Tea Party

Yesterday April came over for a visit and we went to a tea party!

My mom and aunt were supposed to come with us but bailed literally the day before. They missed out though! I figured it would be older ladies attending and I was right. There was one older lady that was awesome. I figured she traveled all around the world. She told interesting stories about places she has been drinking tea. Even drinking tea as a kid as well. She was very cool!

What wasn’t cool is one of the ladies that was disrespectful the whole time. The class cost 10 dollars and it was to learn about different teas and how to make tea. We also got a gift bag. I thought it was worth the 10 dollars per person. This lady even asked why it costed so much? Really?! She was rude! However we had a great time and learned about tea. The instructor had fancy hats and gloves to wear. We each got a different saucer and cup to take home along with different teas to try.







Tex was a pretty good puppy when April came. She wanted a pic of her and him. Of course Tex wouldn’t stay still.








Tex now weighs 20 pounds. When April sees Tex again she won’t be able to hold him.


Happy Annivesary

September 15 Jeff and I celebrated our 11 year anniversary. It was fun! We went out for steak (of course) and it was yummy! Then we indulged in some really yummy chocolate from Seroogy’s.

After that just a relaxing day. Wow 11 years! Yay!

It was really hot on Saturday so we took out the kiddie pool for Tex. I also bathed him too.








Tex likes to be in the kitchen he tried to help me unload the dishwhaser. Lol!




Last Sunday September 9th was my mom’s birthday. It was way dumb. First of all my dad and the guys (Andy and Uncle Dave) sat inside the house to watch football. I thought that was dumb because it was very nice outside and it was my mom’s birthday. What really irritated me was, Jeff and I said we were going to bring drinks. So what does my sister in law do? She brings Bloody Mary’s to the party. We went out of our way to get beer for everyone and no one drank any. I was so mad! Never again will we spend that much for drinks. Usually that beer would be gone in an afternoon. Yet again foiled by my sister in law.  The whole party was just dumb. The kids were all over the place being brats. No one was doing anything about that.

However (hee hee) I made my mom a cross stitch strawberries and Jeff framed it. I just love seeing the reactions of my siblings when I do these things. Insert evil laugh here. Also I like making things for my parents.  But still some evil fun makes it! 


Puppy Land

I now live in puppy land. It’s terrible and wonderful at the same time.

What’s terrible puppy biting and lots of OWIE!!! OUCH!! and swear words thrown in the mix also blood. Note to self keep a stock of band aids on hand. I feel bad for Scotty. I know for sure he likes other dogs so getting puppy shouldn’t be any different. And he has met young dogs before and wanted to play with them. But as soon as Tex came home he didn’t want anything do with him.

What’s wonderful puppy! He is super cute. Even though Scotty didn’t like him he is starting to come around in the same room as Tex. I taught Tex to sit in less than two days. Now he sits for everything. lol! He always has his leash on when not in his area and now I can let it go when he does his business. Still working on communication of when he has to go.

We can sleep for a whole night! Tex goes to sleep about 8 and I take him out at 11. Then he doesn’t have to go till I wake up. I usually wake up in the middle of the night anyways and I let him out. Then he doesn’t have to go till about 6:30 that is when Jeff gets up to get ready for work. He has been good on not peeing in the house. But pooping has been a whole other story. Working process.

Now adorable pics of Tex:








Tex got his first shots at the vet. Of course he was a hit. Everyone saying how cute he was! On the way home this is how he slept. He’s too funny.



WHOOOOO what a weekend! I am tired. lol!

Friday I drove to April’s house to spend the night. We had fun. We went for coffee and breakfast at our usual spot Tera Verde. Afterwards we went to the Calumet County Fair which oddly opens up at 8 A.M. It was nice because I got to see where to park. I am always worried about that as I hate parallel parking and tight areas. As I am not the greatest parker in the truck.  We walked around the fair grounds. We saw some cool animals:
















































Funny story: We are walking around the fair and we come up to this stand where this guy is selling fudge. April says “I know how to make fudge. It’s easy.” The guy was giving her a mad looks. As we left I couldn’t stop laughing! Later April said she wish she didn’t say that right there. Oh my it’s always a story with April. That one is funny!

Saturday April and I had to be at the fair at 8 A.M. for her show. I was surprised Linda (April’s mom) and Mike (April’s younger brother) came along. I didn’t think they would actually show up. It was great that they were there for her as well.








On this day it was like 80F. So April was super hot in this outfit.














April took second. She was really nervous but I think she did great. She tried and that is awesome!

Sunday Tex came home!















Monday was Labor Day and my parents, Ken and Milena, Kathy and Dave, Chrissy and family came over. To see Tex. We had lunch and everyone played with him. They also brought toys and cleaning supplies. Lol! We weren’t expecting anything but it was very nice of everyone! So far so good. Even though not a whole of sleep going on for us. Also Scotty doesn’t really like him but I think he eventually will.