Jeff and I have been debating on getting a puppy for a while now. But I wasn’t sure because Tex is such a good dog. We remember that Tex did love Scotty. So we thought he would like to have another dog around. We thought a female dog this time.

Jeff found this 5-month-old puppy named Marley that was 2 hours away from us. We put in our application and was approved very fast. On Wednesday we schedule a meet-up and possibly take her home. We had to bring Tex with us. He did really good in the car this time. He doesn’t like car rides.

We met her at her Foster’s mom house. Nice lady and huge fenced-in backyard. We liked Marley but I wasn’t too sure. Jeff really liked her so we decided to take her. When we got home it was NOT good. Tex was having a huge panic attack like we have never seen before. Marley was not nice to him and even tried to bite him. Also, she didn’t like me. She would never look at me or give me kisses. When Jeff held her, she would give him kisses and look at him. I could tell she didn’t care for me. Plus Tex having this huge panic attack.

Tex has never ever been aggressive toward other people or other dogs ever. He was cool with my sister’s dogs and my Aunt’s dogs. He has seen and been around other dogs. But Marley was being aggressive towards Tex. It was not a good situation.

Jeff talked to the Foster mom and asked if we could bring her back and she was totally cool with that. She thanked us for being really honest about it. Why lie about that.

When we got back again really late at night. Tex was like we have never seen him before. He started talking and being super affectionate! He was super happy for us to be back and with no other dog with us.

We have learned a lesson. Tex has to be the only one. We are cool with that. At least now we know. As I said Tex is such a great dog! He doesn’t chew on anything, never has an accident, he is fun-loving and overall a great dog.

I was really sick last week. The most I have been ill in a long time. No, it wasn’t Covid it was in my chest. I had a terrible time with my asthma too. It was bad. It was four days of sickness. I also had the worst headache I have ever had for a week too. It was kinda scary.

I am all better. Now I have to be more cautious because it’s snowed today! SNOW! I have to be careful about how cold it is so I don’t have an asthma problem again. Jeff was so wonderful. He got me lotion tissues and a humidifier for my side of the bedroom.

I didn’t add it last time but we got a new to us truck…..Okay I have to say this. I wasn’t happy that Jeff wanted to get a different truck because we drove to Michigan to get that one truck earlier this year. That sucked! Plus all the things he did to the truck too. New tires okay yes that was needed but he got a lowering kit installed. That was a crap day to get that done. When told me he wanted a different truck I was mad.

He found another one a Dodge Ram just like the one we sold to get the other truck from MI. We had to go to Ladysmith Wisconsin which we have never been there before but it’s a small town. That was a day. First, it takes three hours to get there and then three hours to get back.

Well…I couldn’t be mad anymore about getting a different truck because we had to tack the Silverado because our other SUV had to go the shop for a repair. On the way to Ladysmith, our truck lost power and couldn’t get it to over 50 miles per hour. It sucked! So it took longer to get there. Thankfully they had an O’Reilly’s Auto Parts store so they could check it. Jeff bought the part and we headed to the place where the Ram was. Also, very lucky that the Ram was at a small-time car dealer and repair shop.

I have to say everyone was nice but also the lady was starting to get annoying. Found out it was the man who was selling the truck’s daughter. She made me feel uncomfortable. Just her in general. I also thought she was a bit on the dumb side. Besides that everyone else was very nice. They even changed the part for us on our truck for free. In the end, we did get the truck and I do admit it is nicer than the Silverado.

Now though we are having a lot of trouble selling the Silverado. So now we are stuck with it until someone buys it which I hate. I told Jeff the Ram has to last at least ten years because no more trucks. This is it. I know that sounds like I am being difficult but I hate switching vehicles even more so trucks. Plus it doesn’t help our finances. That’s the part I hate the most!

I have been having fun learning about the Untouchables tv show! I am putting this show one of my favorites to watch of all time. I said one of my favorites. Lol!

Another cross-stitch project for my wall. It was cute and had to do this one. Alien Christmas!