I have finished project 2! Yay!

The pic really doesn’t do it justice but I can say that I finished them! I will turn them into magnets and then give them away for Christmas, on to the next project.

Next Wednesday I am going to start my tattoo! I am excited and nervous at the same time.

I am trying to stay positive this year. Been hard sometimes but I need to get back on track with that. Sometimes my family still brings me down because they don’t care to know about me more. It makes me sad. It seems they are all in their own world and I know that happens. Even more so Adam and my mom. It’s ALWAYS about them, all the time. They can make me feel unimportant and it really sucks. However, I am going to try hard to not let them bring me down this year. I know I have said this time and time again. I am only human. I will try and try and if I am not trying then what is the point? That’s why this year I am going to keep myself busy and not be so lazy about things.

I only did it myself but going through carb withdrawals. lol! It sucks. Oh well, it will get better.

I just found out that my town is getting my favorite coffee shop, a Dunkin’ Donuts I am excited.

I am unsure what I should make my sister-in-law for Mother’s Day. Ugh, I hate it. So, I am making flowers for my mom and my sister. I don’t want to make flowers for my sister-in-law as I don’t like her. I usually give her the ugliest flowers. Lol! I did that last year. But I can’t just make flowers for my mom and my sister as we all celebrate together. Ugh, oh well again. It is what it is. I just don’t like the fact I have to waste my time making something for someone who I don’t want to. I am just going to do it anyways.

I feel better from Covid took forever. There are some side effects I have noticed from having Covid. One thing is some coffee that I liked before doesn’t taste great anymore. That sucks. Another thing is I think Covid damaged the nerve in my jaw. I gotta talk to my dentist when I see him later this year on seeing someone to take a look at it. I went for a cleaning and my teeth are doing great but OMG my jaw hurt so bad later that day and the next day and the next. It felt like I fell on my face hard. I couldn’t talk that much or eat because my jaw hurt so bad. It didn’t feel like any one tooth it felt like my whole jaw was in pain. When I first got Covid my mouth hurt really badly for a good week. Then it started to get better till I went to the dentist and had to hold up my mouth open. I really think it’s a nerve in my jaw. I feel better now but it could hurt in the future. So, gonna see what can be done about that.

I felt so bad on Saturday! That day was lunch with Chrissy and their family. I almost canceled because I felt so bad. But I went anyways. I had a great time with everyone and Chrissy got me this for my birthday this Friday!

That is a purse which is cool. I told her she didn’t have to get me anything and she paid for lunch. That was so nice of her to do. She asked if she should invite Corey and Kim and I said no. Hahahaha! My theory with Corey is we all have internet he could contact me at any time and he never does so oh well with him. I am too old to deal with family bullshit.

Later on Saturday, I did go to Urgent Care. The doctor told me I got a cold after having Covid. She gave me some cough suppressants and they have helped so much! No more waking up at night to cough and feeling terrible because of coughing. I still feel not myself a hundred percent but I think I am getting there.

I am 40 today! 40! I can’t believe I am 40 now. I am not sure how to feel about it. One thing though is I made it! I am still here. I am happy about that.

Well, I am feeling better from Covid except for this chest cough. I gotta go to the doctor’s next week to see what can be done.

Today I am having lunch with my sister and her kids. To celebrate my birthday which is next Friday. I think that will be fun.

I have to add this. This creeped me out! About a month ago April told me these two elderly ladies were checking out. April works at Walmart as the self-checkout cashier. She said she had a nice conversation with them as they were checking out. Their bill came to a little over a thousand dollars! Then they took off! The police were called and April had to make a statement. Yesterday the police came to her work and told her they caught one of the ladies. April asked if she gotta go to court now. The police officer said no because they have been looking for her because she committed murder. MURDER!!!! AHHHHH! April chatted with a murderer. That’s creepy to her and me. She said she couldn’t believe it and this woman is like in her 70s. So crazy!

Today I am having lunch with my sister and her kids. To celebrate my birthday which is next Friday. I think that will be fun.

After 3 years Jeff got Covid from a co-worker. Then I got it. It has sucked so much! It has been over a week now since I got it. UGH! I lost my taste and smell for 2 days. I didn’t like that.

After a week of having Covid, I have so, so much mucus. I hate it! There is little to say this week as I am still recovering from Covid.