
We went grocery shopping and Jeff found this super cute plushie but…it’s not a plushie it’s a purse!







It’s so soft and cute! I got it for my friend Helen for her birthday.

Speaking of friends April’s and I friend anniversary is coming up. 20 years! I made a two dolls. One that is her and one that is me.







Can’t see in the the pic but I braided April’s hair since she always has in a braid. Also getting friendship necklaces. Hoping to get them soon. Next week we will celebrate. I can’t wait, it will be fun!


On Wednesday was an awesome day! Jeff had a half day because he had a doctor’s appointment. That part wasn’t too bad. He has some skin tags that were bothering him on his neck and he has one on his eye lid. Mostly concerned about the one on his eye lid. Found out it’s not a skin tag but a wart on his eye lid which to me makes sense because it doesn’t look like a skin tag. He has to have that one surgically removed because it sits on his eye lash area that’s too close to his eye for the doctor we saw yesterday to take off. These days to remove skin tag they use electricity to removed them. I thought that was cool. No cutting, freezing or burning them off like they did back when.

We went to the Bread Harvest afterwards. I haven’t been to a Bread Harvest in a very long time. I use to go to one when I worked at the YMCA. I used to walk downtown and go eat at the Bread Harvest. Jeff has never been to a Bread Harvest. So we got some yummy bread, cookies and some spread. Yummy!

After that we went to Walmart. I know that doesn’t sound fun but we were in De Pere and all Walmarts are not the same. Wow their Walmart makes our Walmart look like shit. It was so nice in there and clean. The one in my town isn’t always the cleanest and forget about using the restroom it’s always gross. The one in De Pere was very clean and the restroom were clean as well. We got some things we really needed and I got some clothes.

Then we went for lunch/dinner. We went to Sgambati’s pizza. We ordered a loaded nacho pizza and it was awesome! It was nice because there was really nobody there but us. So we had great pizza and great company. Had so much fun with Jeff just being out and doing things together.


I feel mad again at my sister. Ugh didn’t mom teach her any manners? So it was Drew’s birthday he turned 10 this year. We are short this whole month of February on money yet we manage to get him 10 dollars. Did we get a thanks? No! In fact Chrissy said thanked to everyone except us on FB. What a joke! I am mad! We are not obligated to get him anything and I know it isn’t her son’s fault but what a slap in the face. 

Anyways this weekend I made another doll. I like her better than my first.







Her hair is so soft. I like making them and going to make a whole lot more.


Been wanting to work on something that doesn’t take up a lot of space. So I saw this doll on YouTube and I just knew I have to make it. I made a prototype.









Her hair and skirt were hard to make! But she is the first. I have some ideas that I want to do with the other ones I am going to make. I made her on my 24 peg loom.


I have been sick! Ugh! So not much going on. I got a sinus infection so a lot of sleeping and complaining.

Also this week is Valentines Day and I don’t care. Ha! Oh I am sure people will ask me what Jeff got me and I will say nothing. Jeez. I am just one those people who don’t see what’s the big fuss Valentines Day is. I think we should watch a mobster movie on Wednesday for Valentines Day. Ha ha!

Ripper Street

I loved this show all the way up to the fourth season. What happened?! Why did the writers go the way they did? Thanks for ruining yet another great show.

This was awesome! It takes place a little after Jack the Ripper. Which I like learning about because they never caught him or was it a her? The time before fingerprints. The time before police work got really detailed because they didn’t have the technology yet.

Ripper Street started out on the BBC. Then after season two it got canceled. It was sad because I could see the potential and I so hate that. Then either Netflix or Amazon picked it up not sure which one first. However I watched it on Netflix. After season two I stopped watching and not till recently I started all over and binged watched it. From BBC to online steaming you can see the difference. I couldn’t believe it! From season 2 to season 3 wow! Season 3 is beautiful! It became clearer and White Chapel became a grimy beautiful disaster. That is the best I can describe it.

What I loved about the series is how as technology grew and how it was used to do police work. How they learn how to use fingerprints to keeping a corpse in a freezer to examine later. Telegraph to telephones. How the station was small to big as the era went on. All the characters were engaging and I cared about them. Their story lines were intriguing.

Funny fact a lot of Game of Thrones people were in it like an episode here and there. Lol! Also Preacher as well. Both shows I watch that I like. Also the guy who played Neville Longbottom (Mathew Lewis) from the Harry Potter movies was in season 4 and 5. Wow! He became handsome!

The characters Inspector Bennet Drake (Jerome Flynn) and Rose Erskine (Charlene McKenna) I loved their story line intertwined together. All that time building for them to be together only to be ruined quickly in season 4 than 5 forget them. Ridiculous!

They also destroyed the character Long Susan Hart (MyAnna Buring) in season 4. I hated who she became. In the end she does get what she deserves however I think it should have gone differently like she makes the ultimate escape with her husband and child. However Captain Homer Jackson or Mathew Judge (Adam Rothenberg) his character was true through all of the seasons. And Inspector Edmund Reid where the only characters to be themselves.

I looked up before I got to the last episode and saw that others were satisfied with ending. I am not satisfied with the ending. They made it so Inspector Reid is a lonely one man in White Chapel to fight the evils of the world there. Made him a sad character alone. The end there could be a possibility of him making new friends and going on new adventures however that will not happen. I hated the ending. I hated he never goes and sees his daughter which took seasons to find her.

In my opinion they took a great show with great characters and a great way to show policing in the Victorian era only to destroy it in the last two seasons.



January 31st my mom and my Aunt Kathy came over for a visit. I told them I hope you either like cereal or soup in a can because I am broke. Lol! When they did come over they brought some food with them. Awesome! I do like eating out but I am trying this new thing so I am glad we didn’t go. I am trying to not eat fast food or go out to eat. It’s hard! But easy when you do not have money. Ha!

We played games. We played In A Pickle which was a funny game! I laughed so hard. We were having a great time! Then later we sat around and talked. It was fun talking to them.

We talked about religion which has been the topic for me for a couple of months. April and I decided I am really an Eclectic Christian. Meaning I believe in this and that not strictly Christian beliefs. Which I feel that I am. April is now a Wiccan and a Christian. I like learning about different religions so I have been reading and learning about Wiccans. I think the beliefs of Wiccans are awesome! April said she is a Eclectic Wiccan. By being this I see the difference and it’s for the good.

The topic of religion came up. So I told them what April is. They were like why Wiccan? I was thinking why not? I will like a person if they are whatever religion or not. It helps them then why not?! I don’t really like talking religions with anyone unless it’s brought up but I wouldn’t bring it up. However my aunt brought over some Buddha books for me to have. I’ll read them but not switching religions. But like I said learning about other religions is cool.

Anyway I still had fun and wasn’t sure if I would.