Customer Service

We all have been there had great customer service to shit customer service.

I have been thinking about Customer Service lately because lately I have gotten some great service and some really shitty service. One great thing about the internet you can write a compliant to whatever company. I don’t write a compliant unless I have too. What I mean is I don’t go around writing companies just because.

There is this restaurant that not very near to us but we like to go sometimes. For one the prices are not bad for what you get. This is a diner I would say because if they fill your coffee non stop it’s diner. Funny! Anyways our waitress didn’t fill my coffee non stop like all the other times we have been there however it wasn’t a big deal. She still took it off our bill. That is customer service! She didn’t have too it wasn’t a big deal but it was still nice.

Eos has awesome customer service! I love Eos products. I had bought a lip balm that was clear and it broke in half. So disappointing. Along with picture, wrote an email to Eos. Within the week of sending in the mail I got some great coupons! I couldn’t believe how many I got. I got two free Eos products and three coupons for a dollar off any Eos product. So I got two free shaving creams and three lips balms for a dollar off. I wasn’t expecting this and it was so fast!

The Post Office. Yes the post office! Terrible in my town. Unless you are Jeff he always gets respect there but not me. It’s always 50/50. Either they are nice or they are such bitches to me. For a whole week no mail. The post office never left a note saying they couldn’t get to our mailbox they just stop delivering mail which I would have been fine with. Mostly junk anyways. However I was expecting some packages and they stop delivery on that as well. So Jeff called and they said no delivery till our mailbox was clear. I was like no notice! I never had that. We lived all over our town and has always have a notice. Like we can’t get to your mailbox or you need a new mailbox, etc.

When I went that weekend to get the mail. The lady was a bitch to me for really no reason. Why me? What did I do? I am always polite to them. She made a rude comment and rolled her eyes at me. What is this high school? Also she threw the packages towards me on the counter. What if I had fragile stuff in them? Really uncalled for. There was so many packages that I couldn’t carry them and asked if could come back. More attitude! After my last trip I got have a nice day.

This time I had enough of how they treat me there. I wrote a complaint to the Post Office. That was uncalled for and the notice would have been nice. I got an email today actually since it happened on Saturday. Really fast and the Post Master wrote me. I feel important. The true test is when I have to go to the post office and see how am treated. The email was very nice and it was fast. That’s customer service.

An website that has great customer service is Seriously it only took two days! It might have taken one but I am horrible at tech stuff. I couldn’t download the image for some reason. I FB messaged them and they went to work right away! I couldn’t believe it. I was really happy the results and will continue to use them.

On going customer service makes me reevaluate how I feel about product or a service. I finally wrote an email to LoveStruck even though why even have other means to contact them if eventually you have to email them? That doesn’t make any sense. It has been four days of going back and forth with them. It’s really making think differently on this app. Just because of the way I have been waiting for a problem to be resolved and it’s not even a huge problem. If they can’t fix this problem what else can’t they fix? I think of the money thing. Wait for however long on a money problem I would be super pissed if this was the case. They are lucky it’s a minor problem and not money.

It’s a hearts problem and them not counting towards a challenge. I have had enough of it not counting. I don’t know why they can’t just fix this. I also expect more than what I would have gotten from the challenge just because of all this back and forth with them. We will see what the end result if they don’t fix it or do not give me more than I would have earned. Then that’s it. I will just read the stories and never pay for this app again. That is my ultimatum for this app.


For the first time ever I had jealously rage! I have never had jealously rage before so I was surprised when I had it. It’s kinda silly now that I think of it but yeah I had it.

This is what has been going on. Soon we are starting the adoption process. So been talking about this since last year. My sister asks you when you guys start the process. The honest truth we have to pay into taxes this year and it sucks! That’s what we need to start but we have figured it out to do both. It’s nice we don’t have to pay taxes till April so that gives us some lee-way on when to pay for things.

My sister starting saying what if I was your surrogate. At first I was like no way! Then as Jeff and I discussed it, I considered it. Jeff looked up what that would cost and SHOCKED! It costs as much as adoption. Then what if it doesn’t work have to pay again and again. No thanks.

I don’t understand where was everyone about two to three years ago? Or when I was in my twenties. All of sudden I talk about adoption and those two Jeff and my sister talking alternatives. That pissed me off.

Here is jealously rage. My sister was talking she could use her egg and Jeff’s sperm and carry the baby. OH HELL NO! ACTIVATE JEALOUSY RAGE! Jeff is my guy! Yeah that is what my brain was thinking sounds ridiculous now, and I understand that. I get that she would give up all rights to the baby and all of the other stuff it comes with. But the thought of her DNA and Jeff’s really made have jealously rage! All I can say is I am only human.

I took me awhile to decide. So I decide to look at alternatives to get pregnant etc but still do adoption. I just so want a child so badly.

Valentine’s Day

In the beginning the week I didn’t forget about Valentine’s Day. I thought of a romantic comedy to watch Love Actually. I have seen it already but Jeff wanted to see it. Then Valentine’s Day came and I forgot about it. Lol! That’s how much I care about Valentine’s Day.

Anyways we watched Love Actually. I forgot a lot about that movie so it was good to watch again. Jeff said he liked it. I forgot how much nudity is in that movie. Lol!

Helen sent me a great birthday presents! She is always so thoughtful.

Disney on ice

Mom, Bree and I were supposed to see Disney on ice on Sunday but somehow mom got the wrong tickets and we missed it. I was disappointed because I really wanted to see this. I have no idea how mom ordered the wrong tickets.

Then she said she would try to find other tickets and she did! We saw Disney on ice on Saturday instead of Sunday which it worked out because Sunday it was very snowy out.

Now I know this is made for kids. However I didn’t like the first half of the show. It was the retelling of Frozen. I was disappointed on that because I wanted to see more princesses. Even my niece said the same thing and she is eight.

I did like the second half. It was more of the Disney that I know. Like the Lion King, Aladdin and Mulan which my mom and Bree didn’t know who that was! Lol! The dragon was cool. However my favorite was Toy Story. The toy soldiers were neat to see. It was a good time to spend with mom and Bree.


I gave up being sick this week and went to the doctor. I am glad I did! They gave me some good medicine and that day I started to feel better. The doctor told me I had junkie lungs. LOL! Meaning mucus in the lungs which I have asthma so that made since to me.

So…I got a blood blister on my tongue the other night. I didn’t even know that could happen! Was eating and I bit my tongue. No big deal. Then I felt my tongue swell and I looked and there was a blood blister on my tongue! I didn’t know what to do. The internet says do not pop. So I called my mom and my mom says pop it. Mom says to either bite it or stick a needle in it after sanitizing it. She said since I was on antibiotics anyways for my sickness that it would take care of any infection on the tongue if there were to be any.

Jeff suggested putting ice there till was numb. So I did that then I popped it with a needle. Jeff was freaking out! LOL! That I popped it with a needle. I am glad I did though. Now it’s not there and can’t even tell there was anything there. It didn’t hurt when I popped it and it doesn’t hurt now. What adventures I have.

I am going to see Disney on Ice with my mom and Bree on Sunday. I don’t know why but I really want to see this. I grew up watching Disney so I just a big kid sometimes. I think it will be fun.


Ugh! I have been sick! I have never had a sore throat like I did a few days ago in my life! Unfortunately I got Jeff sick. I feel bad about that.

Our weather doesn’t help either. Now it isn’t as cold as it was but we have rain which is turning to ice. Why do we live here again? A question I ask every winter.

So here is a cute pic of Tex and Scotty.


Oh it has been so cold in Wisconsin for the last few days. During the day it has been -15F. Then I got sick. My asthma is terrible and it feels like I have the flu. Been taking my medicine but it’s my throat it has been terribly sore. Ugh!

Tex never sleeps there by himself but he is thinking it’s warm over there.

Scotty has the right idea. Curl up with Jeff.

It was so cold that Jeff had two days off of work and basically everything was closed.

Today it is warm 2F. Heat wave! LOL!

This Sunday is the Superbowl! Of course we are going to watch. I want the Rams to win. Also Maroon 5 is the half time. I know they are going to put on a show. It will be fun to watch.