
Thanksgiving this year was different. First there were no kids at my Aunt’s house which is a first in a really long time. When Jeff and I got there it was a line of hugs which is nice. Then everyone was asking me if my parents were coming. I was teasing and saying they weren’t but they were. My Aunt later told me which by this time my parents still haven’t arrived that my mom got upset a couple of days before and told her she wasn’t coming. I didn’t know that and I was joking before. Finally my parents arrived and my mom was in good spirits. After that we usually pray but this time we prayed in a circle holding hands. I thought it to be a bit strange but whatever. Then we ate and there was actually enough food this time.

While sitting around chatting with everyone my cousin Julie who I totally like. Asked if I was coming along? I had no idea where I was going but Jeff and I decided to go just like that. I really do believe if Julie wasn’t there, I wouldn’t have gone to where ever we were going. She is so nice! Always including everyone unlike some of my other cousins. We were going to see my cousin Jack whom I have never met before in my life, who is my third cousin. He just built a brand new house and we were going to go see it.

It was a nice house! Wow! Could tell they spent a lot of money on it.

However my cousin Jack is really full of himself. He couldn’t stop bragging about this or that. Which it’s his new house, and we get that but just the way he was talking about it was way over the top. Also I thought this was rude. He handed out these little containers of spices that he had made to everyone except Jeff and I. He could have easily put in a baggie and gave us some. Then he went on and on about this spice he made. I thought that was really rude and I would have never done that. I would feel guilty that not everyone got some.

After that we back to my Aunt’s house to play the annual poker. I brought about $10 of coins to play. OH man! Between Jeff and I we lost about that. However it was so fun to play with everyone and that is what’s important.








I know not the greatest pics. The first one is my dad, Julie then my Uncle Dan. I couldn’t get Jared who is sitting to my right and just had to have a pitcher of water. Ha! Jeff is to the left of me.

Everyone liked the pies and apple was the first to go.








Jeff did a great job.

It was a good Thanksgiving.

The next day Jeff and I had our Thanksgiving and watch our Thanksgiving movie which is Planes, Trains and Automobiles. We love that movie!


Happy Thanksgiving


Today is Thanksgiving! We are at my Aunt’s house all day. We were actually task with making pies! Can you believe it?! It’s crazy that my aunt wanted us to make pies. She would never do that all of the time I have known her which is all of my life. Well later I will tell you how Thanksgiving went.





Yum pie.


Monday November 13 I had to take my mom all over the place for appointments. It was an experience that is for sure. First of all I slept over the night before because her first appointment was at 9 a.m. On Sunday Jeff drove me over there and we decided to have dinner with them. We didn’t tell my parents we got a new car which I didn’t think was a big deal. However that was a big deal. All night they asked why I didn’t tell them we got a new car. My mom said you get a new car you say. It’s like we got a new family member or something the way they were acting. I don’t feel I need to share everything with my parents. I only say that because I use to all the time but my parents have been so passive towards me so much this year that I decided to revert and not share everything. I didn’t know I was going to get the third degree from them about a car.

Also on Sunday we all went to a Mexican restaurant. I have to say I didn’t like our waitress. I feel there is a time to be sarcastic and a time to not be sarcastic and she was so sarcastic! It was to the point of being rude. Dad and I both got this huge burrito. I couldn’t finish all of it and my dad gave me the strangest look. Now normally yes I could eat all of that but I can’t anymore since I have lost weight, I just don’t eat as much as I use too. I was thinking he could have taken the rest of mine and eaten it later. It wouldn’t have been a big deal.

Monday we had to get up early at 7 a.m. to make sure we get to the appointment on time since it was about an hour away from my parents home. We had to leave the latest 8:15 a.m. but that also meant getting my mom in the car. Since my mom had surgery on her right foot, in a boot and a scooter would take some time to get in the car. So at 8:13 I am telling her we NEED to go and she is like “We have two minutes.” Then I told her yeah but you have to get in the car. Didn’t leave to almost 8:30.

On the way over there she is like speed, speed to get there. Now if we  were on time I wouldn’t haven’t had to haul ass over to her appointment. I only sped a little to get there because I was thinking of if we get pulled over no way we were going to make that appointment. Get this, this appointment was only 20 minutes! Like what?! So after that we went to breakfast then did some shopping. At 1 she had another appointment near the first place so we couldn’t go back home.

The second appointment was longer. It was an eye appointment. It was sort of cool because this place was in a hospital. So they have a little food court area. While my mom was in the doctor’s office I was looking outside. In the waiting area there are these huge windows. Anyone waiting can look outside which is the parking lot. I am just staring out the window watching people park and go  into the building.  There was this one woman in a white van parking in a handicap spot. She backed up so far that she bend the handicap sign. I was laughing! OMG! Those signs are in concrete as well, it had to do some damage to her van. Then she gets out trying to bend it back. I couldn’t help it, it was so funny!

What’s not funny is this guy who walks in a little after that. There is no one sitting in the waiting area but me. So where does this guy sit? Right next to me. Ugh I hate that. I brought a book to read so I just ignored him. This guy was rude. He takes out his cellphone and makes a call however he puts the other person on speaker phone. I hate when people do that. No one wants to hear your conversation. On top of that when the nurse calls for him he makes her wait so he can keep talking to this person. Rude!

After that appointment I bought my mom a coffee and we split something to eat in the food court area of the hospital. It was actually pretty good. After that we went home.



I feel sad and mad at the same time. In December I am putting together the making of popcorn balls. I love making popcorn balls with my dad. We don’t get to do it every year because a lot of the other family do not want do it. So this year I took charge and set a date. I also am making sure how it’s going to go, to the time to the food, everything to make sure it happens this year. I would even just make popcorn balls with my dad and no one else. However good news my siblings and their families are coming along with one of my aunts. I have it all figured out doing this event. I think it will be fun.

What I am sad and bad about is my mother-in-law and father-in-law. Way back when I used to get along with my mother-in-law. Everyone would say how lucky I was to have a great relationship with her, then she died.  Then my father-in-law got remarried which is fine. But I miss my mother-in-law very much especially around the holidays. Of course Jeff misses his mom too, all the time. However the holidays was awesome with her and I didn’t realize how cool it was till she passed.

We invited the in-laws to the popcorn balls event. The event doesn’t take place till December 16. That is a long ways away. We got an email yesterday stating they wouldn’t be able to attend. The email sounded so formal as well as we weren’t even family. Every time we invited them to something they cancel. They have never come to event ever.

Jeff asked the other day if we should invited them over for a Packer game. My simple response was no. My elaborate reasoning was if they want to come over they know our number. I don’t ever want to invited them to anything ever again. They always have some sort of lame excuse or just simply say they can’t. It makes me sad and mad at the same time.



I am feeling behind or ahead? I hate daylight savings time. There really any reason to have this anymore. The day of and the day afterwards I get behind or ahead in this case of the day. I hate it.

Something pissed me off. My friend April had her first fall off a horse. We always joke about it but I never really wanted to ever fall. She did and she is really hurt. On top of that her instructor made her get back up on the horse. The horse was so freaked out she almost fell again. I guess one of the rules of horse riding is you fall you get back up on the horse. It’s supposed to boost confidence well it had the opposite effect on April. I feel really badly for her.

She hurt her back and broke a finger. 

Also what really makes me mad is she was seeking council from other riders who have fallen. Somehow her teacher found out and called her and yelled at her. What kind of teacher does that? I have met this guy now several times and I think the last time we met was a fluke. Him being so nice and all. I am thinking he is a two face person. Sometimes I just get these feelings about people and he is one of them. I think it was unfair of him treating her like that plus by acting like an asshole he has hurt her confidence. I know she doesn’t want to quit and there really isn’t any other places she can learn to ride. I just hope it all works out for her.

Tis the season. Ugh! Can it be Halloween forever?

You know I don’t really like Christmas, haven’t since I was a kid. This year I am not going to work so hard at it.  It’s going to be a gift card Christmas. I am not making anything for anyone except Kaela and Adam.

Not for Christmas I made slippers for my parents. When I see them again I will give them to them.