
Lately I have been watching movies. I watched the most boring stupidest movie. The Nutcracker and the four realms. Now I like the Nutcracker and wow the story was dumb and the acting was terrible. It felt very flat which is sad because this movie is pretty.

Venom I wasn’t sure if I would like this movie and it was good! Tom Hardy is an awesome actor! The movie isn’t dark which is good and the action is great.

Won’t you be my neighbor is about Mister Rogers and I use to watch him as a kid. Great documentary about him and I really didn’t know that much about him. Interesting man.

Ghost in the Shell wasn’t too sure on this one as I know it’s an anime. I never read it but I know a little about it. I actually liked it and the story. Had great actors in it. What I thought was strange that they had Scarlett Johansson who is a great actress but the end her being actually Asian thought it was strange. They should had an Asian actress play her.

Ralph breaks the internet this movie was very funny! The first movie was good but this was great! Jeff even watched this one with me and he didn’t see the first. You don’t really have too. Oh it was so great!

Swiss army man this movie is funny and strange at the same time. At the end I wondered what did you just see?!

Scooby Doo and the gourmet ghost I like Scooby Doo movies but this one was really boring. It also has Bobby Flay in it but still couldn’t make this one good.

Scooby Doo and the 13th ghost terrible movie as well. This has classic tropes in it and it was really boring.


Not a whole lot going on. Snow is finally melting! However it still gets cold at night. So whatever melts turns to puddles then ice. Is it Spring yet?

For adoption nothing going on for us. The adoption agency is now doing background checks. Going to take awhile because of Jeff. Only because he was born in Texas and not Wisconsin. Every time we do background checks this has been the case.


Yesterday was my birthday and I need to talk about it. Last week I made a messenger group inviting the family to breakfast for my birthday. The only person who responded was my sister Chrissy besides I knew my parents where coming.

For thirty five years of my life my parents always ALWAYS pays for birthday meal. First time in ever I turned thirty six and they didn’t. The reason? The reason being is because Corey and his wife came. They claim that they are poor and can’t pay for themselves which is bullshit! Also they never give me anything they are cheapskates. Would have been nice to know they were coming ahead of time because we got to the restaurant first and only put in for who I knew was coming.

No matter what holiday or even birthday all I get from them is a card. Now I grew up you going to someone’s birthday or even any holiday you give them a gift or money. It really isn’t that hard to do even if you don’t know that person very well. We have a store called the Dollar Tree. Where everything is a dollar plus tax. Easy gift, go to store pick out lotion and if you know the person well enough or even best guess they have all kinds. Get gift bag, card and maybe a trinket there done and it can be five dollars or less.

I was mad because they always get what they want and this was MY birthday. I wanted the attention of MY parents and I wanted to talk to them. Didn’t get a chance to because they came. Ugh!

Happy Birthday!

Today is my birthday! I am 36 years old today!

This morning I am going to have breakfast with my parents and Chrissy. I invited my brother and his family but they didn’t respond to me. Oh well missing out on a great breakfast.

Then I have been debating what I want as a treat. So I want Seroogy’s chocolate and Jeff is going to get me some coffee to take home. They have awesome coffee!

Jeff got me a couple of gifts and I got them early. One I wanted he got me a new phone case. The second one that I didn’t know about this skull! It’s awesome!


You know what is dumb it’s hard to find anyone talking about adoption. I have Googled and looked around to see what it takes to adopt and it’s hard. Even people who adopt don’t even talk about the process. And when I say process like what is all included to adopt? I have no idea why?

Isn’t adoption awesome?! I think so.

So in my journal here I am going to write what it takes. This way if anyone wants to adopt they know.

Alright! We had to get for the application copies of: Birth certificates, SS cards, driver licenses. Then we needed letters from all of our insurances. This one took awhile. We needed any life insurances policies which Jeff and I have both have a couple. Home owner insurance, regular insurance and what it covers for the both of us and car insurance.

Had to go to the bank because the adoption agency gave a us a document that we had to fill out and get notarized so the agency can run background checks on the both of us. We also got a cashier check for $500 that is what it costs just for the application.

Not required but we are sending a check for $500 we are sending it certified mail because that is some money! Better safe than sorry, I say.

Officially this weekend we have started the process!


Here is it is book number 48.


What’s funny is when I was last at my mom’s house. She bought this book a 100 books you should read before you die, this was one of the them. Funny!

Some of it though I have to admit was a little hard to read and it made me learn new words. How dare it. Just kidding. Some of it is in French. But overall a good book.

There’s a movie? Yeah I found out there is a movie with the same name from 1935. I got excited because it had Basil Rathbone in it. He was Sherlock. Loved him as Sherlock. Still a great actor his role wasn’t huge in the movie and I think it was wasted talent. He would have been a great Captain Blood.

I thought the movie was okay. I thought they spent too much time in the beginning getting to the point that he turns into a pirate. So just like today the book was better than the movie.

You Choose

I can’t help it I love the apps that you get to choose your own path. I have written about several of them.

On top of that I am reading two paper back books. As I am still working on reading 50 books. If reading apps with choices counted as books I would have read a hundred by now but I am not counting them.

In the app store there are a lot to choose your own and a lot of them are crap. Some are written terribly and some cost too much to play. Some have so many ads they become unplayable. Some you have to wait ridiculous amount of time to play again. On and on.

And…I tried to play more than half of them. My app store is filled with all the choose you owns that failed for me to play them again.


Always read what any app really but for sure choose your own adventures what they want from you. Whether you signing in with your FB account which most of them use. Or an email and really read what is they will take from you. Some of them will use your information and sell it to companies to sell you something with ads or whatever they may use it for. Some of them will use your information for the purpose of the game and keep it until you contact them to be removed. Those are the scariest in my own opinion. I will never use my personal information for those games. I don’t know what will they do with my information. And I have already someone hack into my FB account. Have to be really careful on what information they want.

Time to talk about LoveStruck again. I am losing interest in this app. I think I have been playing now almost a year or little over a year. I am not really sure.

Buyer beware!

LoveStruck in my opinion does not have any customer service. They never fixed my problem and never got back to me and it’s been two weeks. TWO WEEKS?! I am done with them.

My decision is to just read the stories. I have to say I have been skipping days here and there. I use to read every single day but LoveStruck changed my opinion on them. I can’t believe they can’t fix this problem so therefore they do not deserve any of my money. Too bad for them. Also I will be writing a review on the app store.

Which I really do read those reviews on the app store. They can be so informational. They can influence me and let me know about the good and the bad on an app. I find myself still trying out the app to realize that people were right about an app and sometimes they are wrong. I mean before I buy anything on Amazon I look at the reviews same goes for games in the app store.

Choices stepped up their game! Literally! Now you can earn diamonds everyday. You can earn five diamonds a day. There is a little present click on it and you get one diamond everyday. Then watch ads you can earn four more every single day. It’s awesome! Also what is cool and this has happened to me. Let’s say I watch an ad but it didn’t count because in this app that happens sometimes. It will reload another ad, watch it and earn that diamond. WOW! I am impressed Choices!

Another thing is you can choose your gender. There are skins to choose whom you want to look like as well. Except for some of the stories because of the time period which you have to play as a woman. That is understandable because history.

Plus the stories have been better! Here are my favorites right now and some are still adding new chapters. Desire & Decorum 1 and 2, Blood Bound, Open Heart, HSS Class Act 1 and 2, Ride or Die, The Courtesan of Rome, The Heist Monaco, Royal Romance 1, 2 and 3, Perfect Match 2. I didn’t really like the first Perfect Match but the second is better. But still have to play one to carry the choices over to the second book.

I have never had a problem with Choices. They have a great blog as well that tell about the people who write the stories and the stories themselves. Google Pixelberry Studios blog and it will show up.

My new obsession of choose your own is Romance Club. In the app store it’s called Romance Club-stories I play. The artwork in this app is awesome! The characters are full bodied. You can see the expressions on the characters faces as well. However the angry expression on some of the characters are a little scary. That surprised me the first time. Like OH SHIT! That is scared me! It’s funny now.

In this app there is only five stories as I write this. A lot less stories than the other apps and it only updates so far as I have seen every other month. The company that writes this app is Russian. Sometimes not your character but the other characters in the game sometimes pop up with their Russian names in the Russian language.

Another thing is and I am not sure why but I am thinking time zone difference. It sort of sucks but happy to wait for it. When they say there is a new release look at their FB page they tell when the episodes will release. It always happens the day after they say. For example if they say episodes will be released on March 5 it’s will be March 6 for me.

I actually have to go to the app store to update the app. They do not do it automatically like all the other apps. I didn’t know that. I went to the app store and saw that I had to update the game myself. Figured out by myself.

The five stories are Sails in the Fog this one is my favorite! It’s about pirates. You can fall in love with three people in this one, I have found. You can choose between the Captain, a childhood friend or a woman pirate. Of course I choose the Captain. In this story you play as Adelaide. You do not get to choose her name which is find by me.

Moonborn is about vampires and werewolves. The first season of Moonborn is boring and really long! However season 2 and 3 which 3 is out now with some chapters it’s better. If you can get past season one.

The loves interests are a vampire, werewolf and a human. So far in season 3 there is nothing of the human love interest but it’s still new. I choose human and vampire in my story. Also I find that the human love interest isn’t as interesting as the vampire and werewolf in which you spend the most time with.

My Hollywood Story you are an struggling actress. There is a great cliff hanger in this one. Your love interest so far is fashion designer or next door neighbor so far. I choose fashion designer. Also I have to point this out. There is a detective in the story and his name is Jeff. He is a good looking character. I showed my Jeff and he even said he was good looking. LOL! Silly.

Queen in 30 days. Yeah you can guess what this one is about. A king has to find his queen in 30 days. Guess what your character wants to do? lol! But in this one you can choose the king or his body guard.

Shadows of Saintfour is brand new and only has one episode. What I can tell thriller or mystery. One of those or both.

In Romance Club you can get free diamonds and free teas. Instead of tickets or keys they have tea. Lol! It means watching ads to get them but worth it and every day you come back your amount of diamonds increases. At first it was two for me now I get five diamonds a day for a daily reward.

Downside of this app is the choices are crazy expensive! Some choices are as little as five diamonds while other can be as much as hundred! So far buying clothes in this app doesn’t make any difference in the story line. Your character will say “these are rags” however the story line is the same. Some choices you can watch an ad to get the choice.

Each brand new story like Shadows of Saintfour the first episode you will get ten diamonds and you can watch an ad to get two more diamonds. So that is twelve diamonds for a brand new episode. New chapters for stories you can earn diamonds and watch an ad to get two more diamonds. So there is a way to earn diamonds in this app.

There is a cool bonus but the time is ridiculous to me. Especially if it’s for your favorite story. At the end of each season you can have the chance to read a bonus episodes but you have to wait 24 hours! These episodes do not influence the story in any way. What you will get from them is romance, a new hairdo or new piece of jewelry or clothing. There is also diamond choices in the bonus episodes as well. So it’s really up to you if you can wait usually I can’t. lol! I have read two bonus episodes. Moonborn it’s okay. My Hollywood Stories this one you get cool rainbow hair.

In the all the choose your own their are plenty to choose from. And there are plenty of people reading them and reviewing them. These are just the ones I like to read. Choices and Romance Club are my favorite right now. Choices was my first choose you own. Also never had a problem with them.

Let’s face it I am not going to like all the stories in any of these apps. Some stories I use just to get the diamonds and that is okay. It’s just like a real book you gonna love it, hate or it was just okay. That is how it is. Like I said before apps can either make you want to read them or dis guard them. I know as soon as I read all the stories in LoveStruck I will only come back for updates which is fine by me. For Choices I visit everyday and love the updates for their stories. I can’t wait to read my favorites. Romance Club in between months I gather diamonds and reread the stories to get the best possible story line I want.