately in my life I have met many creepy people and not all guys but yes most were. I call it my creep-o-meter that goes off and I have never been wrong about the creepy people. Now April knows what I mean about the creep-o-meter.

Unrelated we got a lot of snow this week. Here is my poor attempt of snow people. It was really cold out.





There kinda small snow people. Also I couldn’t find sticks for their arms. Never too old to make them though.

Here is Koko we call this “sitting pretty”.  Because he has his legs crossed. I can’t believe he let me take a pic of him. He is usually camera shy.










Sunday we had the guys over and we played Bang! I like that game but was getting sick of it. I got my fill on it and I really wanted to play but that is okay if we don’t play it for a bit. At first we had Gordon and Sam over. Too bad Sam had to leave early and couldn’t watch the game. Funny this time that he came over he grown a beard makes him look older.

At three thirty we watch the Packers that is when Sam left and Dana came over.  It was strange because Gordon wouldn’t sit down and he stood for most of the game. Whatever. Anyway the Packers won! There were some amazing plays! It was a very exciting game.


I am excited because it has been since the nineties I have gotten my life saver. It was getting old and it sounded like a plane taking off in our house. I was embarrassed to use it sometimes because it being so loud but it has saved my life many times. Living with asthma can be hard and living in Wisconsin that means winter. It can be hard on me to breath when it gets really cold.





The gray is my old one and the green one is my new one. I love it! The green nebulizer is small and it has a handle. I can carry it and I don’t have to keep it in a bin. It’s small so I can get a small bag to put it in. Now I can bring with me and not feel like I need a suitcase just for it and all it’s supplies. My new life saver is great!

Now for cuteness:








Scotty is a blanket hog! It’s funny though and so cute. Jeff put the blanket on it him and he stayed that way for a long time. He also steals blankets slowly but in the end he gets it. He is a silly dog.


Not much going on this week except I have been sick. Didn’t know my sister was sick when we went over there for Christmas. If I would have known would have been more careful about things. I really do believe I got sick from her. It sucks been sick for little over a week now. It really sucked because I was sick through New Years. I barely could stay up till midnight but I did. Basically passed out afterwards though.

So this week I am calling it a wash. Will get things done next week. And hopefully be all better by then! Who knew how much mucus can be up in the nose?! It’s crazy!

This weekend though we are having a game day truly. The Packers play the Giants this Sunday and then we are playing games with a bunch of people. That should be fun. GO Pack!