
This last weekend was CRAZY! We had a big storm come by and knock out all the electricity and of course internet. It was Friday at night till almost all morning on Saturday. SO! We go to the store to get ice and we pack what we could in our cooler. Like not even five minutes later the power comes back on. Good but also it was like WTF! Thankfully we didn’t lose that much food during the power outage. In fact we were pretty lucky. Some people didn’t have power until today, Monday.

Then on Saturday we had another major storm come through after we unpacked the cooler. Of course right?! Thankfully the power stayed on. The storms were crazy it was like night outside. Scotty was scared but not Tex. He wanted to go outside while the eye of the storm was going on. Smh! Well at least he isn’t scared of storms. But still I was like you have to wait. Also hoping he wouldn’t go inside the house. Thankfully he waited.

Jeff got a great pic of Tex.

I think is my favorite pic of him!

Friday going back in time here. Friday 19th in the morning we went to Green Bay to eat breakfast with my mom and Bree. We were in Green Bay because we needed to drop off Jeff’s mattress. That was whole thing.

So get this we bought the mattress at Verlo they have a thing if you want your mattress fluffed or repaired. They come to the house and pick up and later that day they drop it off. Well apparently they were too busy for them to come to our home. So Jeff said we would drop it off. See Jeff has a spring mattress and I have a foam one. You wouldn’t noticed that they are separate beds in our room since we pushed them together and so it looks like a king bed. Never sleeping on a spring mattress again. Also I am upset with Verlo for this. Because it was literally a cluster-fuck. No one knew what was going on when we dropped it off.

Anyways since we had time to kill. I have been talking about getting my ears pierced again. My left ear piercing keeps closing up and finally I let it all the way because I got sick of fighting with it.

I got my ears pierced when I was three! It has been a long time. My mom got her nose ring at the Colourbox in Green Bay. While we were waiting I got new piercings! Yay! But I decided to get four piercings. It only hurt a tiny bit and I have to leave them in for six to eight weeks. I love them. I tried getting a pic to see all four piercings but only could just do one ear to see.

It was very hot out on Friday in the 90sF. I totally love my piercings! Everyone at the Colourbox were very friendly. OH and the price was a lot cheaper than I thought. It only cost $42 plus tip. Cheap! Sort of strange they only take cash but worth it!


Went to the dentist for a cleaning and it was good and bad. First the good. For the first time in my life I have great teeth (sort of). Anyways I didn’t bleed a whole bunch when she flossed my teeth which I usually do. There was less scraping too. She said I don’t really have a lot of plague either. I can’t believe it!

She asked if I drink soda and I said no. I gave that up years ago and now I am on the Keto diet. She said that’s awesome! By giving up soda and sugar will make my teeth stronger over time. OMG! Have I never heard that in my life.

The bad I have a stress fracture in one of teeth from only eating on one side of my mouth. It has a filling only. If it had a root canal I would get it pulled out. But a crown I will do and I don’t care what color it is either. Silver, white or gold whatever fix the problem.

The lady said this would be the last of the “soda teeth”. If I continue with no sugar and no soda. I could have the best teeth and not have to worry about so many problems in the future.

Speaking of which on the diet, I fit places! In the dentist chair those arms always sit on my hips. Not anymore! Also in the dentist office have those chairs that are meant for skinny people. I fit! I am not skinny but hey I can sit comfortably in those chairs.

This gives me the confidence to keep going. It’s been hare because I can’t eat this or that but the results. I love it!


Our chest of broke! The bottom drawer died. It was on it’s way out but I finally did it and broke it beyond repair. So we needed a new chest of drawers and Jeff found this! I loved it because I really like the style.

In the ad I thought it was blue and tan but it’s black and tan. That’s okay I still love it. Also it was nice her son helped us load it in our car.

Also we sold our chest of drawers that was broken. Literally people will take anything for the right price. We made $20 dollars off the broken chess of drawers. And the woman didn’t even haggle so yay!

Tex came home! Yay! Oh he is more behaved! We have to do more at home. I have to work with him everyday to keep him well behaved. Sometimes he doesn’t listen to me but it’s all in just keep practicing. Soon the trianer will come back to our home to show us more stuff for us to work on. It’s awesome! He already knows but they say they have to teach the humans. Lol true!

Also we couldn’t believe it but Tex is taller! He looked different but it’s his face that is the same and that TONGUE! LOL! Doesn’t stay in his mouth. Of course when I want to take pic he moves.

On the Keto diet Jeff has lost 28 pounds all together. And I lost 10! It’s awesome!


Tex comes home on Saturday. I can’t wait we miss him.

I have been learning a computer language. I have been learning HTML5 at I like they have a work area to make the lessons to see how the code works. Also awesome area to ask questions and others answer. It’s free and I like it even though it’s hard. After I learn HTML5 I want to learn CSS. What I want to do in the future is to make my own story game apps. I think that would be fun.

We put in an A/C in our house. It’s called a split system.

This cools the half of our house so nicely. Gets so hot on one side of the house because the sun always beams down on it. We do have an really old A/C but it is on the front of the house that works. But wow this split system is super quiet as well.

On Wednesday there was a baby buck in our back yard. Could tell is was a buck he had tiny fuzzy horns. Jeff got some good pics of him.


WHOOOOOOO! We are finished with all of our home studies!

Now all we have left is our training then after that we wait to be approved for our Foster Care license. Which Kate said it will take a few weeks. Then we go into the pool of other couples. At that time Kate can show moms our profile.

I was worried that Kate wouldn’t like our house but she really didn’t nit pick on things. Just walked around and said we have to do our check list. But she doesn’t see anything wrong with our house. Whew!

Now on to the training.


July 4th was Tex’s first birthday!

I love this pic. He is showing me his favorite blanket.

I love that his birthday is July 4! It’s always be a celebration! Also easy to remember.

Jeff and I made an awesome Keto Pizza.

Keto Chill pizza:

Preheat oven to 375

2 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese

1/2 of cup of almond flour

Garlic powder

Onion powder



1 teaspoon of baking powder

Put in microwave till it’s melted together and mix

Take two parchment papers. Put dough in the middle and roll out to desire shape. Take off first layer of parchment paper put into baking sheet

Bake the dough for 5 minutes or till brown on top

Pop those dough bubbles


One packet of Hidden Valley Chive and Onion

Mix with 16 oz of sour cream

Spread on pizza

Make bacon

Chop up bacon

Put bacon and favorite pizza cheese. We used sharp cheese.


Best served cold and it was so yummy!


This coming weekend we are going to celebrate Independence Day. We went firework shopping last week. It was okay. It was really, really hot out!

I lost six pounds! I am happy but I wish it was more. Lol! The reason being is I have lost six, gained six, lost six and so on. So I wasn’t like jumping for joy that I lost six pounds. But it is a start.

Jeff has been working on his car. I think it’s cool he starting his hobby again. I have never seen him actually working on it since we been together. I can tell it makes him happy!

We sent off Tex. He is in training now for 2 weeks and we miss him. We won’t be able to celebrate his birthday which is the 4th. But we will when he comes back. I think this is good for him. We will have well trained dog that won’t run off. That is my biggest fear that he will run off and we will never be able to find him.