
Today we say goodbye to Koko. I am very, very sad.

We have been debating since January whether or not because he would have these bad days but on Wednesday he was having a hard time getting up. His cancerous lump is engulfing his leg and giving him pain. When he does get up he limps. It sucks. I am going to miss him so much!

I will always remember his story and the joy he brought to our lives.

The story of Koko: Jeff and I just moved out of his parents house as Jeff got a great job. We didn’t even ask our landlord if we could have a dog. Our landlord let us stay renting even after getting Koko. I wanted a small dog because I grew up with a Shih Tzu. Jeff wanted a big dog because he grew up with a German Shepard and Saint Bernards. We were looking on Craiglist and Jeff found a picture of a black lab hanging out on a lawn.

It was instant! I wanted him! I just had this feeling like we belonged. Jeff said I would be allergic which hence why we had a Shih Tzu when I was younger. I told Jeff I didn’t care he needed to come with us. Was I allergic yes I got hives but after living with him that didn’t happen so much. I took allergy pills and kept my house a little cleaner.

When we got to the house he wasn’t shy too much. He was wagging his tail and I could tell he liked the husband. So a guy dog. Lol! We petted him and he was excited but that just Koko he loved people. We talked about it and I was still he has to come with us. So we got Koko. He had a wound on his leg which we found out is a nervous tick he had. The wife told us that he got his leg caught on the fence. I think yes at one time he had and when he got nervous he licked that thing raw. He already had scar tissue under the wound so it had to be there for some time. He also had a tiny scar under his eye. Can tell because of the missing fur that was there but you had to really look under his eye to see it.

When we got him home he was nervous! He drank an ocean it seemed like and had to go potty a ton as well. A few months having him he would whimper that Jeff left to work. But he got over that and we became buddies. He loved walks, playing tug of war and showing off his squeaky toy. He was always there when we were sad and happy. He loved to cuddle on the bed with us till he got too old to do so. His favorite was ear scratches.  Also I loved how he didn’t give a shit about a lot of stuff dogs usually bark at. Mailman, thunder storms or loud noises he didn’t care. We always thought that was funny. 

AND he was our supervisor on projects. He liked to be included no matter what we were doing. That is what we called him. “Our supervisor is here.”  Lol! We had to say “Koko back up” and he would back up literally. We used to joke we should put back up lights and sounds on him. Too funny!

Funny he hated peanut butter we thought that was strange. Also he would get tired of certain treats that we had to switch it up just for him.

I thought it was really funny when he would get mad at us. He would go to the corner of the room and turn his back on us. LOL! He wasn’t mad all that often but still! Another funny is when he knew we were laughing at him. He was clumsy and do silly things which were so funny. Also he didn’t like pics of himself. Seriously I don’t think he knew he was a dog.

Officially we had Koko for more than half his life and I can say he had the best life. He was loved so much! We are going to miss our Koko, Pooh Bear, Pooh pooh, Mr. Brown eyes and Koko Puff.















Yesterday I got to spend 3 hours at the ER. I wanted to go to Urgent Care but they sent me to the ER instead. I have been having terrible pain in my back and it went to the side. Touching my side would send a wave a pain! They made me pee in a cup that took a little over a half an hour to get results. I was in the clear. Then they tell me I must have strained a muscle in my back and it localized itself to my side.

The solution inject two shots in my butt! OMG! They gave me a shot of a muscle relaxer and Ibuprofen. Before she does that she tells me both shots will give me a burning sensation. It was like sitting in fire! I had to wait 20 minutes which seemed like forever for the shots to take affect. Then they say it will last up to 3 to 4 hours. I can say it lasted 2 an a half hours. Now my injection site hurts worst than my muscle strain.

However at least this time I had very nice people looking after me. You know me! I usually get the grumpy people or the doctors who are unfriendly. But no this time so I am grateful for that.



For the last few days we have been having a blizzard! It’s so crazy! I can’t remember any spring being winter again in my life. This blizzard is even called Blizzard Evelyn. I hate you Evelyn. So we have been stuck  in our house which is so human nature. If you can’t leave your house you want to leave your house. lol!

What is good that the dogs still go outside. Scotty was so funny. He made Koko go out there first to make a trail and then he follows, he isn’t dumb. 














Snow bank up the side of our house.


















I seriously may have a problem with this game. Because it’s a fun game it does have one flaw but I will get to that later. Choices is by Pixelberry Studios and they do have a website where they tell you about the game and what stories are coming out. I love this game because it’s exactly like choose your own adventure books which I use to read when I was kid and love them.

My favorite stories are:

Home for the Holidays-This book has no sequel.

Blood Bound-Which is new as I write this post. It’s about a vampire.

The Royal Romance

The Freshman

Red Carpet Dairies-This one I didn’t think I like but as the story went on, I liked it.

I have played all the stories now. So I am at the point of waiting for new chapters in the books. The only ones I haven’t played are the ones that cost diamonds to play.

The stories that I didn’t like or wouldn’t spend money on.

Hero-This one you get to be a superhero even though it was a fun story and I totally liked being a superhero it didn’t intrigue me to spend anymore time on it. This book is getting a sequel so I will play that when it comes out.

Endless Summer-If you are spending money this is a great series to do so. It’s long which is great for your money. Whether it’s keys or diamonds. For me it’s too long and the story is okay just takes a really long time to get through the chapters for me.

The Crown and the Flame-The story sets in medieval times and you get to play many characters in this one but that’s what I don’t like. I like the ones I like to play I get to choose my character and customize them somewhat and choose my own name. This book you don’t get a choice to whom you play. The story is good though and it has three books also this series is mentioned in the other books as well.

The Haunting of Braidwood Manor-It’s a scary story and no sequel to this one either. The characters are okay and mostly I didn’t care about them. That’s the reason I didn’t like this story.

Most Wanted-Murder! You get a partner you don’t like at first. Yes we all have heard this story before. It’s very typical. You try to solve a murder and go after a crazy person. It’s generic in my opinion. Also can’t choose who you are. You play a man and a woman.

It Lives in the Woods-Scary and mystery story. This one was better than the haunting one and you try to gather clues and weapons. That’s only really if you are going to spend money or have the diamonds to choose all the choices in this story. This will have sequel as well.

Perfect Match-As I write this, this story is still getting chapters. It’s about a dating service for your perfect match and a mystery. It’s okay seems a bit strange to me the story is rushed on the love but that could just be me.

Love Hacks-I thought this was going to be a good story. Book one was my favorite but as book two then book three came around it never captured what book one had. It has a good concept and of course love and friends but by book three it felt rushed then it just ends. So by it’s sequels I wouldn’t play again.

High School Story-This story is good if you are a younger person. For the age I am now it doesn’t appeal to me. I also find that some of the chapters are really short.

The series I need to talk about is Rules of Engagement. This series I hated and learned to really play Choices. So let’s talk about that flaw that Choices has. To play this game you need Keys to play a chapter. You can spend real money to get Keys or you can wait for a period of time to get 2 Keys. I will tell you a way to play 4 chapters at once.

Hint 4 chapters at once: It’s all about timing really. Isn’t that hard. So you like playing this game and want more to read. Time your keys so can play more than two chapters at once. Before going to bed click the book you want to read and go back to the main menu. Do not continue to read the chapter. Do this to two books you want to read. You have to have more than one book. When you get up or get a chance to play Choices you will have 4 keys to read with. Or you can do it before you go anywhere. If you time it just right you can really have more keys to play with just depends on how many books you want to read all at once.  

Diamonds is what you need to use for choices in the books.  You can read a chapter and earn one diamond which I find dumb. I wish it was more like two diamonds for a chapter. Or you can spend money to get diamonds which I think is better to spend money on. Since you can wait for keys but not diamonds and you need diamonds to make choices the diamonds are better for the money. However I know I am not the only one who thinks the amount you need to spend on choices is high. I don’t understand why they make the diamond choices so high. So you get one diamond per chapter but choices are anywhere from 12 to 30 diamonds. Now that is crazy!

Rules of Engagement this series I hated but I did learn a lesson from playing this series. Whatever you do don’t buy outfits in this series they are not worth your diamonds. There are some outfits in stories that make a difference The Crown and the Flame, Royal Romance, Red Carpet Diaries and Home for the Holidays. I found can make the story a bit better for the outfits aspect. However in Rules of Engagement they mean nothing and I learned that quickly in the series 25 diamonds for an outfit that made no difference. Wasteful.

My thinking is sort of funny. The other characters don’t change their clothes why do I have too. Lol! Even though they do sometimes

Back to that series the ending of the book is dumb it felt rushed and it just ends like Love Hacks. It’s like they couldn’t think of how to end the series so there you go end. Nothing else. And for the ending like that you never get to know what they have. Trying not to ruin it if someone is reading it. Just to let you know it just ends.

However need diamonds and can’t spend money use Rules of Engagement to get them or any other books that you don’t fancy. That is what I did even though I did spend money on this game. I always can’t so I did use the books to get the diamonds. Any app game you can teach you patience if you lack on that. Lol! Biding your time to get what you want in any app game.


Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 touche!

Having a lot of fun playing this game and wow the graphics are awesome! I have played the story line refusing to give into the cult and the end literally and figuratively blew my mind! Now I am playing where I give into the cult. It’s cool it’s got different endings. Love when games do that. This time I am going to play more extra missions and such as well. I just wanted to know about the story line first.

I have only came across two glitches. One was an early mission where you go save Boomer. I couldn’t save him he just walked around barking at me as he is a dog. When I restarted the game then I could save him. The other glitch I had was this:







I thew a pipe at someone and it got stuck in the air. I think these glitches are funny and I was thinking it would be funny if I find an animal stuck in the air.

I have to say the main protagonist Joseph Seed is the creepiest bad guy I have ever encountered in a video game to date. The way he looks at you in the cut scenes and the way he makes you feel about your choices. It’s crazy! Usually the bad guy I feel yeah okay he is bad, he has done bad things but Joseph Seeds makes me believe on what he is saying he really believes himself.

I would say Faith and John are well done in the creepy factor. As for Jacob Seed I don’t feel he is well done as the others. Yes he is still a crazy nut but he feels more generic then the others. Except for his trials which I thought was hard and the hardest being the last one. Not like hard, hard but I hate the time limit and I usually get lost in the maze a few times before rushing to get to the end while getting shot a lot! I get it, it’s the point of it all. But it doesn’t mean I can’t hate it.

The hardest to kill in my opinion was Jacob and Faith. John was hard for me because I can’t do flying missions. I really suck on anything to do with planes or helicopters but Jeff isn’t. He’s great at those so I had him shoot down John and play the flying missions. I like that he doesn’t play games but will do the flying missions for me. I try though before asking took me a lot of dying before asking Jeff to shoot down John for me. However I do like flying then jumping out of the plane or helicopter that is always fun. In this game you can go base jumping which I do.

I think it’s fun to have companions. My favorite companion is Sharky. I like his banter it makes me laugh. And when I get Hurk and Sharky together even funnier because they are cousins. Which I didn’t know of course and I had Sharky with me when I did the Hurk mission. And that is another thing the companions are funny! The things they say. I like how they react to each other. I unlocked having two companions at a time and putting the animals with the human companions are awesome! Still thing they say about the animal companions is awesome. They really put thought into the companions which is so cool! Also I really like the music in this game.

Being a person who has never played any of the other Far Cry games I have to say this impressed me. I will be playing Far Cry games in the future.  Having so much fun!


Happy birthday!


On March 31st we celebrated Scotty and Koko’s birthday. Scotty turned 10 and Koko turned 12.

Since we are unsure when Scotty’s birthday day is exactly we celebrate them on the same day. We do know what year he was born so we can keep track. So why not have their birthday on the same day? They got doggy ice cream for their birthday. Here is cute pics of them:














Happy Easter!

Today is Easter!

This is a different Easter. Usually we go to my parents house to celebrate and be together but no parents this time. They are in Florida with my sister and her family having a great time. So this year it’s just Jeff and I and I am fine with that. I think we are going to watch Coco. I really want to see that.

I made tiny chicks.








I am making more for my sister in law for a present. These are fun and easy to make.