
Not a whole lot going on lately. Was supposed to work on the house but Jeff had to work this weekend. Also I didn’t feel well woman problems. So this weekend I watched some movies. I have been watching a lot of zombie movies lately and finding out how much shit is out there. Why is it so hard to find a good zombie movie?

I did find not a zombie movie more alien which is good too. It was called Plan 9. I didn’t know it was sort of a remake mixed with other zombie references in it. It was cheesy fun and shot very well. Since I didn’t know it was sort of a remake I had to look up the original. It’s called Plan 9 from Outer Space. I looked up the reviews on IMDB and the reviews weren’t great but some where good. I loved it! It was also cheesy fun. I actually liked it better than the sort of remake. That movie is a keeper. I would definitely watch that again.

I also came across a pretty good zombie movie. It’s called Dead Weight. Sometimes I come across some pretty good zombie movies. I thought the movie was good because it showed more of the human condition then the actual zombies. Which you don’t really see the zombies but you hear them. I think those zombie movies are just as good, still gives that creepy factor. It’s centered around the character Charlie.  He literally does everything he can to get to his girlfriend during the zombie apocalypse but also shows their relationship before then. He did things where people do not come back from kind of stuff to get to his girlfriend. In the end it shows how unfair people can be towards one other. What I thought was funny in this movie was he had to get to Wausau Wisconsin. It didn’t say that in the description so when he said it, I was laughing. I was like no way in Wisconsin! Good funny there. However good zombie physiological movie.

Jeff and I watched Get Out. I have to say I wasn’t expecting the twists in that movie! Totally got us off guard. We both figured out the first one that was easy but all the others and the end! What?! Great movie! The description goes just saying it’s an interracial thing but it’s way more than that. Wow freaky! I would so recommend this movie to anyone.


On Saturday I went down to see April. I agreed to help her clean out her apartment because she needed help doing so. I underestimated her being such a pack rat. Ha!

April hordes mail. I thought that was crazy. She had mail when her brother lived with her. Now that had been some years! It was crazy and sort of funny. Also she found 10 dollars now that is awesome. However I win finding the most coolest thing ever!

Earlier this year April lost her class ring. She has worn that thing ever since she got it. Well since she lost all that weight it fell off. Never to be seen again. Until…I found it! I found it in a purse and the funny part is she said she was no where near that purse. So there is no way it could be there. I guess I was the one supposed to find it.

I spent eleven hours at her house that day. However we didn’t get right away to work. Of course not. Ha!

Near April’s place is a place called Tera Verda coffee shop. They had this funny sign in it.





The coffee so good! We have to go back.





We threw away so much stuff! However we didn’t even get a room done. It’s going to take a long time to clean her place but I think we can do it together. And if she continues to do a little every day that would help too. I think she will. April’s apartment is a 2 bedroom and one bathroom. It’s quite big in there. Once everything is done I think it will look even bigger.


I am getting a little further on my cross stitch project. It’s going to be a long one.






Okay so last week Jeff was complaining his foot hurt and he could not walk on it. I kept saying “When are you going to doctor?” Finally on Tuesday after work we went to the doctor. We met the nicest doctor and you know I hate my doctor, a lot! The very next day I called and changed my doctor to him. Also I won’t be as nervous since I know his personality and what he looks like. Back to the Jeff. I didn’t know this but Jeff has never had an x-ray done ever on his body except his teeth. I was shocked!

I have probably close to hundred, I really don’t know. I had a lot of x-rays taken of my back. Then various parts of my body, arms, legs, and knees. I was shocked because I thought he would have at least one. Also x-rays today are less painful as they were back then. Now they have the one where you can lay down and they have it where the machine moves. Still though that table you have sit or lay on it is hard! Jeff found that out.

The doctor had no idea what it could be but not plantar fasciitis which I have that in my left foot. His complaint is it’s on the side of heal. Found out it’s what they call police officer foot. Funny it’s called that. Also I noticed he has a couple of bruises on his heal too. Of course they didn’t give him any painkillers. Was hoping for that. The doctor gave him some exercise that Jeff won’t do. I just know he won’t. I think he just needs to rest it and it will be better soon.

Almost everyday at noon during the week I watch YouTube! I don’t know if anyone else notices but way more ads lately. And the kind where you can’t skip after 5 seconds. Well most of the time I go do something while they play or look at Facebook when they play. But there is a rare occasion where I actually watch what they are trying to sell me.

I found out about a workout that is so intense it works for a couple days after you do it. Called HIIT High Intensity Interval Training.

Thanks to April I am into the YouTube videos Fitness Blender. It’s a wife and husband duo that do all these workouts. I have done a couple of them but I found out they have a few HIIT videos. I tried one Tuesday and I never sweated so much during a workout before in my life! I was a fountain of sweat! Oh man was I sore for days afterwards. You would think various parts of my body would hurt but what was the sorest was my butt muscles! I think it’s funny that my butt hurt the worst out of anything. There is a lot of squats in the video but I thought my thighs would be sore no my butt! It wasn’t till a little later my arms, thighs and knees were sore. But instant butt soreness. Funny!

Would I do HIIT again? Hell Yes! In fact I plan do it at least 2 times a week.

Also I am going to be doing an 8 week program from Fitness Blender starting the first week of August. Going go get some dumbbells. That is all I need for equipment. I am excited to lose more weight and what I want is to look different by Christmas that is my goal. So far I have been strict on eating my points been doing weight watchers, Jeff has too and he lost 10 pds already! I lost 5.

Fitness Blender has this program for 8 weeks and they give you videos everyday plus bonus videos. On top of that tips and tricks to get the most out of your workouts. I am excited to do this and the price is unbeatable!

April has been going to a gym and I thought maybe I should join a gym. We have 2 in our town an Anytime Fitness and another. I can’t think of the name of the other. Both are so expensive! Over a hundred dollars a year and then some. April got a whole month free to Anytime Fitness in her town so that is why she has been going. I am not so lucky to get anything like that.

However Fitness Blender program for 8 weeks is $15 that’s a steal. So I will be doing this. Can’t wait.




Last Saturday Jeff and I went to hang out with my parents. It was a nice time. I needed mom to show me how to make French Knots for my cross stitch project. I thought they were going to be hard but in fact they are not. That is good so when I have to the outline the French Knots are not going to be a big deal.

We went swimming that was fun. Bree was there and wow she was being silly! We were racing in the pool and mom and I didn’t hear what she said. I am like “Did she say sucka?” We were laughing and she said “See you later suckas!” OMG! It was so funny and she gets these expressions are so hilarious!

I just found out that Dr. Who is going to be played by a woman. I am not happy about this! I am not sorry Dr. Who should be played by a man. There are some roles like James Bond should always be played by a man. Dr. Who should be the same. On top of that she is a…feminist! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate feminists!

I don’t know, I will watch to see how it goes but there hasn’t been any real good doctors since 10 in my opinion. I mean 11 was nice but I thought he was young. It was hard for me to get into him but his story was good and his companions. “Bow ties are cool!” Will always be a thing. I am curious who will be the next companion. I am glad Clara will be done, she is hits the near the bottom of the companions list for me. I was really hoping she would be done a lot sooner then she did.

Dr. Who ten with Rose and Donna are my favorites forever. No one has topped them yet. I am thinking no one will for a long time.

Misheard Lyrics

Jeff and I started listening to Ded. OH I really like them. In their song FMFY he says: Bring out the guillotine. However at first I thought he said bring out the KFC. I couldn’t stop laughing because I really thought he said that! Now all I hear is Bring out the KFC.

I have been listening to more Slipknot. I didn’t know that others thought the same till I looked it up on YouTube. Their song Liberate he says: Liberate my  madness. Yes I heard: Liberate BANANAS!


Resident Evil

OMG! Resident Evil!

I am doing a happy dance. Resident Evil came out with another movie Vendetta! I so loved it! Finally another animated movie.

They made Chris younger looking. I like it, I like his new look. I was thinking that Chris looked to have too much muscle and old sort of. I mean technically he would be older but in Resident Evil 6 he was not looking too good. I so hope they keep him looking like this. I love it as he is one of my 3 favorite characters.

Yes I am still sad Wesker is dead. He was the ultimate bad guy.

Finally a movie with Rebecca Chambers! She is one of those characters that I wonder about. Like where does she fit in as the series moves on and how come they put her more into the series. She is a wonderful character.

Of course it had Leon. Have to have Leon! I like he is a complicated character and really never looks any different. He is such a badass.

I like how they improved the zombie. Zombie walking dead but more improved as they can target friend or foe. Now come on that is pretty damn cool! The villain was good too and totally had the grotesque monster as Resident Evil always have.

Oh they had the zombie dogs! Thinking of zombie dogs those things are hard to kill. In the game would always jump scare me as they come out of nowhere.

Please keep making animated Resident Evil movies.

I’m Sick

Jeff got sick on Wednesday and I really was hoping I wouldn’t get sick. But I got sick….


Since I have been sick, I have been watching some movies that I have been in my queue. I watched the 5th Wave.  I saw this was a book turned into a movie.  I was thinking maybe I should read the book but after watching the movie which I know they always are not the same. I am going to pass. The movie was slow! First of all I thought it was going to be a zombie movie. I didn’t read what it was about. Spoiler it’s about alien’s. Which I also like to watch.

However it was boring! The concept was okay. Definitely if you have never seen an alien movie with soldiers you might be surprised by the twist. However I figured it out before that because I have seen alien/military movies before. Nothing really clever and it bothered me at the end. Have no idea what happens to one of the characters unless there is going to be a sequel. I would watch the sequel just to do know what happens to that one character. Would be I don’t know what to watch so I will watch this movie.

Daylight’s End, horrible. This is a zombie movie and the description sounded good.  The zombies looked not too bad. It did have Johnny Strong. Which I have seen him in many things and he is a good actor. Also not bad looking either. However it was like let’s hire Johnny Strong and that is all we have money for. Now let’s get some actors and actress that suck. The lines these other actors would say would be awful! And the main actress wasn’t any better. Horrible acting. It even had a mutated zombie which they could have spent a little more time making it look scarier. This movie was a disappointment.

The movie that I was surprised about was Victor Frankenstein. Everyone knows the story of Frankenstein and thought this will be an okay movie. But it was great! The acting was great it had Daniel Radcliffe as Igor even though he will always be Harry Potter to me. I have seen him in other things. Great actor. James McAvoy as Victor and he’s the actor from the X-Men. Also great actor. And Andrew Scott the guy from Sherlock! So many good actors! The movie was beautiful too! One of the best movies I watched while being sick. 

Kong Skull Island. Jeff and I watched this one together even though he already saw it. It was good! I have to say the original King Kong was great for it’s time. This Kong is great for this time. I have seen all King Kong movies and there is some real shit ones out there. Kong Skull Island is beautiful too and you feel for Kong which it should be.

I am sure I will watch more horrible movies. It’s strange to find good movies these days. I just hope I feel better soon.



I was feeling nostalgia on Tuesday. I was sitting and working on my new cross stitch, listening to music. Oh I have been wanting to do this cross stitch for a long time but it cost over sixty dollars! That is too much expensive to do. So had it sitting in my amazon wish list for a couple of years and finally it came down to seventeen dollars! Had to get it!












It’s a platinum collection, that means HARD! Pretty much since I did Rick Grimes, is easier. Ha!

The plan is to hang this up above the TV on our nice wall we did.

Back to the main point is I was feeling nostalgia when stitching because I was listening to 90’s punk. I miss 90’s punk. I remember going to Warped Tour in the 90’s. I remember seeing Reel Big Fish. I was such a fan of them. Also I met the Plain White T’s before they became famous. I used to have their first CD with all their signatures but it got stolen. Just think if I still had that! So many band I got to see and meet.

I was thinking every year I would save up to go with Adam and friends. One year we went with Corey but we wouldn’t stay together we would scatter. It was an all day thing and one time it rained all day. It was so worth it! Unlike me, being shy, I actually mingled with other teens. Shocker! It was so fun! I am glad I went. I can’t imagine it being the same and I have listened to some 2000’s punk, not the same. I guess it’s a sign I am getting older.

In any case it was fun to think back.

Happy Birthday America!

Today America is 241 years old!

Saturday we celebrated the 4th. It was fun to see some family I don’t normally see. I got to see my Aunt Jeanne as she lives in Florida and Alice and family. I gave her the blanket and she loved it. Also got to see little Zarah she is super cute! She is one now so she has so many faces! She was giving me attitude, it was great! She would also smiles at me.

Here are the cupcakes we made for the get together:















They were good and only had 2 left when we left.

This time I didn’t play poker but Jeff did. We brought 20 dollars and he only played with 2 dollars! That’s great because they played for 3 hours.

The reason I didn’t play is I wanted to talk to everyone. It was nice catching up.