Fur Baby

Oh no! Koko one day got this lump on his leg. And it’s not a tiny lump a big lump! We went to the vet yesterday September 28. I have been worried about it however Koko doesn’t bother it or I think he doesn’t care that it’s there. That is how he acts about it. Of course the lump is on his leg he has had so many problems with in the past.

Jeff found a vet hospital that is a little from us. The vets here in our town I do not trust. One of them you can tell they are for the money. This vet hospital you get the sense that they care about the animals. I thought for a hospital it would cost a lot. I was surprised how low the cost was and they didn’t charge for getting his nail trimmed. I think either they didn’t communicate with each other or that we got some bad news that day.

The vet knew her stuff! She straight forward and didn’t use big terms we didn’t understand. First she told us that it most likely cancer and it sits on his main bone. She could do surgery however where it is would be messy and they couldn’t stitch it up all the way because of the location not enough skin. So the healing time would be long. She asked if we wanted to do an x-ray and the answer was YES! Got to find out. Then awe!!! Heart-wrenching we could hear Koko whining and crying as they took the x-ray in a different room. I think he would have been okay if we went with him but we couldn’t. I felt bad. When he came back he coward over by Jeff.

First time ever! First time Koko was scared of the vet even before anything happened. Usually he kisses the vet and is happy but not yesterday he was scared. It’s like he knew it was going to be bad.

When the vet came back she told yes he definitely he has a high chance of cancer. She didn’t want to test the lump because she said that to take some could make it angry then progress faster. We didn’t want that. I didn’t know this but a dog’s leg has two bones. The one that is bigger holds all their weight and the second is for agility. She said the second bone was thinner then it should be. That is another indicator of cancer. She said we could go down to Milwaukee to see a specialist. Otherwise she basically stated “Koko is an happy old lab.” We agree he is. He doesn’t let a whole lot of things bother him and he is a happy dog.

Since he is 11 years old we decided to go with what the vet said. Just keep an eye on it and let him be himself. We will just go back to normal life with Koko.

Look at him isn’t he super cute! He doesn’t like his picture taken but he let me have this one.

Unlike the Rest

I have been noticing something lately. That I am unlike the rest in the wife department. Not sure why that is but YAY!

One being is when Jeff has to go work for his business and he may be gone for a couple of hours or he may be gone all day. This is usually on a Saturday sometimes Sunday. I hear from him how the other wives complain a lot about when they are coming home. Like they call a lot! And they text and ask when they are coming home. I don’t think it’s because they have kids because one does and the other one her kids are out of the house. It’s not that I don’t care it’s I know he is working. In the world of technology things can go great or they can go wrong. When it goes wrong that could take a lot of time to get it back to great or at least good.

The only time I worry is when it start to get dark out. Then I wonder if he is coming home. For example if he leaves at 8 in the morning and it’s starting to be like five o’clock. Then I worry not when he will come home just more I hope he makes it home safely. I think that is understandable but I am not going to call and text a million times to ask him. Jeff is pretty good at letting me know when he is coming home.

Another thing is a constant through my life. Is video games! I know I always say this but I still think it’s funny. Like all guys like video games and you will find that you will have that in common. Um no. That isn’t true and people need to stop saying that. Jeff doesn’t really like them but he will play rock band and when we get Red Dead Redemption 2. I am excited for that one! It’s not that he hates them but he doesn’t really get into them. I can understand that.

It’s funny when the guys came over for the first time and they are like you? Not you Jeff? It’s funny! At least I will always have something to talk to them about.

This last weekend I was talking to my older brother. Right like what? Yeah I went swimming with my parents, Aunt Kathy and Corey and Crayne came too. What is going on?! Strange. Anyway back to the point. He said he has to mow the lawn yet and I was thinking how come Kim doesn’t mow the lawn. My lawn takes me over 2 hours to do. His lawn is tiny may, MAY take 20 minutes. Why can’t she mow the lawn when Crayne is at school? Seriously. And I still have people say you mow the lawn? Like yes. Jeff works and I do that stuff. I still think people think I do nothing since I don’t have a job.  Annoying.

Another thing is I have notice people are surprised about is I help with DIY stuff. I am Handy Man’s Jeff’s helper. Lol! For example Ken was surprised I was going up in the attic to help put up the vent in our bathroom. I know women do that stuff too. I see them in the Menard’s but for me I don’t really like doing that stuff even though afterwards I feel accomplish and I do learn stuff. I have been all over our house. Up in the attic underneath the house under things. Lol! I know my mom, my sister, sister in law wouldn’t do any of those things. Which I think it’s because of how I grew up. My dad made me do all of those things. Like you are going to help me in the attic to put in whatever, or you are going to help me paint or change this. So I apply that to my life now. I COULD say no Jeff I am not going to do that. But instead I am like I will try to help. There are things that I can’t do like I can’t lift really heavy things. Anything over my head that is heavy forget it because I physically can’t do it. At least I try.

PlayStation 4

Yay!!! I got a Ps4 finally!

It took me a little bit to choose what game to play first. I really want to play Dead Rising but it isn’t out yet. But for sure going to get that game when it does. I also want Days Gone whenever that comes out. So I chose Dying Light. It’s one of the first games I wanted to play when I saw it years ago.  I like it so far. Only been playing for a few days.

I have a funny story: Jeff was talking to his business partner using the headphones. I was playing the game and I had headphones on too. I thought I was being quite by whispering to myself. Like Fuck! Shit! OMG! WHAT?! What is THAT! You know normal video game terms. Lol! Not so, Jeff looks at me at points to the mic and yes I am pretty sure his business partner heard me. I was whispering loudly because I couldn’t hear myself because of the headphones. Oops! But it’s funny.

I got to the night time of that game WHAT??!! That is some scary shit! Those bigger zombies are super scary! And they chase you and I can’t run away fast enough and parkour well yet. So I have died quite a few times. They remind me of those zombies with the split faces in Resident Evil. Just at night it’s so scary! I am not a great stealthy player either even though I try, still though.

I am hooked again. Now video games invade my brain. That’s okay! No more ps3 for me. I decided it’s not worth going backwards. I tried playing games I have played in earlier version of PlayStation and I get bored. Like I tried playing Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2 and they look the same as they did back then. It isn’t as fun. I rather keep them as good memories of games and move on. Even so I would still get some games again on the Ps4. Like I want to play all the Metro’s, love the books and the games. I also want to get PayDay 2 only because the add on contents for the Ps4 is way better than on the Ps3. Maybe some Silent Hill’s I haven’t played yet. Other than that games for Ps2 or PlayStation those are done for me.

With Dying Light I wonder if anyone has picked up on this. But I loved playing Dead Island the first one not the second one. That second one sucked. Anyways the other characters in the game like the extra people in the safe zones have the same voice actors for the other characters in Dead Island. It’s funny. Also the mechanics are pretty similar like the tree of progress you get with points. Can kill zombies from on top of vans just like in Dead Island. Crouch and hit them till they die. After killing all get down and search all the bodies. Funny! Even though unlike Dead Island some zombies can climb in Dying Light so have to kill those first before killing the others on top of vans or trash bins. Another similar mechanic between the two. Is kicking. I like if on top of a building I like to kick the zombie till they fall to their death just like in Dead Island. I am having fun since I love Dead Island so much this game is fun too.

I like the parkour aspect of it. I saw some tall buildings in the game so I am going to try to climb to the top just for fun. I think it’s funny that trash saves your life from a fall. Hey piles of trash? Yay! Jump into them because somehow that trash is pillows. There is nothing in them that would hurt me. LOL!

I know for sure I picked a good first game for my Ps4.

Painting in the Park


September 14 mom, April and I went to painting in the park. I have wanted to try this where an artist puts pictures up and you have to recreate them by yourself with their instructions. I thought that would be fun. My mom did one and it turned out great! She did a barn next to a colorful tree.

It started out bad right away! At first it was supposed to be in August and the artist called me to change it because she wanted more people to sign up. Which in my opinion is dumb. The class was 30 dollars each right there she already made 90 for all three of us. So what if it was just us. This was a inconvenience to me because I had to go pick up April she lives an hour and forty five minutes away then bring her to my house. That is okay but what really made me mad is the day before our anniversary. In August was perfect because nothing going on the next day. Yeah there were so many more people there. (Being sarcastic.) There only three more people so a total of six people. Could of had it in August.

We got to choose two out of the flowers to paint.





I wanted to do the first two. The pink one and the orange one. Yeah that didn’t happen either. Instead it was here is two canvas and I will give you some tips on how to paint flowers.





I wouldn’t have paid 30 dollars to paint some flowers that I could do at my house. I can’t draw very well and that is why I wanted to take this class to look like I had some cool flowers I did myself.














Funny I look like a demon in this pic. Strange lighting. I know our flowers were not going to look exactly like the artist but you would think it would be close. None of flowers are close to the original.





I dislike my blue green one but the other one is okay. I am disappointed because I wanted to do the flowers I signed up to do. Not just do whatever and paint some flowers on a small canvas. I thought it was a waste of money. It was fun hanging out with April and mom but I can do that on my own time.


Happy Anniversary

Yesterday Jeff and I celebrated 10 years of marriage!

We went on a date and it was great. We went to Long Horn in Green Bay to celebrate.

Jeff got me my favorite flowers Carnations! There is a Carnation for every year we have been married. He’s so good at that stuff.





I got Jeff a five square picture of us. I would take a pic but it’s very reflective.


Happy Birthday Mom!

Saturday was my mom’s birthday she turned 62. However we celebrated on Sunday and it was fun.





Everyone was there even Aunt Kathy and Uncle Dave. I have noticed that my parents have been spending a lot time with them since they moved to Green Bay which is good. I remember when I was little I always thought Aunt Kathy was strange as an adult she is still strange but I have a better understanding why. My Aunt Kathy suffers from mental illness plus other health issues. So she isn’t as strange as I thought when I was little.

Funny I wanted to get my mom some balloons for her birthday. So I went to the dollar tree and picked out two balloons and a weight. 








I got a butterfly and a leopard print pink balloon. Now I purposely got those because they were pretty. I knew that Bree would like them also that the kids would like to play with them. And guess what? I was right! Bree asked if she could take them home and of course. But I told her she had to ask Nana if she could since I got them for her. LOL!

Here is a good pic of Jeff and I.




Saturday I was in the attic.





I look really happy right? Ha! I learned a valuable lesson ALWAYS WEAR A MASK AROUND INSULATION! Lesson learned. I didn’t wear a mask for a little bit and had some repercussion from it. I couldn’t breathe and I had a cough for some hours also my throat hurt. I am glad that only lasted the rest of that day.

We are putting a new fan in our bathroom as the one we put in last year is pathetic. This time we are piping through the attic and out through the side of our house.

Yesterday was Labor Day and a day off. We had to go to Menards. For a day off it seemed like everyone was at Menards. We had to stand in line to return things and wade through the people to get to things. It was dumb however I got Dunkin Donuts coffee so it was worth it.



Everyday I get up in the morning and workout. Me in the morning. Crazy! I am so not a morning person but I make myself go and workout. I have to do it in the morning so I don’t think about it. I learn the more time I have to think about working out, I will not workout. By forcing myself to wake up early and workout and no time for thinking, I am making myself feel better throughout the day. By getting up early I feel really tired at night. Which is a good thing this way my brain has no time to think about anything before going to bed. I have a bit of problem with that and usually takes me some time to fall into a deep sleep. By working out not only I feel a little change in my body but also my mood. I feel happier and I still get that boost of energy in the middle of the day. Usually mid day I feel tired and want more coffee. Now that I workout I don’t get as tired and feel no need for extra coffee.

There has only been a few days where I was really sore the next day and it was hard to workout. I always think the routines are hard and think that I won’t be able to function through the day. I am usually wrong as my muscles aren’t as sore as I think just only a few days last week. Something I did notice that I am gaining some flexibility. When I first started I couldn’t grab my foot behind me on the right side to stretch the leg. Now I can grab my foot on the right side no problem. Also my arm that I hurt badly is starting to get stronger! I am excited for that as it was weaker from injury.

I have five weeks left on my workout program.

Tuesday Jeff and I saw The Hitman’s Bodyguard in the theater. Oh wow! It was great and funny! Love the action and Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson played so well together.

Today we went to GingerRootz for lunch with Ken and Elena. It was a great time to see them.