Happy Birthday

Wednesday was my 38th birthday! Wow, 38 years I have been on this earth. It’s crazy to say in two years I will be 40. I have learned a lot in my 38 years.

The biggest thing I have learned and even more so because of Covid. Is what kind of people my siblings are. Good and bad. I have a closer bond with my sister and my younger brother. As my older brother is now a lot more strained and I don’t forsee me getting closer to him anytime soon.

I have to say I am more open-minded than I used to be. I see on Facebook how people become too divided. Also hehehe Facebook. I say the reason why I still use Facebook is because one yes I do play some of it’s games. But also a lot of my older family members use it and keeps me connected to them. Anyways back to the point is I don’t understand the divide. If one person wants to live their life in their own way, how can that be bad? It doesn’t affect me in anyway. On top of that why say this or that negatively towards one another? The whole vaccination thing has a lot of people on this side or that side. I say, whatever you feel is right for you, you should do that. It shouldn’t matter really what others think but that’s Facebook and the internet as a whole. For me I am going to do whatever I think is right for me.

On my birthday I went to the dentist and was actually excited to go. Please write that down on the calendar. Danielle wanted to go to the dentist. Yes! I got my partial dentures. Now I can eat properly and not be embarrassed when I smile. No one has ever pointed out when I smile I am missing teeth it’s more how I feel about it.

I got The Dark Pictures Man from Medan and Little Hope. I love those games where I can choose my own path. The Man from Medan I bought from the money my parents gave me and Little Hope is what Jeff got me.

On Saturday Jeff is going to make ribs for dinner. I love ribs! Then I get to choose the movie we watch. I picked The Colony it’s one of my favorite underrated movies and Jeff has never seen it.


I feel so lucky! On Thursday Jeff told me he put me on a list to get a call to get the vaccine. It was leftover doses from the day. Anybody spouses at his work who wanted one. That’s me! I have been wanting to get one so badly! I was so jealous that Jeff got vaccinated because I really want to be vaccinated too.

I thought to myself there is no way they going to call because it was only for this week and only Thursday and Friday. They said they usually have 0-11 doses left over. Also, they said in this email Jeff sent me that I would have to be there in 20 minutes or less which is doable for me. Just didn’t think I would get a call. I called my county because they also opened up for appointments. I called them on Sunday and left a message. Never got a call back all week.

I was all ready to go by the end of the day since the email said between 5 or 6 pm may get a call. At 5:30 I got the call! I was so excited! I am so happy that Jeff put me on the list. I went there and I got Moderna which Jeff has too. He got his second shot on Friday. So far so good. He said he doesn’t feel any different. We will see how he feels this weekend. After my first shot, I felt fine. They made me wait 30 minutes afterward because I am allergic to Penicillin. I saw others that only had to wait 15 minutes afterward. I felt fine though and my arm didn’t hurt. Also, side note I got my period on Thursday and well it kinds sucks getting the shot on the same day but also happy to get my shot. I was listening to the workers talking while I was waiting because I was the last one for the day. I literally got the last shot left over for the day! I heard they called maybe like 4 other people before me and they either couldn’t make it in 20 minutes or refused. That’s why I feel so lucky I got it on Thursday.

Later that night I got a huge headache and felt so fatigued. Then on Friday morning my arm hurt really badly. It reminded me of how bad when I get the flu shot in my arm. The only difference with the flu shot I usually get a lump but with this, I didn’t get that. Throughout the day on Friday, I felt fatigued then feel better so on and on all day.

I am a happy girl though. It’s worth feeling like poop to get the vaccine. That means I can go see my family, well the ones that are vaccinated. I wouldn’t put others at risk because I am vaccinated. I can still give it to someone else who isn’t vaccinated. Also, the worry of getting Covid is less. Of course, still, wear my mask and wash my hand more often will still be a practice for me.


My hair really needed to be dyed! I gave myself a little hair cut too before dying it.

I did black and purple together for the top and middle. Then just purple on the ends. The results:

I LOVE IT! Jeff dyed my hair for me. He has gotten so good at it!

It’s the best hair dye! Iroiro has made my hair so soft. Also looks at the waves and curls. They are back! It feels like my hair. Before it felt dry and it was so straight. I have been trying to get it back to this. I finally succeeded. I used coconut oil conditioner and Sulfate free, argan oil shampoo.

This is the last dye I will do on my long hair. After this fades, goodbye hair. It’s really thick again and it will be nice to have no hair for summer.