
It’s that time of year again to be crapped on. YAY! Yeah I am a bit mad right now. The thing is I shouldn’t be but I am. That’s the hard part. I shouldn’t, I should let it go because it is what it is. But I can’t help it being mad at my siblings once more because tis the season.

Ah yes that time again to talk about Christmas gifts. Everything was going so well too. We all decided to go all in for parents gifts. I like that idea. What I don’t like as now everyone saying don’t buy my kids gifts and us too.


This is what makes me mad because we already got all the kids gifts. Plus I made everyone a cross stitch picture. I am mad because I didn’t have to waste my time on that. And Jeff is making that cool sign for Drew. All that time and money but mostly time. So yeah I am MAD! They could have let us know ahead of time. Well just too DAMN bad they are getting Christmas presents and they shove them where the sun don’t shine for all I care. And I know I shouldn’t be angry but I am.

Seems like every year it’s like this and I should’ve of know by now. But it feels like being punished for having a big heart. Ugh! Damn you feelings.

(Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly)

Last Saturday we went to our last adoption training. YAY!

We had to go to Milwaukee for our last training and sit with two other couples for 8 hours. It was a long day. However every one was nice. We have one more thing to do now. We have to make a scrapbook on ourselves so the birth mom’s can look at it and hopefully choose us.

I am excited we are almost done with the first process of adoption! YAY!


Woweee! Truly!

I have decided the post office in my town are run by children. Here’s the deal last Wednesday we got an Amazon package. I opened it and realized it wasn’t addressed to us. But I accidentally opened it. It was cute soft panda bear stuff animal. I tapped it back up and left it outside hoping the mailman would come back. He didn’t.

So that night we contacted Amazon on what to do with the package and they told us to keep it. Their policy is to just send another package again.

However that Saturday our mailman came to door and gave me a lecture and practically was yelling at me that it was my fault I don’t have the package anymore. Even though he was the one who left the package to the wrong address and never came back for it. How was that my fault? He acted like a child that was throwing a hissy fit. I thought that was the end of it.

But oh no….

We got a letter in the mail stating if we didn’t contact the post office that we were going to get a visit from the Post Master Inspector. WTF! Really WTF?!

So I had Jeff call because he takes no shit from no one. Also he sounds intimidating on the phone when he wants too. Jeff told the Post Master what happened told him that he contacted Amazon and even provided the transcript to him. What the Post Master said was “Why didn’t you call the post office?” He told him he contacted the shipper. Wouldn’t you? The Post Master didn’t really say anything. I hope that is it. Jeff also told him that the mailman wasn’t too kind to me.

I hope that is the end of that. But really what a bunch of children. Our mailman can’t even talk to me like an adult to resolve the problem. He doesn’t have to like me but he could treat me with respect like I do to him. I really don’t like him at all but I don’t act like it.

On Tuesday I went to see Doctor Sleep by myself. I really, really liked this movie! It answers a lot of questions I had about the Shinning. Also Ewan Mcgregor is an amazing actor, I think. I would recommend this movie to people if they love the Shinning. It’s not scary I would say more like eerie but awesome at the same time.

On this Wednesday I had to go the dentist. We got a new dentist because our dentist retired. I have to say the new dentist is nice. However this is a ha ha ha thing. Our new dentist is a female dentist. I have to say it’s the first time in my life to have a female dentist which I was thinking wow! All this time I haven’t had a female dentist. Surgeons are different. Anyways ha ha ha moment. So our new dentist has big boobs. LOL! I don’t know how to say it but when I look up at her in the chair, I can’t really see her eyes just her breast in front of my face. Sometimes when she bends down uh yeah boobs near the face. I am not offended it’s just funny! What can one do?! LOL!


This week is chill week before crazy week!

Next week a lot of things are going on. I finally get my tooth fixed. Been waiting for almost 2 months. Getting a new crown. I am also if the weather is good go see Doctor Sleep. I can’t wait! It snowed and it’s now winter as it doesn’t melt.

Also next weekend we go for our final adoption training. Finally we will be done with all of that training. Then all we have to do is make a adoption scrapbook so birth mom’s can look at and hopefully one will choose us.