Sunflower Fest

On Saturday July 28 mom, dad, Crayne and I went to Sunflower Fest. It was fun and not at the same time. At first Crayne was all happy when they pulled up to our house. Then in the car he was good until we got to the festival. Yes it was hot and yes there were a lot of people. That meant lines for everything. We walked around a little bit and Crayne was being so grumpy! Because there was a huge line for the bouncy house. So, I tried to get my face painted with him but all he did was whine. So I got my faced painted anyways.








It was cool to walk through a field of sunflowers.












Crayne wouldn’t smile but I do like this pic of my dad at least he is smiling!

Afterwards we went for ice cream at DQ and of course he was happy then. It figures (rolling eyes). It was a fun day anyway to see the sunflowers and of course see my parents.





Later today Jeff and I are going to see the Equalizer 2 in the theaters. That is always fun!

Let’s see…

Not a whole lot going on. I am addicted to Choices again. Lol! I quit for some time because I read them all. However they have this new feature after finishing any chapter you get a chance to watch an ad and earn a diamond. Hell yes! Ads are boring but to get a diamond yes I will watch or play any ad for this. I can’t wait for Blood Bound book 2 to come out. It’s my favorite book right now! I also like America’s Most Eligible. Reality TV and you are in it to win. Which means I can choose to play nice or not. I love it!

Let’s talk Blood Bound I couldn’t decide who I like the most but I am going Adrian all the way. At first I thought Jax btw love the name but the book does sway you to Adrian and I can’t help but to like him. Also Choices finally got the memo of you can choose to be with women now. Even though I am straight I always thought what about the readers who aren’t or both. Finally Choices! Anyways in my stories I am bi. I like all the options you can choose even though in real life I am not. I mean I am sure some would argue that would make me bi. First of it’s a game but I admit I think about it sometimes. However yes totally straight. A woman’s upper half totally find but the woman’s lower half no, nope, no way.  Anyways I like their emotions! Finally vampires in today’s world and love how they still have rules. Yup my favorite right now!

I really liked Red Carpet Diaries the first one. But now, I don’t really like the second one. I am sure a lot of that stuff that is being spoke about happens however it makes me feel uncomfortable. Which I guess is good writing but I don’t like to read stories about that kind of stuff. I’ll read it for the diamonds but makes me not want to replay this story or even attempt to replay the first one which I liked.

Okay enough about choices.

I downloaded Episodes. I like and not at the same time. First I dislike you can only play a story five times. Choices you can play all you want over and over but in Episodes you can’t.  I admit I get a little bored with Episodes even those literally thousands of books to read on there. I don’t understand what makes some books official over others because some that are official, I say official are the ones you can earn diamonds. Those Officials ones some are so dumb! You can tell a teen or a young teen wrote them. And there are some that are so well done that are not official. I don’t understand how they choose.

What’s cool about Episodes is that regular people can make their own stories. I found some that are pretty good ones while others are not. That is the other thing I get bored of reading Episodes. You can earn everyday by reading four chapters a day. But there is a catch just like Choices your first chapter of any book is free. In Episodes they use tickets instead of keys. That counts as a chapter read but if you are on the last chapter of any book and read it. It doesn’t count as a chapter read. And I have problem with that because like I said, I get bored of reading Episodes. A lot of stories of Episodes is about bad boys.  It gets very repetitive.

That’s my life this week reading and reading which is good. However I really need to get going on my projects!

Girls Weekend

Yeah not really…

So when one says girls weekend most think the whole weekend right? Well not in my family. I am not sure why they call it girls weekend should be called girls day.

Thursday we went over there and I stayed the night at my mom’s house. We saw Alice and her kids. It was embarrassing to say the least. We went to a restaurant for dinner and Alice lets her kids run around. She doesn’t discipline them when they bump into people and her youngest made someone fall down. They were bothering the workers of the restaurant. It was awkward.

Friday was an adventure in the morning. We are waiting at a stop light and this older man is in front of us. But the man hadn’t move all the way up to trigger the light. So the line got bigger and bigger and people started to honk. Mom was honking and yelling for him to move up. The older man flips us off. Finally mom opens her door to get out and that makes the man to move up. As soon as he does the light turns green. As we pass him he flipped us off again. I thought the situation was funny! After that we went to breakfast with Aunt Kathy. 

After that mom asked if I wanted to go to sewing class with her and Bree. At first I said no but mom kept insisting. So I decided to go and I wished I hadn’t. Sewing class was for Bree and there wasn’t a whole lot of people but I had nothing to do. For 2 hours and wondered around, it was at a library. So I looked at books talked to an older man reading the paper. It was really boring.

Then mom dropped off Bree at her house and she dropped me off at her house as she had an appointment. While she was gone I colored.









Later that evening we all went to dinner at the Hinterland Brewery. Never been there before and as we went in, I think I will not go back.  The only reason is it was really expensive! If you don’t specify which beer you want you get the bigger one that is more expensive of course.








This beer is 12 dollars! Ahhh!! And for 12 I thought it was okay. The food was okay but expensive. I am glad my sister bought. That night we watched the Descendants which is a kid’s movie. But it wasn’t too bad. Mom and I slept at my sister’s house that night. I got to see their new puppy and he was fun! He is a Labradoodle. His name is Marley and he is 14 weeks.








Awe! I love this pic of Bree and Marley. And of course their other dog Bailey who loves to be petted.








Saturday we went to paint pottery. I am at the point where I don’t have to paint pottery anymore. I am not sure what to do with the stuff I paint. I painted a mug and I didn’t take a pic. That is unlike me but I didn’t take my phone with me. I know shocker!

However it was fun when we did things together.



I am going to be a busy bee this week.

So…I figured out how to go to girls weekend. I had to pondered and look at the budget and complained and look at the budget… Yeah I lot of that.

I am going not sure what we are doing but I am going. Here is Danielle logic: I go to girls weekend and there is no more complaining I don’t do anything with them. That’s my way of thinking.

Also it should be fun as well. I am not done yet but I am making mini key chains for girls weekend. I need to make two more.







Tuesday, Wednesday hanging out with April. Thursday hanging out with my cousin at my mom’s house. Staying the night. Girls weekend till Saturday night. Then home. I am going to be tired. Lol!


I am being totally lazy today. I know I need to be better in writing in you earlier! Ugh! Just not today. Anyway I finally get to see April next week. I will see her Tuesday and Wednesday shall be fun! Then on Thursday we are seeing Alice again. She is leaving on Friday. It will be cool to see her before she leaves. Wow twice this time she is here.

Mom has been telling me that there is going to be a girls weekend. That will include Chrissy, mom, Bree and me. I have been asking her when, WHEN? With no answer so guess what she tells me…oh next weekend. Ugh! So we decided to go back to adding to our retirement and that means less money. That is why I was asking when so I could save for a girls weekend. So she tells me this on Wednesday that it’s next weekend. Now I can’t go. If I wasn’t going to April’s house I could but April and I have been planning this for a month as April has to take time off from her job. This makes me feel bad and last time we had girls weekend my sister and mom paid for me. I don’t want them to pay for me this time. (Sigh). 


Saturday July 7th we celebrated the 4th with the family. We stayed at my Uncle’s house for seven hours! That is crazy! We had fun though. We played poker and cousin Jared won my money. Lol! He rarely wins so I’ll give it to him.

There was some strangeness of course. My cousin Erich was there with his wife Carmen. I forget what state they live in. Anyway saw him once and that was it. I talked to his wife for a little bit. But they didn’t mingle with anyone. I thought that was strange. There were people there I didn’t know but they were nice and mingled with everyone. There was this one guy there that didn’t introduce himself. Okay before I get into this guy what is up with that? Manners. If I don’t know someone I introduce myself. Even if we don’t talk again still. What is the harm of saying I am so and so. Right? Whatever. Anyways this guy kept in crouching my personal space and staring at me. It made me feel uncomfortable. I just tried to ignore him the whole time. Anyways it was fun day!





I had an awesome day on the July 4th. First Jeff and I went to my Uncle and Aunt’s house to see my cousin Alice and family. It was so much fun! We had pizza and cookies. Lol! We brought the cookies and they were a hit. Reuben was a little less strange even though he thought he got abducted by aliens. Yeah aliens. At this point Jeff and I just nod and don’t ask questions with him. Reuben said that he was sad he will be missing the Koehne poker game. Alice said Danielle why don’t you call your dad. So I did and my parents came for a visit too. Dad, Reuben, Jeff, Uncle Dan and I played poker. I didn’t have much money as I didn’t think we play poker. I had maybe two dollars however I left close to five! Lol! It was great!

In the evening we went over to my Aunt Kathy’s house. Mom invited us and we asked if we can bring Scotty. They said yes. They have two young dogs a collie named Amadeus who is 2 and Sebastian who is three and he is a black lab. Scotty was nervous at first then Amadeus was showing him around the house. It was too funny! Only one bad thing Sebastian tried to dominate Scotty a couple of times but then he stopped doing that after he was disciplined.

Seeing Sebastian  made Jeff want another black lab and I thought it would. He was so cool. They both were. My aunt said that we and Scotty can come back anytime.







Amadeus wouldn’t turn around for a pic. Lol!










Independence Day

Today is America’s birthday! America is 242 years old. Happy birthday USA!

Today I see my cousin Alice and her family for lunch. I think it will be fun! We will be celebrating America’s bday on July 7th with family. I don’t know if we will see fireworks or not. Either way it still be a fun day.


Friday Jeff had the day off and we went to Green Bay. We dropped off the Explorer for window tinting. Then we went to breakfast with my parents. I had Eggs Benedict. I have never had that before. Okay now I understand why everyone likes it. It was so yummy!

After breakfast my dad had to go back to work and we told mom we were going chair shopping. She wanted to go with us to the first store. I did find a chair there but Jeff talked me into at looking at WG&R for a chair. I am glad he did! I found the perfect chair for me and it’s so comfy!








It’s also very soft!

Mom told me she was sending a package to Adam and wanted me to make more dolls. Lol! So I made him and me.









I have to add a pic of Scotty. Look he is a happy dog.