What can I say is WTF?! Seriously! So….was in Green Bay for a dentist appointment and worked it out with mom and dad to meet for early dinner afterward for the purpose of having Jeff’s bday lunch or dinner with them. They suggested one place but we thought it was another place. No big deal as so I thought. So we met at Cheesecake Rebellion in Green Bay. Which had excellent reviews. I will get to that later. My parents were not happy to go there.

Jeff said, “I bet your mom will have that angry look on her face when she walks in.” I was like yeah probably and she did! I felt bad for our waitress. My parents were acting like children who didn’t get their way. I have never felt so awkward around them. Jeff and I had the same thought, when can we leave? All they did was complain because we didn’t go to the right restaurant.

Okay let’s talk about those reviews for Cheesecake Rebellion I told Jeff I think those reviews have to be fake at least some of them because there were no negative reviews. I am always suspicious when there is not at least one bad review. Put it this way I could have made a better meal. It wasn’t great. It wasn’t worth the money either. Also, Cheesecake Rebellion is a Star Wars theme restaurant. A child could have done better. It was very mundane for its theme.

What is up with everyone just being assholes all of a sudden? First Adam and now the parents. Ugh!

I am not feeling it this week and it’s all Adam’s fault. SO! Adam is back he came back last Wednesday. We told him that we go and see him on Monday. Monday at night we were going to have a potluck so everyone could see Adam. But we said we spend all day with him. We all met at a restaurant and the first thing he said “Jeez, no one came to see me since I been here. You guys couldn’t even see me on Sunday. That sucks. You guys suck.” He made me feel terrible.

Here is the thing the only reason he came to Wisconsin was his friend was getting married. I figured he would get drunk at the wedding. So what would be the point of seeing him on Sunday if he is hungover? So we go and hang out with him at the parent’s house.

Then when we leave after the potluck he says can you see me again. We said yeah we will come for dinner tomorrow which was Tuesday. Then he says oh I can’t going to go hang out with friends. But bitches when we couldn’t see him or make time for him before.

He made me feel like this:

Also, he has been saying really mean things and then saying just kidding. It doesn’t feel like he is kidding. He is being such an asshole this time. I don’t understand last time we had so much fun and he seemed more grown up. This time he is so cynical and mean-spirited. I am glad he is leaving back to Portland. I really don’t want to be around him anymore.

People from my town are frustrating people. For months we have been trying to get anyone out to give us an estimate on redoing the outside of the house. It’s like they say like pulling teeth to get anyone out here. Doesn’t anyone want business? I know it’s summer, I know they are busy. But a phone call, text, or literally anything to say hey we put you on the schedule that is all we are asking so we know.

Oh God, don’t even get me started with the electrician! I was getting frustrated with that guy. I know it’s not Jeff’s fault but I was hounding him to find anyone else to come over and get this shit done. I was so mad. I mean just call back and say you are busy, so we could find someone else. Jeff was insistent on having this one electrician who came over early this summer. FINALLY, he came on Wednesday.

We had three guys come and look at what we wanted to do to our house. We really need new siding on our house as a lot of it is rotten plus we want other things done on the outside. The first guy came out and never got us a quote ever. He has never called or emailed or anything. Never heard from that guy again. That was over a month ago. About two weeks ago we had another guy come. Still waiting for his quote. UGH! The last guy came to see what we wanted. Within days he gave us a quote. I told Jeff if that second guy doesn’t give us a quote by next week Friday. Forget it! We will go with the third guy. Ridiculous!

Who knew that getting quotes from people would be so hard? We aren’t even picky. Just whenever they have time to come out. Which you would think would be easier for them. UGH! Well oh well. I have a feeling the third guy will be our choice. We shouldn’t have to call or remind the second guy what we wanted or whatever. He should have taken better notes. We were also told the second guy was going to have someone come and measure. That has never happened either. Sucks for them.

I want to say all three of these people have a pretty good rating. The first guy his business had 5 stars on Google. Did you see “had”? Not anymore. I lowered their score. Sucks for them. Also, reviews can always be changed. If they tried to reach out or anything it could have been avoided. I don’t feel bad about that.

A funny Jeff was like no more reviews till we see what happens. LOL! I will not be a keyboard warrior until we decide who we want. Pretty sure the third guy though.