
Last week I was really sick. It came out of nowhere and I have no idea where I have gotten it from. It was some kind of stomach virus. I took a Covid test and it came out negative so that was good. Also on top of that, I tore a muscle in my abdomen don’t ask how. Now I am all better from being sick but still in pain because of my torn muscle. Seems to take forever too. The worst is that I can’t bend down. It sucks!

Holy Shit! War has broken out in Russia vs Ukraine. I asked Helen what she thought of it and she has told me. What can I do? Truth. None of the common people can do anything about it. I know that Helen hates Putin ever since we have been friends so I understand. I don’t know what will happen but I will be watching. One can only pray for the people of both countries because only Putin and his followers want this.


I feel so much better! I had a tooth pulled on Thursday. I have to say that it was the easiest ever! The dentist didn’t have to rip my jaw off to get it out. In fact, I didn’t feel it come out at all. Funny I told him FYI I am a bleeder. He is taking out the tooth and he is like oh, well you did warn me. Oh, that’s some blood. LOL! Good thing I warned him. He had blood all over his fingers. That’s average for me. He was so great at it and explained everything. I have never had anybody explain things to me like that ever and I had a lot of teeth taken out. I learned things I didn’t know. Like the gauze has to be wet to put it back in and to keep in there for long periods of time. Not keep taking it out. I used to do that. Made the process a lot easier.

Made an appointment to see my doctor about my anxiety. Getting that done. Also going to get a dental implant this year. Making changes that are good for me.


Last week was not a great week. I went to my dentist who I have been seeing since 2020. I thought he was a great dentist. Till I went in to see him about my toothache. They took some x-rays and he flat out said that he can’t find anything wrong with that tooth or the one before it. He said that maybe it needs a root canal. When I told him that I don’t do root canals anymore his attitude shifted. He asked why? I said because they don’t work for me. They always fail.

I wanted to remind him when he convinced me to get a root canal in 2020 and it was months of pain and it still failed! Had to have it removed anyway. That was it for me, no more root canals. He didn’t like that answer. I should have questioned him further after this part happened but I didn’t realize what he did till it was too late. He told me to call this place where I had my implants and tooth removed. Tell them to give it a second look. I didn’t realize that place needed a referral which my dentist didn’t give to me on purpose because he didn’t like that I would remove the tooth. What an asshole!

When I called that other place that is what they told me. They needed paperwork and x-rays from my dentist which my dentist didn’t do for me. So for two days, I was in a lot of pain which triggered a panic attack which I haven’t had one of those in a really long time. My anxiety was at its peak. It was bad and I was in pain as well. This also means that I need to see a doctor about my anxiety. I feel I can’t control it anymore by myself. But that is a different problem for a different day.

Anyway, I was mad! I had to do some looking around and found a dentist by searching in Google. He was in my insurance network. His website was impressive and the Google reviews were all 5 stars so I thought I would give him a chance. I am glad I did. He saw an infection brewing in my mouth which has been there since I saw the last dentist. He gave me some medicine. However, he said that if it doesn’t get better when I see him next which is this Thursday then I have to make a decision on what I want to do. I am thinking of removing of course.

This dentist saw a dark spot under my root canal that has but I feel it’s the tooth behind that one. Which by the way the old dentist would have seen that dark spot under my root canal too. He was just being a prick and not saying anything. Also, he could see the infection in my mouth but refused to give me anything for it as well because I disagreed on what I should do with my mouth.

Today and last night I am in pain. Now my tooth is waking me up at night that isn’t good. The infection seems to be going down. I figure that I will have one less tooth again by the end of the week. But that is how it goes. I am glad I found a good dentist. Let’s hope he stays good for years to come.