Next Wednesday I can’t wait to get my tattoo all finished! I am so excited to end the process. I can’t wait to see it all done.

I can’t believe it’s going to be June. Going to hang out with my mom to go crafting one full day! Which is one of my favorite things to get and look at. Something else to look forward to.

Okay, one more thing. Next week Jeff and I will almost be done with getting the house ready for the builders to come and change the outside of our house. We, also get new windows! I am excited.

I finished another YouTube video:

Mother’s Day went good. I made these flowers for my Mom, sister, and sister-in-law.

Chrissy really loved these. She was like how long did it take you? WOW! I love these. I think she thanked me a million times, which surprised me. That day was a good day.

I am all the better from my rashes which whew I thought I would have to see a dermatologist. I am glad I do not have to. I am getting another implant in July. I am looking forward to it and I am looking forward to finishing my tattoo.

Made up with my sister so Mother’s Day is back on. It was good we could move
passed it like adults.

My legs! Sunday, I went back to Urgent Care. I got another round of pills. I
was debating on seeing a dermatologist because I figured skin, they know skin.
But now I think I will wait. I think my legs got extremely dry. They felt very
scaly. I got Aquaphor and wow this stuff has helped me so much! I really wished
I did this first before going back the 3rd time but at least now I can
get some relief. Also, I am able to sleep which is so important. I was not a
happy person because I couldn’t sleep because of my legs.

We went to Ulta Beauty on Tuesday because I had to go to the dentist to make a
plan for another implant. I wanted to get my mom a gift card for there. I have
only been in Ulta one time with my mom. I don’t know, I thought it was going
to be fun to look around. I was wrong! This place actually gave me anxiety and I
was having a wonderful day. First of all, the smells were all perfume mixed
together literally burning my eyes. I felt like I didn’t belong there. I
wanted to look at the makeup but just couldn’t. I felt so anxious there. So,
crazy! We just got the gift card and left. I never want to go back there again.

This week was NOT a great week.

As you know I got my tattoo but I got a tattoo rash which I found is common. On April 27 I went to Urgent Care and I got antibiotics. Well, I got a really bad allergic reaction and broke out all over my body. May 3 I went to the ER. It was so insane. Since April 27 I have not slept well and so very tired. Then I thought about going back to the doctor again because even in the ER they pumped me full of drugs my legs itched and burned still. However, I decided to wait it out and I am glad I did. My legs are starting to look better. Still a bit itchy and I have to take Benadryl but my tattoo is no longer hot to the touch. I am happy about that.

I got into a huge argument with my sister. I am not proud of it. Just all about Mother’s Day. I hate Mother’s Day. I don’t understand why I have to plan Mother’s Day. I was just so upset with my sister and the things she said. Adam never helps the situation. Always have to play peacemaker and that makes me more upset. But it worked out in the end. I talked to Chrissy and we worked it out. Now all is right in my world again.

Today Ken and Milenna are coming over. Jeff is starting his classic car up. It hasn’t been started up I think he said 20 or 25 years. Something like that. A really long time. So, that will be cool.

On Sunday we are visiting my parents and bringing them lunch. We are going to hang out with them to see how they are doing.