I got sick!!!! I am sick of 2024. Even though Jeff said I can’t be done with the whole year. But I am. I feel a bit down because I keep getting sick which makes me feel stuck. I feel stuck in reading as I am trying to read more this year. I feel stuck that I can’t learn something new because I keep getting sick or being in pain.

I am worried about April. She is having a lot of problems health-wise. We were supposed to see each other on Monday. She told me we couldn’t because she was coughing up blood. I told her to go to the ER. At the ER she told me they treated her unsympathetic. I told her that’s typical. Not a lot of compassion anymore at the ER. They did nothing for her.

Since then she’s been sick with coughing up some blood and throwing up. She sees a doctor in June but now she has to work while being this sick. A whole month she has to go this way. I feel so bad for her.

I didn’t really know what to write for this week until Thursday night. *sigh* So, it’s Adam again….Kaela Adam’s BFF messaged me saying Adam was going to commit suicide. She told him that she would call his parents. He got mad and yelled at her. Told her to leave and she did. Then she messaged me about what was going on. *sigh*

I called mom and told her what was going on. She told me to tell Kaela to call the cops and ask them to do a welfare check. She did that and the cops were out there. I called him no answer. I decided to get my sister to call him and she did. Wouldn’t answer.

Here is the thing. Since I was a teen this has been going on. He threatens to commit suicide but never does it. Sounds bad but the parents and I are sick of his woes me attitude and not helping himself. We all tried over and over helping him and he’s 38 now. He needs to help himself.

He did call me to say he was sorry. I told him to go to the hospital and check yourself in. He has done it before so I know he can do it. I made him promise me to go check himself in. He said he promised and he will do it on Friday. I don’t if he did or what else is going on.

Just have to wait and see what happens next.

For over a month now I have been in pain. Ugh! Finally got a hold of an ear, nose, and throat doctor. Can’t see them till May but at least I will get it done. My ear hurts and it feels like someone is always punching my nose. It has to be my sinus.

My parents are back. I showed them the strawberry tattoo. At first, I told them I got a new tattoo and they will like it. They said they wouldn’t. I showed them and they loved it. lol! We went out to eat and had a good time.

I got this blanket done for April: