Not a whole lot going on this week. I got this project done and I don’t really like it. lol!

It’s okay. I don’t like the finished project. Also, never glued a project like his altogether. There was hardly any sewing.

Wednesday, April 19 went to get my tattoo finished which I thought but didn’t turn out that way. In my mind, I thought maybe a slight fade in the background, maybe some shadow zombies. But DAMN!!! Wade outdid himself. He drew up this badass background that I so wanted! Now I will have 3 Resident Evil references which I love!

Here it is so far also Tex photo-bombed me lol!

OMG! I am so happy with it so much! It’s not done but damn this time hurt so badly too! Okay so of course the Emblem on the hazmat lady and the zombie girl are the references you can see right now. There will be another later. AHHHH!! I am in love with it! Can’t wait to get it all finished. Will see Wade at the end of May to finish. So far I spent 14 hours total getting this tattoo.

Last Wed April 5th was a long day! I went to Triumph Tattoo in Green Bay to start my tattoo. It took about an hour to really hold down what I really wanted. Wade was awesome! He really honed in on what I wanted the tattoo to be. It was a lot harder than I thought too. A LOT of details I didn’t think of for the tattoo.

We spent 8 hours there that day. I was sore! Worth it! Here is the first part of my tattoo!

The hand holding the bat is my hand! He took pics of me holding a bat. I think that is cool! Also, it’s original. Of course not finished yet. Got to add some things and going to have a background. Next Wed. April 19 it will be finished. This is everything I wanted! Zombies killer lady and Resident Evil. I can’t wait till next week to see how it will look all done.