
Jeff and I had a great time on Friday. We went to the Neville Public Museum to see the dinosaurs. The display was only going on till last weekend. I love learning about dinosaurs and how the earth changed after the meteor hit. They even had robot dinosaurs that would roar and move their heads and tails. It was so cool!





















There was also a section where we couldn’t take pics. It was tiny art. So tiny! It was so cool! This husband and wife team make tiny paintings. I liked that section too.

Then there was a section of Legos. They built Lambeau Field out of Legos.







After the museum we bought lunch for my parents. We wanted to celebrate my dad’s birthday he turned 63 on the January 24th. It was great to hangout with them for a little bit.


First I want to start with what made me mad. Since the start of January I asked Chrissy if her and her husband want to get together for game night. At first she said should couldn’t in the beginning because she a business trip. Then we couldn’t because Jeff had to work all the next weekend. So we decided on this weekend Saturday, January 27. She said that was perfect because her dad was taking her kids for the weekend. But then two of you friends died tragically. I understand but that was before the 27th was a week away. I understand it’s sad I had a friend die.

If she wanted canceled she could have said I can’t I am still grieving. And that is understandable but no her excuse on canceling was: my dad’s birthday is the 28th. Which by the way is every single year! Like how can you in this day in age forget anyone’s birthday? It’s called putting in your calendar on your phone or computer. It will always reminds you or on even FB remembers.

 My dad’s birthday was on the 24th. She put it as MY dad’s birthday is the 28th so we MAY not be able to get together. I told her why didn’t you say that in the first place. Like why didn’t you say we can’t get together this weekend because my dad is having his birthday party on Saturday. Let’s schedule something else. Her response was: I did!  All that day I was hurt. I thought for sure we were getting along and having fun. I don’t see anywhere in that sentence that she wanted to reschedule? What really got me is my mom went over there and had dinner with them the day after the tragic event happen. She told me they were laughing and having a good time.

So…guess what my response to myself was? “Well I guess we won’t see them until there is a family event.” Thinking to myself that I don’t need her and that just another sibling not willing to hangout with me which makes me sad and it feels like it’s me. It’s just another wall that I didn’t want to put up yet there it is.

Now let’s talk about fun!

April came over on Monday January 22 till the 23. We had so much fun! My FB friend made coconut butter and I wanted to try to make it. She has a food processor and I do not. I figured I could make it in my blender what’s the difference. The one she showed looked chunky. April and I made it and it came out as spreadable butter.







Guess who liked it? Jeff! I couldn’t believe it. So we did good because he liked it. It has very simple ingredients as well and we didn’t measure.

It is: Shredded coconut, coconut milk, vanilla extract, and salt.

With April I always have fun. Also April is now a Wiccan, Christian. So I am learning so much about Wicca. It’s interesting to me. She blessed our house. That was was cool and fun.

Look what I got:







My IDLife box. It’s strange it comes in a big box like this. Also so fast! I thought for sure it wouldn’t be here but I got it on Monday.

Here is what’s really strange to me:







The pills come in a roll. So what if you had to go somewhere are you supposed to take your roll with you? Also let’s say I have to fly, I am pretty sure you can’t take the roll with you.  I really hate this design choice they made for this. Now I have to cut all this up to put in my pill container. Thanks for the work and garbage.

It will be awhile to see if they actually work.


Is it coincidence that my doctor told me I needed more vitamins then my FB friend posting on which vitamins we all should take? Strange right?

So my doctor told me I need vitamin D because I live in WI and don’t go outside that much in the winter. True. So I started taking vitamin D. Talking to my mom she said she takes biotin for hair and nails. I was thinking of taking something for that.  I started taking that and I have to say biotin has helped with my nails they are stronger then they ever had. I also have brittle toe nails and this has really helped with that. I never know if OTC vitamins would work but so far so good. 

My FB friend does IDLife. Which is an online company where you buy all vitamins, powder etc. It’s a healthy company. I am always skeptical of companies like that because I don’t like to be lecture on my health and such. I didn’t get that from her and I know she does her research on such things. When going out to their website you have to take a health assessment. They ask some detail questions found it strange that it didn’t have a lot of OTC meds that I take on their list. They ask you that what you take everyday. I have heard taking fish oil has really good health benefits about it except I have tried taking it before and it tasted like fish. I hate fish. I don’t like to eat fish so why would I take a pill that tastes like fish? Anyways I am willing to try fish oil again. I decided to try IDLife fish oil which is omega-3. I hope it doesn’t taste like fish. So far though I thought it was a bit pricey. As a penny pincher it was hard to shell out the money for it when I see it on Amazon for so much less. The shipping is what killed me. A little over 10 dollars for it to be shipped to me and they go by FedEx. Was hoping for regular mail. I had to wait to order anyway, payday! But she had a coupon for one day. So I got almost 4 dollars off for the pills. The pills came to 20 dollars and some change for it. I am being skeptical that they will work as everyone said it does but I can be wrong.

Just been trying to figure out what more I can do for my body just then exercising and eating right.


Sunday, January 7 Jeff and I went on an adventure. After unloading a ton of pellets which isn’t fun at all. I said we should go for breakfast. I said on Saturday too since we had to be up early to get a ton of pellets. Of course he didn’t want to too but after unloading he said it was a good idea. Lol! We usually go to this one place that isn’t too far away but it was packed! So Jeff said you want to try a different place but it’s about 30 minutes away. Yes!

We went to Wittenberg, WI. Went to the restaurant The Harvest Restaurant & Bakery. We have been there before but it was years ago. I forgot how good their food is and price isn’t bad either. What you get is a big portion too. The restaurant is next to a gas station and near the gas station is a hotel. Therefore it’s open in the early morning to late. It was worth the drive. Also they had these machines which are everywhere. Thought it would be fun to get some toys. I asked my Russian friend if they have these and they do not which is very common here. I like knowing the difference on stuff like that.







Of course when I was kid the toy machines where 25 cents and the stickers where 50 cents. Now the toys are 50 cents and the stickers are a dollar. That candy is always an ify thing.







I spent a dollar and got these toys. I have no idea what the gray animal is. A deer? Because it has antlers but it’s gray. LOL! Of course the orange animal is a hippo and it’s orange. It was fun.

It has been really cold here lately in the negatives for about two weeks now. I was chatting with my sister-in-law and she wanted to know what it looked like here. So I had Jeff take a pic of me before unloaded the pellets.









Happy New Year!

It’s another year and I made it! I am still here. Yay!

This year I am continuing to lose more weight. I hope one day I will be like I am good but for now more losing.

On January first we went to my sister’s house. We laughed about how Corey wasn’t coming to this party either. Jeff said something funny. He said “Kim posted something super funny on FB. She said said maybe to the party.” Lol oh Jeff!

The party was for the other side of the family. My mom’s side who we don’t see all that often. There is a reason for that. My aunt Terry was in town she now lives in Texas. That is the reason why we went even though I really didn’t want too. The reason we don’t see that side is because they are not fun to be around. They are judgy but they are strange. They give me a strange feeling.

At the party I felt super awkward! First my Aunt Terry who haven’t seen in years, sort of judged me. She asked where I worked. Yup that look I love so much came into play. Of course being sarcastic. I hurried and used my super power of changing the subject to her and kept her talking about herself.  All their kids came and I haven’t seen them since they were little kids. Now they are all grown up and one of them is engaged. When they all started to come in they weren’t very nice. They acted like the rest of us didn’t exist. They all gathered at a table and talked with each other. That to me is snobbish. And my mom wonders why I don’t like her side of the family. Also my aunts and uncles only some of them talked to us. I should say me because Jeff and Andy were gabbing about computers the whole time. Even when I wanted to leave Jeff wanted to stay and talk to Andy. Even though for a week he has been complaining about going to this party. I couldn’t wait to leave, I kept checking my watch. I said we are staying for two hours so we stayed for two hours.

Great start to the New Year, not.



On December 29 Jeff and I went to see my cousin Alice and her family. I decided we should go over to her mom’s house this time for one reason because I know that my Aunt Sue loves to see us. So this way we can see my Aunt and Uncle plus Alice and family. It was a good visit. We had pizza and it was good. Alice bought a house so we got to see pics of it. It’s a nice house but wow couldn’t believe how much they paid for it. Their house in Wisconsin would be less then a hundred thousand dollars. But in Utah it was over two hundred thousand dollars. So crazy!

Alice’s kids were being funny however her little girl Zarah was being super cute! She is one now and she can walk but she doesn’t talk yet. Just makes a lot of noise. She LOVED Jeff. OMG! It was soooooo cute! She learned how to fist bump and she wanted to fist bump Jeff more than anyone. Lol! Then she brought him her toys. Then when we were leaving she wanted to give Jeff the most hugs and kisses. It was so cute and funny!

After seeing Alice we went over to hangout with Adam. That was a whole other drama which one I thought was funny because I just knew how it was going to go. I just didn’t know how Adam would take it though. So at Christmas Kim says to Adam “Hey if you extend your trip till Friday. We all should hangout.” Adam got his ticket changed till leaving on Saturday so we all could hang out. Adam sends out a mass text to all the siblings that he wants us to come over to the parents house to hangout. It worked out because we had plans to be in Green Bay to have dinner with my parents. Which that changed because we all were going to hangout at their house and they decided to go to a concert with some friends.

Chrissy and I text back that, that will be awesome. We didn’t see Corey text back. I just knew, knowing Corey that he wasn’t coming. We all know how I feel about him and his wife. So if he came didn’t come, I didn’t really care. Jeff and I knew that he wasn’t coming. However Adam didn’t know that Corey rarely comes to anything so this made him mad when Corey texted that he couldn’t make it. Of course I was like ‘duh’. Wow Adam told him off and that is why this was funny. Just how much he gave it to Corey because Chrissy and I never say anything to him about this but Adam told him off. What I didn’t know is that this was Kim’s idea. My dad told me that, then Adam confirmed it.

Chrissy got so drunk and she is a silly drunk. We played Bang! And she was just being so funny! After that we told stories and just having a great time. So much laughing and it was great to see Adam again. Wasn’t sure if we would see him before he left. So this was perfect! I can’t wait till Adam sees Corey again it’s going to go down. Lol!