
Friday was a fun day in a way. I got to see Miss Lori she does my hair. In fact she has been doing my hair for over ten years. This time I just had her dye my hair and thin out my hair as I have thick hair!








I love the back of my head! Those are my natural curls and they are looking so cool! Next time I see Miss Lori I am going to do highlights! I haven’t had highlights in my hair for a very long time, so I am excited. In my opinion the best part going to a salon is getting my hair washed. That’s my favorite because I get a head massage. So worth it just for that.

Sunday was Jeff’s birthday but he had to work. So we will celebrate a little on Wednesday and a little on Friday. Ha! On Wednesday we are going to see The Hitman’s Bodyguard. On Friday we are meeting Jeff’s parents for some good Chinese food. Jeff has Wednesday till next Tuesday off as Monday is Labor Day and most people have no work that day. I think it’s great, Jeff could really use a break been going non stop for almost two weeks.



I am tired. Ha! Second week of Fitness Blender. Today was an intense workout and I didn’t eat well on Sunday. However I love the extra energy I get from working out and I lost two pounds. Which is great because that means I officially lost fifty pounds all together. YAY!

Saturday my parents came over and we went out to eat. Then we went swimming! It was a lot of fun because it was hot outside. I swam for three hours before being really tired. Also on Saturday I worked out before they came over. I couldn’t believe I swam for three hours after working out that day.

Sunday I was exhausted!

Sunday we had to go to do family things. My cousin Kathy came home she now lives in Georgia. I told Jeff we should live in a different state this way when we come home we could have a party just for us. Ha! It was good but a bit awkward. I knew there were going to be people I didn’t know but that wasn’t the awkward part.

It was nice to see Kathy and she got married. It’s hard to do know what she is up too since she is the very few people I know who isn’t on Facebook. She has two kids a boy and girl who were super cute. We gave them a congrats card with some money. However her mom didn’t tell anyone it was her birthday. We would have gotten her something for her birthday.

Jeff and I stayed for three hours which is long enough. Here is the awkward part. Wanted to say goodbye to Kathy and there was some awkward silence and saying goodbye. You know how that is sometimes. It’s like um bye nice seeing you then leave. Ha!

I wore this shirt:








It’s my most breezy shirt because it was so hot outside and it looks nice on me. Now I call this shirt Please look at my chest shirt. Went to Kwik Trip and the cashier didn’t even look at my face just my chest the whole time. I wanted to check out the Dollar Tree in Green Bay. There too some of the male shoppers stared at my chest.

You think I would be used to that since I know I have a large chest but still it bothers me sometimes. I am not one of those girls who flaunts that so to me I think it’s rude. If anyone is going to do that make it less obvious.


We did it. We fixed the front of the house.









Looks great!

This week is my first of 8 weeks of exercising from Fitness Blender. I get up every morning and exercise. I have to say every morning I have no motivation to exercise but after I do it, it’s  like I accomplished something. I bought the 8 week weight loss program and every day I get a video and a bonus video to do. The only thing I am having trouble with is laying on my back. On Tuesday there were some exercises on the floor and I hurt myself. It sucked! Since I have bars fused to my spine. Laying on back I felt my bar pinch my muscle. Yes it’s a real thing that happens! I felt like crying, that hurt so badly! I did not cry though and it did go away later that day.

On Wednesday was HIIT workout and yes some of it is on the ground. I improvise like do the same exercises that is the standing one as they are doing floor stuff. Also I will never be able to do the stretching position cobra, not with my back.

So far though I have a lot more energy to do things during the day.  I think it’s fun working out with the team of Fitness Blender. It’s much different then any of the workout videos I have ever done in my life which is a lot. Also you can tell they are having fun too so that makes it better.


I have a new favorite TV show. Preacher! I can’t wait every week to see it. I love how gory it is and the characters are awesome! I don’t read comic books so I don’t know what will happen but I heard it’s pretty close to the comic. Also the woman who plays Tulip is awesome she is my favorite character of the show. Tulip is such a bad ass.

So you know when you look up a show you see what the actors played in. I saw the woman who plays Tulip and the guy who plays Cassidy played in the show Misfits. I have been watching that too. It’s funny because I saw it on either Amazon or Netflix and it looked good but then forgot about it. OH! Misfits is an amazing show! Each episode has it’s own unique story line plus it adds all that someone watches up till then. I started two weeks ago and I am in the third season and there is five seasons. There isn’t a character on the show that I don’t like. Too bad there is only five seasons. I hope it ends good.

Speaking of ending shows Turn. I loved that show as it’s a history show about the Revolutionary War. Not just that it was about spies. It’s funny because if someone didn’t know about the Revolutionary War you would really think some of the characters would die but in history they don’t. It’s like having an insight of the show. The way that it ended was perfect! Couldn’t ask for the perfect ending of a show.

Jeff and I started watching the Fear of Walking dead. We tried watching that show before and it was boring! But one of Jeff’s co-workers said keep watching it gets better. So we did and now we are going to catch up to this year. It has a lot of action in it even though me watching so many zombie movies there are some real dumb things the characters do as well.

On Friday Jeff and I went to see Atomic Blonde. I really wanted to see it on the big screen. I have to say the story was a bit confusing in parts. The action though made up for that. It was great! She kicked so much ass.


I had it all planned for last Tuesday and of course didn’t go as planned. I signed up my mom, April and I to do painting in the park. Of course living in this stupid little town because they only had us signed up they canceled it. Dumb! I am mad because it was almost a hundred dollars for all three of us. Even having three people they should have done it. The lady said because there wasn’t enough signed up like she hoped. You made money just do it as you said. Anyway they moved it too September 14. I think it’s so dumb.

The plan was drive on Tuesday to April’s house which is an hour an half, take her to her lesson, have lunch come back to my house. Have her sleep over and drive her back home. Now I have to do that in September but it’s on a Thursday. What I am mad about is September 15 is our wedding anniversary. Wanted to spend the whole day with Jeff and now I can’t. It’s not April’s fault it’s this artist who is putting on this painting in the park.

If it was like ten dollars to go paint in the park, I would say forget it. But it was a lot of money to go and paint in the park. So I will just go and do it.

So Tuesday was the day of all my plans. I went to see April anyway and it’s always fun hanging with April. In her small town they have an awesome coffee shop! I am jealous because our coffee shop isn’t as good. Then I drove April to her riding lesson. Remember Marc from April’s show and how he wasn’t as caring? He did a 360 on me on Tuesday! I told April there is no way I can go in for her lesson as I am allergic to everything in that place. I brought my Kindle with me to read and past the time. I sat in the car for 2 hours but it went fast with my book.

However Marc came out in the beginning and asked if I wanted something drink like water or soda. He even chatted with me a little. WHAT?! He actually came out another time to get April’s phone for video. He chatted with me about my Kindle and he was being nice. I was like what is going on?! He was being a totally different person. At last I judged too quickly, I am only human. I am using that an excuse. One on one he isn’t bad but show day not the greatest personality. 

After her riding lesson we did some errands and had more coffee!


This Sunday I was supposed to go to Sunflower Festival but it rained and stormed. Totally sucked because I wanted to see the sunflowers. I was supposed to go with my parents. However they did come up and we had have brunch. At the restaurant they had brunch but it was 15 dollars per person! I have to say that brunch isn’t worth 15 dollars, I would say 10 dollars at the most. There weren’t anything really impressive about it, so that sucked.

We did drive by the Sunflower Festival. I got this nice picture of them.








Besides it being rainy, it was nice to see my parents.