A few weekends ago we painted our bathroom. I keep forgetting to log into the journal. At one time someone painted the bathroom a peach color. Why?! I have no idea. I don’t care if was the 80’s. Peach! No way! Here is something that I have never encountered any place we lived in. Only one wall in the bathroom would streak. Like it looked like paint streaking but I could wash it off. I have no idea what that was?! Even when it was winter out that wall would streak. So crazy! Since we painted no more streaking on that wall.
I wanted to do a totally different color than tan or white or even off white. I wanted green. But not like dark green a light green. It turned out great!
What’s ironic Adam’s ex girlfriend gave us a picture with the same green. I didn’t know it till we were finished. How it matches. Lol!
I have read one of his other books A Goomba Ways of Life and it was pretty funny and fun to read. Actually Jeff got these books to read. But I know him he will never read them. Too bad too. They are booth good. This book made me laugh and has some good insight for regular life. I love the pics in this book too. Highly recommend this book.
Meh. If I could I would skip this book. Ugh this book is whiny! I don’t really like books with whiny kids in them and this one has one. The only good part of this book was the end. There was no real romance till then. Not even the middle of the book was holding my interest. Oh well I read it and it was painful.
I have to share this pic of Tex and April they are buddies! So cute!
Seriously I think it goes me, April then Jeff when April comes over. LOL! And this is the dog that chose Jeff. Tex just loves April and always wants to play or try and crawl in her lap. Ha ha! Look at that tongue that is Tex’s signature.
Found out April’s cancer came back! I am mad and sad at the same time. Fucking Cancer! The only good news is it’s a slow moving cancer. It’s a lymph node in her throat since she has thyroid cancer.
Okay…So Jeff, April and I went down to Mayo in Rochester Minnesota which is about a 4 hour drive from where Jeff and I live. The day before we went to pick up April which is a hour and forty five minute drive. I only say how long because of what comes up soon. Want to add that Jeff is the best husband ever. Driving us there and back. Also driving around MN. I am glad he was there.
We got to MN in the night and stayed at a pretty okay hotel. The bathroom was strange. It was one room with a toilet and a very slippery shower/tub. While showering I thought how has anyone not fallen out of this tub? It was very slippery. The bed was okay as well. Funny April is like I hate this bed. I am going to sleep on the couch. She loved the couch. She even said I want to take this couch with me. Too Funny!
It’s crazy how they schedule things in Mayo. They schedule appointments way to close together. For example April’s first appointment was at seven in the morning then the next was at 7:45 in the morning. Thinking forty five minutes enough time. Nope! First they make you wait forever and you see the clock tick past your next appointment. We didn’t leave till 8:10. Thankfully they will still take you if you come late but isn’t that ridiculous!
April had three appointments in the morning then one in the afternoon. We got a little break and we ate then went shopping. Afterwards was the big appointment with the doctor to tell us the results.
April and I went into the appointment. I got the death glare from the doctor. She asked who is this. April said this is my sister. Truth! But the death glare? Really?! Anyway April kept asking her what’s the news? She kept side stepping it saying we will get to that. Okay you know it’s bad when the doctor doesn’t get to it.
Then what seems like forever she said that April had cancer and what she needs to do to take care of it. April was like no more surgery! She said surgery. But she gave another option Alcohol injection. Which is ethanol injected right into the lymph node. This should dry up and and disappear all together if successful. The doctor was not willing to say much about it which why?!
By this time April was giving her the business! ROFL! April stated we live in WI not MN. It takes roughly six hours to get here. Also I will not go to appointment after appointment just cause. Are you going to pay for everything? We are not all millionaires! Which Mayo loves to do! They love to schedule appointment after appointment, forever. We met some people who have been there from weeks to months! It’s insane! I love how she stated I have a life.
The thing was all the doctor could say was “I understand” and “You’re young.” When she didn’t know what to say she would say “I understand.” But really she didn’t. The doctor couldn’t give answers to the basic questions. Then when April asked about the injection the doctor answer was “You’re young.” Saying you’re young you can get the surgery and be fine. However April thinking and mine what if more lymph nodes get cancer can’t have surgeries forever. And that is the first thing the doctor said. You can only have so many surgeries and even going back to take this lymph node is risky. So….! The doctor was not listening and just saying those two things over and over. It was frustrating!
Now I am trying to help April on what to do. She suggested getting treatment in Canada which I didn’t think of but heard of others doing. Mayo is suppose to be the best of the best but at this point it doesn’t seem that way.
May 13th we had our first home visit. I was super nervous as I didn’t know how it was going to go. Since we started the home visit we owe our first $2,000 dollars.
Found out didn’t have to clean the house so well. The first visit is an interview. So many questions! Also we both got a strange vibe from her. On the phone she seemed like a warm, caring person but in person total opposite! Not a warm, caring person!
Tex does not like her at all! He barked at her like I have never seen before. He was foaming at the mouth barking at her. We had to put him outside. It was strange yes he barks at people but after awhile he becomes with friends with people. He just didn’t like Kate at all! Never seen him like that before. I guess we all think the same she a strange person.
She also would ask questions in a strange way. Kept saying we are too quiet. Well that is us deal with it. lol! Oh well we will continue to do this since we haven’t changed our minds that we still want to adopt.
We have to do 26 hours of classes. Not sure what they are yet. For sure we have to do 6 hours in person. That means we are going to Milwaukee which is about almost 3 hours away. WORTH IT!
April lent me this book. It’s based on a true story and is made for young adults. I dislike it. I thought to story was lacking emotions. There is also a movie and I watched it. Another case of book is better than the movie even though the book isn’t good. I know this book won lots of awards etc but this book isn’t for me.
On Tuesday Jeff found a book on the road when we were pulling in our driveway. I picked it up and it wasn’t a book I would read. It belonged to the library. So I brought it back and oh wow they were so happy to have it back. The man who rented was super worried about it and it was happy I brought it back.
I think it was meant to be! I been wanting to get a library card and since I had to go there to return that book, I got one. Then the library was having a book sale! I about a lot of books for cheap!
We saw Endgame! I cried a little at the end. Why?! Also why Captain America Why?! I know why but still…favorite character. Iron man dies. It makes sense he was the first so it ends with him. Still sad. However great movie! Totally love it and now can’t wait till it comes out so I can watch them all over again.
We sold our table earlier this year and we have been on the hunt for a new one. Correction Jeff has been on the hunt for a new one. Lol! He has been looking for one for awhile. But on Sunday I found one on Craiglist in like 20 minutes.
It was cool because the guy lived not too far from where I grew up. We drove by my childhood home and it has changed but for the better. It was nice to see the old neighborhood again.
Here’s our new to us table:
We love this table. It fits perfectly next to Tex’s crate. There is a leaf for the table to expand it for six people to sit at the table.
I did something dumb on April 30th. I cut myself with a scissors. It was strange because at first it was like “oh shit!” And it didn’t bleed at first. But then blood! So much blood! I thought I would have to go the ER to get stitches. I washed it and put some Neosporin on it then a band-aid. I did that during the day. At night I looked at it and it didn’t bleed that much. In fact it hasn’t bled since then. I am glad I don’t have to get stitches but for sure going to have a scar on my arm. I feel dumb I did that.
Today Jeff has the day off. We are thinking of seeing Avengers Endgame. We have seen all the Avengers in the theater. So really hope we see it today.
I am working on this baby blanket. I didn’t really get it from my mom. She didn’t want it and so I got it from her stash when she was getting rid of some of her projects. I have to say I don’t really like working on this. This isn’t the tiniest cross stitch I have done but it’s close. However I want to finish it. Maybe it will look awesome when finished, I hope.