Cross Stitch Mania

I have been cross stitching so much! I am in that kind of mood again to do more cross stitching. The one I am most proud of is the one I made for Adam for Christmas.

I know Adam’s favorite scary movies is Jason. I think it turned out great!

Jeff wanted this one so I did it. He picked out the colors. LOL! I do love this one.

I just finished this one. I thought it was so cute! I had to do this. Dino Christmas and he’s blue like my favorite color.

This one just makes me happy when looking at it. The pattern calls for white Aida but I thought the black would make it stand out more. I changed the coloring on the pattern too, to rainbow. I think it turned out great!

This is the first one I started with. I think the pic doesn’t do it justice but it’s a pumpkin candle.


Last weekend we did pumpkins. Of course, Jeff did an amazing job. Mine well…..not so much. Lol! One of the pumpkins looks odd. I tried to fix it but it didn’t turn out too well.

I did the ones on the left. Jeff did the ones on the right. The first and third pumpkins I did, I got from my Uncle’s farm. They gave the best seeds!

Tex was so interesting in us carving pumpkins. It was funny to see him be so serious watching us. Lol!


Not a whole lot going on this week. This weekend is errand extravaganza! Going to see my parents and pick up two pumpkins my dad got from his brother’s farm. I am going to pick up some pumpkins so we can carve them this weekend. Then all that life errands like the grocery store and get some pellets for heat. I hate the pellets part they are heavy bags.

I can’t wait to see my mom I haven’t seen her since having surgery. It’s been very bad in our town with Covid. It’s like the disease is closing in here. We try to be safe as possible so maybe we won’t get it.

I think doing pumpkins will help keep my mind off it for a little while at least.


Scary: My mom went to the ER for chest and back pain. The first thing that comes to mind is a heart attack. After they did tests found out that her gallbladder was bad. She had to stay at the hospital for the night and the next day had surgery to take out her gallbladder. After that another night in the hospital and another surgery to take out 100 gallbladder stones! CRAZY!

After surgery and being home she is happy. I was surprised and back to normal. She said it was scary but now she is good. She is a silly woman. She has to go back in November to take out the stent. I am glad she is okay.

This week I had my yearly physical. I really didn’t want to go. Well I never want to go to the doctor but this year I really, really didn’t want to go. Because my town has grown so much in Covid cases like crazy in the last month.

Here is something super dumb. At the doctor’s they have an area blocked off for Covid. However to get to the waiting room to see the regular doctor have to walk in the area where potential people have Covid. How dumb is that?! Ugh my town is dumb a lot of times.

At the doctor I am normal. I say I am not. Lol! Anyways all my levels for everything is good. I am in a good health.