Last Thursday was the most fun! Mom and her friend Georgia came over and picked me up. She is an older lady and my mom’s best friend. Now my mom has had best friends in the past and usually has a falling out. But Georgia is something different. I can tell they will be best friends as long as they are alive. They gel so well together! I also like Georgia what a lovely lady.

Last Thursday we went for lunch and went to a vast crafts sale at Herrschners in Steven Point. I had so much fun with both of them together. I was kinda nervous about meeting Georgia and going with her and my mom. But turned out to be a great day. Plus I got a nice haul.

I can’t wait to do them all! Mom picked up some good stuff too. Georgia was there just to be out of her house and be with mom. It was fun though to hang out with them and get some really cool projects for cheap.

Monday was a day. It had ups and downs. Monday was the day we went to Appleton and had to get up at 6 A.M. You know how I feel about mornings. It sucked. I was so tired! We had to take both vehicles as Jeff wanted to get our new truck lowered. Has been something he wrestled with is lowering the truck or putting steps on it. He did put steps on it but then decided to get it lowered. So now the steps are coming off.

The place said that they would have it done by 2 and we gave them the truck at 8. Well, they didn’t have it done till almost 5:30! I thought that was bullshit! We were waiting and I had the idea to just go home and then come back but they said 2. So we thought we would do some shopping and then hit Badger Sports Park. Where they have games and you can win stupid prizes but it’s fun. Also, the weather was very shitty. It was hot and stormy!

Badger’s Sports Park was fun. Jeff won me this and I couldn’t believe he won. lol!

We also took these fun pics too! So we did have fun there.

But it was a really long day and also a huge storm came through as well. We did make it back home before the storm came to our town. It was just a long day though.

Here is my new review. I didn’t think I would like this movie but I did!

Last week I was in terrible pain again! My mouth what am I supposed to do? Feel like all my teeth want to come out. Why? So again went to the dentist. I told the lady “I bet you see me on the schedule and think: Oh no not her again.” I chuckled. She said oh no that’s not what we think or I think. I think oh no! I hope it’s nothing serious. We chuckled about it. We have that Life 360 app where it tracks where someone goes in the car. It says that I have been to the dentist 20 times this year! Crazy!

My lower tooth was hurting really badly. I was very frustrated and cried a little because I am so frustrated with my teeth. What the hell is going on?! I saw the dentist and I thought he was going to be like I said before. “Oh no not her.” But he wasn’t like that. I don’t know why I think the worse of people. I told him which tooth hurt really badly. He said he couldn’t find anything wrong with that one. I was thinking oh no not again! Will he help me or not? Because that is how this all started my other dentist wouldn’t help me. So I found this dentist. But I was wrong which is good. He took an x-ray and showed me that nothing is wrong with the tooth but if I wanted it out, he would take it out. But he rather I kept it. Then he asked do you grind or clench your teeth at night? *Sigh* Yes I clench my teeth at night not all nights but yes some nights. He said he could tell. His plan was to keep the tooth but make adjustments so it wouldn’t hit my upper teeth. Which they grind it down a little, I have had that done before. It’s no big deal. He suggested a nightguard and I finally gave in to getting one. I thought it was going to be really expensive but no. It was only $50 dollars. Awesome!

That night after seeing the dentist a little bump came out. I freaked out a little bit because it was hard and I didn’t know what it was. Also, that’s the place it hurt before and then. Last Friday I went back and told him where the spot was. He felt and was like that’s part of you. It’s part of your jaw. Sometimes the bone will protrude out and have a bump. They are usually harmless but I can give you two options. Option one is I cut open your gums, shave off the bone, and put in some stitches that should take care of it. Option two I give you lidocaine and you put that on before every meal. Hmmm, which option do you think I choose?

Option 2! I told him that sounded scary option one. He was like really? I am like yes! So scary! I don’t want to do that. So I got my night guard. I only have seven teeth on top. I tried the over-the-counter mouth guard and I couldn’t get it molded. I am glad I went with the dentist one. Look how small it is. Lol!

It looks blue in the pic but it’s actually purple. I thought I was going to hate it but I actually like it. Now I don’t wake up with a sore jaw from clenching all night. Also, lidocaine tastes like fruit punch. LOL! It smells like fruit punch too. It’s weird. But it’s been helping with that nub in my jaw. So I hope it all gets better. I rather save teeth than take them out if possible.

I made this sweet treat wreath. It was easier than the Owl wreath. I have to say I do like the owl one better but I like this one. It had more tiny pieces with it. I like that this wreath is sparkly. I added the extra flair all around because I mean they give you extra sequins and pearls. Why not use them.