
Finally it was a nice weekend where it didn’t rain. That means outside projects.

We wanted someone to come over and take our porch but the guy was a no show. I hate that on classifies. If you can’t make it just say so however that will be gone soon. We had some of our trees removed in the front yard.








Unfortunately after this really bad wind storm it killed one of the trees and it was leaning towards the road. The other tree died and we didn’t want it to fall on our house. It’s sad like I said before I hate cutting down trees. 

I learned something new on my loom. I learned how to make bracelets.





They are called dragon scales. They are cool.

I thought this was thoughtful my niece Bree sent Jeff and I a thank you card. We have never gotten one before so I thought it was special. She is seven now.


Easter was fun! I wasn’t sure if it would be because…family but it was. There wasn’t as many people as I thought was going to be there. The only siblings that were there was Kim, Corey and Crayne. I thought for sure Chrissy and family would be there but no. So only one little kid and they weren’t there for all that long. Oh one thing Kim complained how hard her life is to my mom! That is the last person anyone should complain about married life with.

Kim complained that she can’t always be superwoman she needs superman. I was laughing in my head when she said that. The only reason she was complaining is because my mom asked when she gets to see them again since they live closer now. That is when she said that. My mom got in her face a bit about not complaining about it because really there is nothing to compare. My mom had three sometimes four kids at home while my dad worked all the time and most of the time wasn’t in the same state, Kim has one kid and Corey works a bit around the state but the same state.

Other than that it was good so see the uncles and aunts and of course Jared. We played poker like always and Jared and I were ripping on each other. It was fun! I was the only one who lost but that is okay. I also got to look at old pictures, I like looking at old pictures of family. I got to show Jeff my grandparents so that as cool.

I made some more things with my loom. I saw these grips for the hooks and had to try and make them. I found the tiny rubber bands at the dollar tree. I can buy 500 of them for a dollar. I love the Dollar Tree!





The idle loom would be the straight one but didn’t have that one. So I use two of my looms to make it. It’s sort of a pain because no grooves one the outside of the loom as hard to get the rubber band over to knit it. I ended up just grabbing it with my fingers to do that part.





I totally love these grips and so easy to make! I do a have a bit of arthritis in my hands and these make it easier on them to knit. Now I want to make them for all my crochet hooks. Back to the Dollar Tree I go.

Time for another dog picture.





Koko is pondering with his head on his arm. Too funny!


Happy Easter

Today is Easter. We are going go my parent’s house today. Also my mom had surgery on her foot. She had a large tear and it had to be fixed. This will be the first time we see her with her boot. I wonder if she got a cart or crutches? I guess she got some good painkillers so I know she will be a little spacey.

It will be fun to see the family, I assume. Either way I know we will have good food.


Watched NASCAR yesterday and they had this crazy glitch going on. At first it was funny but after what felt like forever, it was getting annoying. We checked if the other channels on the TV worked and they did so it had to be NASCAR’s problem. Last stage they kept showing Harvick and Logano racing and the quality kept getting worse and worse. Till it looked like a 90’s video game. Which made us not see most of the that stage, that sucked. They finally fixed it so we could see the last 83 laps. Hope that doesn’t happen again.

I learned how to make flowers and gotten pretty good at it.






Also this weekend Guilherme Marchi made 600 qualifying rides! That’s amazing!


This morning seem like someone was hitting out house.





Rain and hail this morning. I am all for storms but not hail.



I did it! I loom my first hat.









I like it but it’s a bit busy. And it’s too small. Ha! Now I am looming a bigger hat. I also want to learn how to make a flower. If I can learn that, I am good to make Christmas presents. Something funny, I told Jeff I already stabbed myself with the hook and bled. I said if you don’t bleed at least once on a project you are doing it wrong. He laughed and said do you know how much blood and swearing has gone in my car? A ton. We laughed because I am like I at least stab myself once on any project I create. So there is always blood and swearing.

I got my flower loom.





So I tried too me an hour to make and was getting frustrated. Not the best looking flower but can only get better looking from here.









I attached it to my first hat.





I have a new project. I bought looms.





I kept seeing at Walmart and had to know how to do them. My plan is to make hats for Christmas presents. The instructions that came with them were all smashed in the box. Instead of reading smashed instructions I watched a couple of YouTube videos.  I have to admit I had to start over twice. The first time I started with the blue loom and the beginning turned out holey. Not good for a hat. Also the blue loom is for a child’s hat. The second time I picked the orange loom is for an adult hat and I somehow missed a loop when trying to make the brim of the hat.

However yesterday I finally got it!









I was getting a little frustrated with it but now that I got it, I can’t wait to continue. If this turns out great, I will be making more hats. I also found out that I can make more than just hats with the looms. But first just hats.

On Saturday I called my dad to see what they were doing. Nothing during the day so I asked him if he wanted to have brunch with us. Of course he said yes! We drove to Green Bay to meet them at the Pancake Place in Green Bay. When we got there the place was packed and this was only 11:30. Also we got there before my parents who live in Green Bay. Funny!

Anyway we got a table and I think they think you have to be a stick to fit anywhere in there. I was really crammed in the table. When my parents got there, they were really crammed in the table as well. That part was unpleasant but as people started to leave it wasn’t so crammed. My parents were surprised that we would make a trip just to eat out with them. I thought that was cool as well.