
I did it! I changed my hair color. It was a lot of research to do it and I have to say I am happy with it.

Here is the process I did and it worked for me. First of all my hair was really healthy so that helped. Before starting the process it actually started a whole 7 days before doing anything. I didn’t wash my hair for a whole week. Then I combed my hair. After that I slept with a pure coconut hair mask the night before. I have to say that really sucked. Sleeping in a shower cap AND the coconut oil kept running down the back of my neck and back. Probably kept the mask on for about 10 hours. I got up and had coffee and didn’t do my hair right away. So yeah I think about 10 hours of coconut oil mask for my hair.

I didn’t wash it out. We bleached with the oil in. Was it messy…hell yes! Jeff was my hairdresser and I have to say he did a good job. I got Clairol professional white 30 developer and L’Oreal quick blue bleach. This was enough to do two times. I bought these items on Amazon.

I left the bleach in for an hour. Bleach eats everything and it did it’s job. But since my hair was dark to begin with it left my hair on the bit of the orange side but I knew I would need more than one bleaching. I also checked my hair after we did the first bleaching by stretching and it was still intact. Not super stretchy so I knew from my research I COULD do another bleaching.

I waited some days to give my hair a bit of breather before bleaching it again. I didn’t do coconut oil again. But I have to say by doing the coconut oil the first time the bleach didn’t burn me. I was surprised because I thought it would burn but having the oil helped that. Also my hair was soft! Soft after bleaching?! Crazy!

The second bleaching after washing my got stretchy and that means stop! So I did. I have to say my ends of my hair got dry but it’s not too bad. After the second bleaching, I did another coconut oil mask for an hour. That helped the dryness.

After the second time of bleaching my hair was yellow not so much orange. I wasn’t sure if I was going to tone it or not since I didn’t think the color was too bad. Then I decided to tone it after all. I am glad I did. I like this color of my hair.

I did, however, damage some of my hair. I knew it was going to do anyway. It was worth it to me. I decided I am going to see what I can do with my hair by myself. I have been doing a lot of research on many things I can do for my hair to bring it back. Not all the way healthy like it was but things I can do to help it. I am also thinking I may do some semi-permanent colors. I want to have fun with my hair.

Happy Anniversary

Usually I am on top of writing but lately I haven’t. I’ll try to be better at that.

Happy Anniversary to my wonderful husband. Tuesday we have been married 13 years! I can’t believe it already!

I made these for our anniversary:

So cute! Jeff was surprised and he loved them.

He said he felt guilty he didn’t get me anything. I told him he gets me lots of things throughout the year. I just wanted to make him something.

Happy Anniversary to the love of my life!


It’s like collecting books but their video games. Yay! I got two new video games. I got Everybody has gone to Rapture and The Order 1886. The Order is a game I have wanted since it came out however it has terrible reviews. Even though the game is so gorgeous the run time is very low. For that I wasn’t willing to pay the 60 dollars back then. But a couple of days ago it came out for 5 dollars! Now that literally is a steal.

This weekened I am going to do girls weekend. Not sure what that entails this year. But I do get to see Bree and my sister Chrissy is always good.

My mom had to have surgery on her side. May years ago she had to have a shut put in the back of her head to the side of her. A piece broke off and she was in terrible pain. She said she is doing good.

We had drastic change of weather. First it was hot and now all of sudden it’s cold. Know what that means winter is coming. At this point in the year I am like whatever.

Video Games

It’s a video game extravaganza! The world has gone mad and I don’t want to be out in it. What’s the best way to past time VIDEO GAMES! I have gotten so many video games this year, it’s awesome!

I have gotten: Detroit become human, Beyond two souls, State of mind, Valley, Wolfenstein old blood, Metro Exodus, and a DLC, Layers of Fear, Guns gore and cannoli and Guns gore and cannoli 2.

Guns gore and cannoli and it’s a sequel is a local co-op. I have been trying to find games that Jeff and I can play for a long time. This one is FUN! I have seen the local co-op games geared for kids. So I was happy when I found this. When they say gore they mean it! We are playing the first one right now.

Today I will be getting Tony Hawk 1 & 2. I can’t wait to play it. Oh man, I remember playing them all except for 5. I skipped that Tony Hawk game. When Adam comes for a visit. I can’t wait to play with him. They say this game also has local co-op.

Truly a video game extravaganza! I even still have some games I bought last year that I haven’t play thoroughly yet. I also want The Last of us part 2 for Christmas. So I will be busy this winter.