
Sunday September 22 at night Jeff and I are watching TV, it’s around 6:30 and I get the most horrible pain on the right side of my stomach. OMG! I felt like crying it hurt so bad. Decided to just sleep it off, hoping it go away the next day.

It did and it didn’t. Of course I Googled it and then became worried that it could be appendicitis. It was iffy for me because it’s period week. I called my mom and she was like go to the ER as soon as you can could be appendicitis. She also made a good point, she said I would know if it was my period.

Jeff took me at noon on Monday September 23 to the ER. The nurse I had was really nice. I never know who I am going to get. I had a young doctor and he was nice too. He ordered a CT Scan never had one of those. But first they gave me morphine. I have never had morphine in my life. It made me feel so relaxed!

I had to get an IV and then go for my scan. I have to say worst experience I have ever had in an ER. When they wheeled me in the CT Scan room. That nurse told me they will give me solution and it will make me feel very warm inside.

When they tried to put the solution it wouldn’t go in my vein. Here’s the hurty part. They tried my right arm first and couldn’t do it. So the nurse stuck me 4 FUCKING TIMES in my left arm. I was on the verge of crying it hurt so bad! In my right arm they left the tube in and they caped it. But every time I would move my arm I could see blood fill the tube. When I would my arm down the blood would go back in. I am not sure if it’s suppose to do that. Also it pinched my arm too. I was in a lot of pain!

In my left arm I could also see the blood fill the tube. It’s a strange thing to see. One of the nurse was like just put more tape on the arm. I am allergic to the tape but I was like just whatever get this done!! Finally they got the solution in and I could feel warm all over then they took the scan.

When I got back I told Jeff I rather have a tooth pulled out of my mouth with no anesthesia then ever have another CT Scan. They also told Jeff I would be back in like 20 minutes. I was in there for a little over 30 minutes. After all that I just wanted to go home. My arms were on fire!

After waiting forever the doctor came in and said I sprained that muscle. I was relieved that it was all it was. When the nurse came in she took the needles out of my arms and bandaged me up. When she was telling me what I should do to make it better she….farted! LOL!

After she left Jeff asked if I farted. I was like no the nurse did. It smelled terribly! Well time to leave.

The following days my arm!!! My side! ugh! For some days my arm hurt more than my side but at night my side hurts. I hate that I have to deal with it but I also did it to myself.


Last Friday September 13 I saw Miss Lori and got my hair done. I love the color.

I lost 14 pounds all together. I am feeling pretty good.

September 15 Jeff and I have been married for 12 years. Already?! Awesome! He got my favorite flowers.


Went to Jeff’s grandpa’s funeral on Wednesday. I have to say the shortest funeral I have ever attended and it was by design. That is what he wanted something short and no fuss. The priest was pretty good too.

Met a lot of people I will never see again and have never met before. But I have to say there was no drama and everyone was friendly. The funeral home was very nice as well.

Expect for one thing the weather. It rained so hard! We all met at the cemetery even in the rain. Afterwards Jeff’s dad and wife and us went out to eat.


Saturday was fun then sad.

Saturday during the day we celebrated my mom’s birthday. Time to tell rude sister in law moment again. So Mom, Jeff, Chrissy and I are at the table talking and having a good time. My mom says “Hey Kim come over here and sit with us and talk.” Kim ignores her to play with her phone instead. Mom said it twice and she completely ignores her. Rude much?!

Anyways it was good time to celebrate with my mom, she turned 64.

The sad….at about seven o’clock at night we get a call from Ken telling us that his dad isn’t doing so good. Asked if we wanted to meet him at the nursing home. We went and about quarter to 9 Ken’s dad died. It was sad.

Now for the messed up part.

Jeff’s cousin Mark comes with Ken’s ex girlfriend…strange right and a bit awkward. Even more so I didn’t remember her at all. Jeff had to tell me later. Yeah so Ken’s nephew is dating his ex girlfriend. That’s not awkward at all right…..yikes! Also Mark didn’t even give Jeff a hug at all just ignored him. WTF! Why does family have to be so weird at times? Also Jeff’s brother didn’t show up even though we all live in the same town! SMH!

Ken gave Jeff such a nice compliment. He told Jeff you are always there for me. I was like OMG! What a great thing to say.


FINALLY Tex has his cone off. That thing was annoying! I literally have bruises on all over my legs from him running into me.

What’s strange Tex grew again! When we took off the cone. We both swear he is taller now. Lol! Does he ever stop? Too cute and funny he is!

I know it’s the beginning of September but I am getting ready my Halloween folder for scary! I decided I am going to blog on 31 days of scary! And oooo I can’t wait to see Doctor Sleep! I am actually going to go see that in theaters by myself when it comes out. I am waiting to get the book too. The sequel to the Shining! You know I am going to watch the Shining as well. Just have too.

Mom tasked me to plan for her birthday this weekend. Well her bday is the 9th but that is in the week. So so far it’s just me, Jeff, Mom, Dad and my sister and kids. I have no idea if my older brother and family are coming. I will be surprised if my sister in law shows up. She might have to watch Netflix instead. LOL!

For Keto Jeff lost 50 pounds!!! Proud of him. I am still sitting at 11 pounds. However I have lost more around myself. So I am happy with that.