
Something funny happened. Okay in FB messenger my brother Adam messages us all that he is going for an interview to wish him luck. This was Monday. Corey message me personally and asks what is that monster I used to tease Adam and you when you were little. And honestly I couldn’t remember. He wanted to give something special from him. So I said Adam likes Jason from the Jason films. I thought he was gonna do a meme with Jason. He didn’t he just posted a pic of Jason. ROFL! Omg I couldn’t stop laughing because that didn’t make any sense.

A couple of days before this, Jeff sent Corey a funny meme with food. And it was supposed to be funny. Corey replies with if you teach a man to fish etc. We are like WHAT?! It didn’t make any sense the reply since it was supposed to be just funny. We are like is Corey on drugs or something? We are still so confused about his reply to this day.

My dad retires March 31 and then my parents are going a cruise. At first I was happy for them but now I am worried about that virus Covid-19. It doesn’t help that I have been keeping up on it. Where it’s at and all of that. There has been cases in CA where they are driving too. My dad even said he is not sure if there is going to be a cruise.

I am worried.


Jeff and I are starting to figure out our floors and what to put there. It’s hard to decide what to lay down. Also we decided to update our kitchen. We are looking how to update our counters as they are original to the house. We are thinking of going with painting them with something. It’s hard to choose what to paint them as. As there is are so many products but we agree a stone looking counters would be cool.

I like thinking of what we can do to improve our house. Actually doing it though….that’s the hard part.


Every once in a while I do one of those mask for your skin. I got this mask. I understand it’s for men but I had to try it because it had a scent. Also is there a real difference if a man or a woman uses it? I don’t think so.

NEVER do this mask. The spearmint felt like it was gonna burn my face off and my eyes. It burned so much! I couldn’t wait the 15 to 20 mins for it to set. It burned! This man looks too happy to have his face burned off. I have never done any mint masks but other scents I have done. Now I know no mint or spearmint or anything with mint in the title.

Jeff got me a gift. You know how much I love Resident Evil. I have been wanting this graphic novel. He said he saw it on Ebay and got it for me because on Amazon it’s expensive anywhere from 40-60 dollars. He got it for me for $6!

There is nothing wrong with it either. It doesn’t smell or have any pages missing. What a great deal and he surprised me. Awe!

Do I have to say it….I guess. We got more snow this weekend. I sick of WINTER!!!!!!

Happy Birthday

Saturday we celebrated my dad’s birthday. It was fun. My dad turned 65. He is really happy because the end of March he retires. He and my mom are going on a cruise for like 3 months.

One of the plastic balloons started on fire. LOL! And it’s an ice cream cake. It was way funny! It was fun day.