
Yesterday Jeff and I went to a new restaurant for us. My parent’s told us about it. It’s called the Greenwitch Bistro. It was really, really good! Everything there is organic. The service was amazing as well. We will definitely be going back.

I call it the great debate of 2020. To wear a mask or not. Jeff hates wearing his mask. I think it’s a good idea to wear a mask. Even got a fancy one.

I have crazy frizzy hair. Lol!


Last week, we had my sister’s dog. Bailey and Marley. At first, everyone got along until late Tuesday. Marley peed in the house three times and pooped in our home two times. He supposed to be potty trained, I guess not in my house for some reason. He also didn’t like Tex after Tuesday. Think because was jealous that Tex and Bailey were hanging out. He would bark and growl at him. Good thing that is all he would do and not be aggressive to him.

Bailey and Tex were buddies. It was neat to see. They would play ball together! If Bailey got the ball first she would drop it and Tex would bring it to me. So silly! I called her Diva as well because all she wanted to be is the center of attention. Bailey was so cute!

However it was time for them to go. It’s was pretty cool to have four dogs and to see what’s like to have more than two. I think one day I would like to have three dogs all at once but four is a bit much for me.

The poop situation wasn’t a big deal as my mom and sister thought it would be. My dogs poop bigger and at least 2 times a day most of the time. So it wasn’t bad at all.

Having Bailey and Marley convinced Jeff of getting a medium-size dog because all he wants is big dogs. Lol!

They were happy to go home and I am happy to have my two fur babies.

Bailey is the light tan and Marley the dark brown. They are Labradoodles. It’s funny they wanted to share that tiny bed.


Last weekend was the 4th of July. We went to my parent’s house. I saw three of my aunts and uncles. Some were leery about getting close to anyone and one of my aunts was like “Can I just hug you?” I was like yes! I haven’t been anywhere.

Everyone was there for maybe a couple of hours but Jeff and I stayed a lot longer then that. It was nice to chat with the parents.

Also on the 4th was Tex’s birthday! He turned 2.

We got him a Kong ball. Since Tex is a heavy chewer and he loves his other Kong toy. He hasn’t destroyed that we figured a ball would hold up. Tex loves balls it’s his favorite toy.

Back up to last Wednesday July 1st. Jeff and I did our first landscaping project. We have been talking about it forever and finally did it. We put down rubber mulch and planted some Hostas.




Saturday is not only July 4 Independence Day, it’s Tex’s birthday. He is going to be 2!

Saturday will be the first time this year where Jeff and I are going to a family get together. We will see how that goes. I have heard some of my aunts are nervous coming. Anyways it will good to see them. No need for hugging. I think it will be fun.