I decorated our lawn:

I love how some glow in the dark!

We had some wicked storms this week! Feel so bad for Tex. He was so scared he lived on his chairs for days. Of course, he got his CBD. That helped him sleep through some of it.

Now we are supposed to have some hot summer days. We will see.

Mother’s Day was last Sunday. Chrissy thought it was a good idea for a video call for all the siblings and the parents. I was so upset on this call! I wanted to hang up but no I put on my fake smile and endured. I was upset because everyone just forgave Adam and moved on. But not too long ago he threatened to commit suicide and that’s okay….This is not okay behavior. I can’t just forgive and then forget. That’s crazy! It made me feel so uncomfortable that everyone was laughing and having a good time while not too long ago that happened. No wonder he gets away with that behavior. It’s gross.

Then Chrissy texted me asking if I was okay. I wanted to say NO! If I said that, then she would tell Mom and be a whole thing. I just said yeah. I have to stay away from Adam. He is toxic and I will never be okay with his behavior ever again.

Went to my ear, nose, and throat appointment. Was so hoping they would find something. Guess what? I am normal. My hearing is good and so are my sinuses. All they gave me was a nose spray, which I am not going to take. I was sick when I went. All they wanted was to treat my sickness with a nose spray. I just can’t! I hate putting anything in my nose. I guess I will just have pain every so often for no reason. Not sure what else to do.

Then I went to my regular doctor the next day. He gave me some medicine since my cough had moved to my lungs. It really helped. I guess I should have gotten some meds beforehand. The meds helped so much! I had a really deep cough for weeks.

Other than that nothing else. Trying to get better.